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Carlos' search - SeaFalcon - 10-12-2011

Carlos' Search
Carlos had been looking for this Anna Prentice for a while now. Finely he got some leads on that mysterious
girl that had been on Malta for some '€˜questioning'€™. She has been into Alpha a few days ago. It didn'€™t take
Carlos long to recognize her though. Although her voice sounded like she was drunk. Carlos was just sitting
from a distance in his Sabre, watching her talk with some other Outcasts and smugglers. She wasn'€™t making
much sense though.

She left Alpha with a smuggler, Carlos followed at some distance so that they wouldn'€™t notice him too fast.
He managed to not draw much attention. He overheard them, hearing they would be heading to Omega 49.
Carlos heard enough and headed out before they would. He reached Gran Canaria in time. Now it was a
matter of waiting for them to show up.

It took a while but there they were, although the smuggler flew a Sabre now. Carlos kept the ships in view
from the planet with his scanners. Finally Anna was left alone in space, this was his chance. He took off and
headed for her Eagle. The Eagle was drifting off a bit oddly. Carlos brought his sabre close to the Eagle to
look into the cockpit. He chuckled upon seeing what he saw in the cockpit. Anna was dangling half out of her
seat. She seemed to have knocked herself out.

Moving the sabre under to Eagle to be able to board it, not much later Carlos stood in the cargo bay of the
Eagle. He sneaked towards the cockpit. Seeing Anna being passed out in her seat. Some empty bottles were
laying on the floor. Carlos chuckled as he picked one of the bottled up. '€˜Rakia'€™ it said. Carlos squatted
next to Anna, looking her into her face. Her eyes closed, she looked peaceful.

He stood back up and pulled out a little sensor-like device from his pocket while he walked back to the cargo
bay. his hand glided over the side of the Eagle, suddenly he stopped and took a few steps back.
[color=#66CCCC] '€œhere it is.'€
He said quietly, as he found a little seam in the wall. He opened a little hatch in the side of the Eagle sticking
his arm in placing a '€˜bug'€™ on the outside of the Ejection pod of the Eagle.
'€œThere we go'€

Carlos checked the device. It showed that Anna'€™s ship was on Thunder Bay Depot. He grinned shortly and
took of heading towards Thunder Bay for a little '€˜date'€™.
'€œLet'€™s see if she is able to talk now.'€


Finally he arrived at the small junker base which was on the outreaches of the Ontario system. Carlos smiled
and nodded gently as he checked his scanner for the final time. Her ship must be here. He request permission
to dock and before he knew it he was already docking, his Sabre softy guided by the autopilot towards its
parking place. There is was, the Eagle. A young woman was working on some metal parts next to the Eagle,
holding a blowtorch and having a protective mask over her head.

Carlos felt happy, everything was going smoothly. He got out of his ship and walked towards the Eagle,
inspecting it from a distance first. It looked rather messed up. scorch marks on it'€™s wing. Then Carlos noticed
that the other wing was completely missing. He walked closer to the Eagle, his hands together behind his back,
he stood straight, looking at the girl. He was confident now. That was her, that was Anna.

Stepping closer to the Eagle, he moved his hand over the lines of the Eagle. Finally he stood next to Anna,
she still didn'€™t notice Carlos next to her as she was focused on the metal part she was working on. Carlos
looked around the hangar. It was quiet, that was a good thing he thought. He bended a bit over, to look
better at the metal part Anna was working on. Anna suddenly stopped as she noticed the man standing next
to her. Carlos smiled as he stood back up straight.

Anna removed her protection mask from her face and turned around to the man.
'€œDidn'€™t see you, there'€
Giving him a somewhat curious look. Carlos nodded with a smile.
'€œBusy, isn'€™t it?'€
'€œQuite, and you are?'€
Carlos offered his hand to Anna for a handshake.
'€œCarlos, Carlos Franco'€
'€œAh...'€ Anna said curt
She nodded her mask back on, turning back around to resume her work with the metal piece.
Carlos retreated his hand, putting it down into his pocket, he remained standing where he was, just watching
Anna'€™s work for a while. Anna tried to focus back onto her work, but she wasn'€™t really able to with that man
watching over her shoulder.
'€œAre you looking for something?'€ Anna sighed as she turned around to Carlos
'€œActually I am.'€ He said with a friendly smile on his face.

Anna laid away the blowtorch, onto the bench where the piece of metal was also laying on. She did the same
with her mask.
'€œDon'€™t tell me you'€™re looking for me'€ Giving a sharp look at Carlos
'€œActually I lost something, do you mind?'€
Carlos gestured his hands to the Eagle, saying he'€™d like to have a look inside. Anna frowned a bit at Carlos,
wondering what he was after.
'€œYou lost my Eagle?'€ She says on a funny tone.
'€œNo, it'€™s inside of that ship actually, your ship apparently.'€ Carlos said calm.
'€œheh, I doubt you lost anything in that ship.'€
'€œI figured you wouldn'€™t believe it. Will you tell me your name if I'€™m, right?'€
'€œIf you say it like that, it sounds like you already know my name.'€

Carlos already had walked off towards the Eagle, opening the cargo hatch in the back to get inside. He had
to help it a bit with his hands as the hydraulics weren'€™t properly working anymore. Anna remained standing
where she was, looking at Carlos with a bit of a stunned and wondering look. After some time Carlos
returned holding a little device in his hand. He was still smiling as he walked back to Anna.
'€œSo Anna, we finally meet...'€
He placed the '€˜bug'€™ on the table next to Anna for her to see what it actually was.
'€œHeh, you tracked me down, how di-...'€
'€œDrunken people don'€™t pay attention to much what happens around them, Anna.'€
She folded her arm, giving another sharp look at Carlos.
'€œSo what do you want from me.'€
'€œYou'€™re pretty straight to the point, isn'€™t it.'€
'€œI'€™m waiting for a answer...'€

Anna tapped her feet on the floor a few times, showing she wasn'€™t really in the mood of playing games.
'€œCan you answer a few questions for me?'€
'€œNo I can'€™t, you answer mine.'€
'€œIf you answer mine, you'€™ll find out why I'€™m here, Anna'€ Carlos sighed
'€œJust tell me, it'€™s much more easy if you just tell me straight away.'€
'€œIf you'€™re that curious why not answer me my questions?'€
Carlos sat down onto a bench neat the Eagle, some equipment laying next to him, he lend back resting on
both his hands, calmly waiting for Anna to reply. Anna shook her head, her face turned annoyed.
'€œFine, tell me your question.'€
'€œRight, first question; You know anything about Samantha Marquez, that she got shot down?'€
'€œI do.'€
'€œCare to elaborate?'€
'€œSomebody sho-...'€ Anna stopped as she noticed the 13th logo on Carlos'€™ uniform.
'€œYou'€™re one of them, heh, right. I'€™m not going to answer you one damned thing.'€


Anna turned herself around grabbing her bag with a few tools she walked away with a fast pace.
'€œAnna, wait....'€
Carlos rushed after her, coming in front of her to block her way to the hallway.
'€œYou'€™re not going anywhere until you answered my questions.'€
'€œI'€™m not going to answer you anything, move!'€
Carlos'€™ voice changed from calm to very sincere, though not angry.
'€œAnna, listen to me, don'€™t make it harder then it is.'€
'€œMove!'€ Anna said curt and angry.
He grabbed her shoulder with both hands.
'€œAnna, don'€™t be stupid, and just answer me my questions.'€
Anna looked angered at the hands of Carlos, she pushed him back, making him lose his grip on Anna'€™s
'€œDon'€™t you dare touching me!'€
The look on Carlos'€™ face changed on each rejection or protest he got from Anna, going from bad to worse.
He grabbed her arms firmly, shaking Anna twice.
'€œGet some sense girl, I'€™m not here to hurt you, don'€™t be so paranoid.'€
'€œParanoid haha... '€œ Anna laughed, she looked Carlos in his eyes
'€œGet out of my sight!'€
Carlos sighed and dragged Anna on her arms towards the wall of the hallway pushing her against it.
'€œAnna, listen dammit, are you really that scared of me, just because of some stupid logo on my clothing?'€
'€œLet - me - go!'€
Anna kept her voice sharp and remained looking into Carlos eyes, showing she meant it.
'€œNo, you calm down first'€
'€œI'€™m not going to repeat myself again.'€ Anna said.
'€œThen we have a problem.'€
'€œDo we now?'€
Anna used her leg to push Carlos away, as soon as her arms were released she gave Carlos a hard
backhand on his cheek.
'€œDon'€™t you dare following me.'€
Anna took off down the hallway heading to her room, walking in a fast pace, shortly looking over her
shoulder to see if Carlos was following. He wasn'€™t, Carlos just sighed and leaned again the wall, rubbing
his hand over his cheek for a moment, he started to chuckle, as he saw Anna walk away.


In the mean time in Anna'€™s apartment...

Nicholas sat almost squarely in the center of the bed, he was hugging his knees against his chest, as he
had been doing for the past few hours. He had been in the same position since he woke up, trying to recall
the dream that disturbed his slumber. He slowly closed his eyes, wondering if visualizing would help him

He was sitting in the lake again, staring across at those same watchful eyes that seemed to be in all his
dreams lately. Neither of them was speaking, even though Nick was being told a story; they both glanced
down at the water'€™s surface, the events being relayed to him in its reflection. He tried to remember the
actual content of what was in the water'€™s reflection, but he couldn'€™t remember.

Nicholas crawled out of bed without much enthusiasm, he didn'€™t really want to move, but he felt enough
time had been spent on senseless moping. He also remembered he had an appointment today; why he
had agreed to do simulations was lost to him now, like most things he really wanted to remember. He also
wanted to find Anna, as weird as things were getting he knew avoiding her now would not do anything for
either of their comfort levels. As he left the bedroom and entered the living area, Nicholas wasn'€™t surprised
to find the place empty. Quickly walking past the couch, Nicholas made his way outside the apartment, and
into a narrow hallway.

He made an absent-minded trek down the hallway, walking past a few people, but barely noticing. He knew
where he was going, and how to get there on instinct alone, but something made him stop. It took him a
moment to realize what it was, but it happened again. Someone was calling his name. Nicholas turned
around to find the culprit. A moderately tall young man, slender, with cropped brown hair, was waving at
him, his light blue eyes flashing with a warning of mischief.
'€œHey, Lucas,'€ Nicholas grumbled, becoming somewhat aware of his surroundings now.

'€œMan, Nick, you look like crap.'€
Lucas seemed to be serious, yet joking at the same time, but he went on.
'€œYou just woke up, I guess. Sorry about last night by the way, I didn'€™t mean for things to go that far.'€
Nicholas put his hand on Lucas'€™s shoulder, shaking his head.
'€œDon'€™t worry about it; we never expect things to pan out exactly the way they do.'€
'€œI heard you and Alice were going to be '€œbonding'€ today.'€
Lucas was shamelessly trying to alter the course of the conversation, but Nicholas didn'€™t really care at this
point, he felt like something was wrong, not quite right.
'€œYeah, just a few Sims, I could use the challenge anyway, and we haven'€™t in a long time, maybe she learned
something new. Anyway, if you need to speak, I'€™m kind of busy right now, sorry.'€

Lucas simply gave a brief nod.
'€œI can understand, I was actually on my way to get Jade, we'€™re going to Bretonia to run some errands again.'€

The two men began to walk in opposite directions down the hallway, but now things seemed stranger to
Nick than before. Why would Lucas and Jade have any business in Bretonia of their own? Neither as far as
he knew had ever done any personal work there, only a run here and there for or with someone else. He
shrugged off the thought, thinking it would probably be more productive to go see what damage was done
to his ship after yesterday'€™s craziness. He felt guilty, Lucas had given him that ship as a sign of trust, and he
was careless with it when he got upset. He was proud however that he had never broken their one
agreement in regards to its use.

The walk to the hangar had been relatively short, but Nicholas felt himself growing tired, and he had just
woken up. He discredited the feeling, and pinned it on bad rest. The entry to the hangar was now in sight, he
decided he'€™d let everything else bothering him die down for now.
'€œOne problem to solve at a time, Nick,'€ he thought to himself.


As Nick walked on through the hangar, a figure slowly getting more visible in the poor illuminated hallways of
Thunder Bay. It was Anna, who came walking towards him in a rather fast pace.

'€œNick, I was looking for you...'€ Anna said with rushed sound in her voice.
Nick looks down at Anna, somewhat taken aback, it was unusual for him to find her so easily when he
actually wanted to, even more so for her to find him instead. He places a hand on Anna'€™s shoulder, looking
mildly concerned.
'€œSomething wrong?'€ The way he phrases the question almost seemed like it was a comment.
Anna looked over her shoulder down the hallway in the direction of the hanger. She turned back around
towards Nick, looking him into his eyes.
'€œThe 13th'€¦ They are here.'€
Nick stared at Anna, blinking for a moment, not quite comprehending.
'€œWhat do you mean they'€™re here?'€
'€œI was working on my Eagle, and someone the 13th knocked my shoulder, asking questions.'€ Anna'€™s
hand were getting sweaty, The feeling she had wasn'€™t really what she wanted to feel, this was almost the
same as back on Barrier base, where Jake was killed. She wondered if Carlos was alone, there could be
more of them out there.
'€œRelax, it shouldn'€™t be too big of a problem.'€ He was smiling now, feeling better without really noticing it
for some reason.
'€œBut why are they here..., he wanted to know about Samantha, what happened to her'€
Anna looked away for a short moment thinking back on what had happened on Freeport 10.
'€œIt'€™s not a big deal. Where are they?'€ Nick was trying to move past Anna as he posed his question.
'€œNot a big deal? Did I ever tell you how Jake got to his end? It was like this...'€
She stepped in front of Nick trying to draw more attention. Nicholas looked at Anna, simply shaking his
head. He had no idea how Jake died now that he thought about it. He had never asked Anna to talk about it
for more than one reason, but if she was offering, he was fine listening to it.

Anna placed both hands on Nick'€™s arms. Guiding more than pushing him against the sidewall of the hallway.
'€œNick'€¦ last time they came for me, only their commander, Samantha stepped forward to speak to me.
At Freeport 10, remember? You had to force her to leave. Now there is this other guy, I don'€™t know maybe
second in command. At least something. They brought so many people just for the two of us, just for Jake
and me. And there was this one Outcast, Sol. He couldn'€™t care less, he went after Jake while Samantha held
me up with some cute words.'€

Anna'€™s hold on Nick got more tight as she looked him straight into his eyes. A somewhat scared, or caring
look in her eyes.
'€œNick, I don'€™t know what they want right now, but it can'€™t be anything good.'€
'€œThen what do you want to do?'€ Nick wasn'€™t scared, but he had never quite
seen Anna shaken up this bad
just by a person being around. He knew if he didn'€™t do things in a way that she agreed with it'€™d cause a fuss,
and since he wasn'€™t totally sure about what was going on, he wanted things done quickly and smoothly.

Anna looked over her shoulder again down the hallway.
'€œHe'€™s there...'€
She was a bit confused on what to do herself, if he wasn'€™t alone there could be a lot of trouble coming,
though she expected him to follow her, he didn'€™t, by the looks of it.
'€œAnna?'€ Nick was getting impatient, expecting Anna to at least feed him a plan if she wouldn'€™t let him
operate his way.
'€œWe should go, before the rest is here, maybe we can get away.'€
'€œAlright, you lead the way. I'€™ll do what you say for now.'€


She pulled on Nick'€™s hand walking with a fast pace to the hangar, a little frown on her face, angered at the
Outcasts for doing whatever they'€™d be doing. Nick and Anna arrived in the hangars. Carlos was leaning
against his Sabre holding a PDA in his hand. He saw Anna and Nick come out of the hallway. A short smile
appeared on his face before turning back straight. He pushed himself off his Sabre walking towards the
couple, unknowing about who the young man was.

Nick followed the man with his eyes; there was no mistaking it as far as he could tell. He was definitely
coming towards the two of them. Nick was pretty sure he was alone, which was a plus. He wasn'€™t quite sure
why, but he felt itchy, almost as if he were subconsciously praying for a fight.

'€œLeaving so soon, Anna?'€ Carlos said as he approached the couple closer cutting off their path.
Anna tried to ignore him, still holding Nick'€™s hand pulling him towards Nick'€™s Sabre.
'€œAnna, I didn'€™t get any answers yet'€ Carlos'€™ voice was calm as he finally stood in front of both Anna and Nick.
Blocking their way. Carlos gave the young man a better look.
'€œYour friend?'€

Nicholas didn'€™t say anything as Carlos stepped in front of them; he was taking the whole thing in, trying to
assess the situation. Whoever this guy was, he didn'€™t have anyone with him, but he was definitely calm. He
was slowly reminding Nick of his friend Lucas, but he'€™d need to listen more before he could agree. He also
wanted to make sure this man didn'€™t present any hidden dangers, as all the quiet ones seemed to do.

Anna stopped as Carlos was blocking her way, she gave him a furious look. All Anna could think about was
trying to get away, together with Nick before it was too late.
'€œOut of my way'€ She said curt
She pushed with one hand against Carlos to move him aside, the other hand still holding Nicholas'€™s hand.
Carlos didn'€™t move though and stood firm. A raised his arm to keep Anna from going around.
'€œWould you just wait for one moment?'€ With a slight itch in Carlos'€™ voice
Nicholas, pulled Anna back firmly,
watching Carlos with disinterest in his eyes, but really curious as to what he had to say. He squeezed Anna'€™s
hand signaling for her not to move.
'€œJust let him talk.'€ Nicholas said, cutting short, already talking more than he wanted to.

Carlos curled up his lip slightly with a smile towards the young man, he nodded to Anna. Anna let out a
deep sigh and stepped back frowning at Carlos.
'€œAnna, even I only just learned what might have happened recently. I never came here looking for you to harm
you, I just needed a few answers.'€
Carlos remained to speak clam again.
'€œI'€™m somewhat worried about the people I fly with and I don'€™t like things to remain secrets you see. But
strangely enough there are secrets. I was hoping you could clear some of them up. And yes, I was one
of the men who were there on Barrier base, and I was completely stunned about the force we gathered
for someone'€¦'€

Carlos checked Anna shortly from top to bottom and back.
'€œ'€¦someone like you. You'€™ve drawn my interest Anna, especially after the disappearance of my
commander, who seems have injured herself quite badly.'€

Anna thought he was making up some cute story to gain her trust, she didn'€™t let him though. She didn'€™t
believe the reason why he was here. Her lips tight against each other, she squeezed Nick'€™s hand a bit more
as she listened to Carlos.


Nicholas looked at Anna, her demeanor was starting to make him feel bad, but there wasn'€™t anything he
could say. He knew the type Carlos was, like Lucas he was just after information, he could tell; exactly why
he had left Anna in place. He needed to find a way to calm Anna down or she'€™d talk to much, or worse he
thought, he'€™d have to talk. Holding Anna'€™s hand, Carlos had already made his assumption whether it be
thinking that Anna was scared or that there was something between them. With that in mind, Nicholas
began to caress Anna'€™s hand with his fingers, trying to draw more of her attention to him, rather than Carlos;
knowing this wouldn'€™t make the man anymore suspicious than he was, if he even noticed at all.

Anna glanced shortly at her own hand that was holding Nick'€™s hand. She moved a bit closer to Nick, almost
as if she wanted to use him to hide or just '€˜disappear'€™. Anna remained quiet, letting Carlos say what he
wants or has to say.

A small smirk appeared on Carlos'€™ face as he saw Anna get closer to Nick and saw Nick'€™s hand caressing
Anna'€™s hand.
'€œI see life has been good to you after you left Malta, isn'€™t it?'€
Anna shortly looked at Nick staring him in his eyes for a moment, then turned back to Carlos with her head.
'€œMaybe...'€ She said curt.
Carlos kept a neutral somewhat on the cheery look on his face.
'€œAnna, there really isn'€™t any need for you to be scared of me.'€
Nick, however was losing his patience, pressing his teeth into his bottom lip. Getting into a physical
altercation with someone pumped up on cardamine was never easy, but he had only been awake a few
hours; he knew this gave him a slight advantage no one would really expect. As his teeth sank further into
his lip, he noticed a small jolt of pain, the result of a fight from the previous night. It was then he
remembered he wasn'€™t sleeping as long as usual, as he looked to Carlos, speaking normally for the first


'€œAs you can see, she'€™s not really in the mood to talk. Do you mind getting to the point?'€
His tone made it clear it was more of a demand than a request.

Carlos smiled at the young man standing next to Anna. He preferred to talk with Anna privately, but by
looking at the two that didn'€™t seem to be happening anytime soon.
'€œTime enough, and we never met, right?'€
He moved his hand forward to the young man, wanting to give a hand shake, introducing himself.
Nicholas reached forward with his free hand, shaking hands with Carlos reluctantly. His grip was firm, and
unfriendly, trying to get his point across.
'€œPeople don'€™t call you Nick Denmon perhaps?'€
Nick was slightly surprised to see a person he had never met seemed to know who he was. It couldn'€™t be
helped though, spending so much time around Anna was bound to get him attention eventually. He decided
it wasn'€™t entirely a bad thing, he had been less inclined to silence recently. He just gave Carlos a brief nod.
'€œThe one and only.'€

Carlos pulled out his PDA for a short moment, he looked down, reading something swiftly, putting it back
into his pocket shortly after.
'€œSamantha wanted me to say '€˜hi'€™ to you for her actually.'€

'€œNoted, I'€™ll send flowers, anything else?'€
'€œActually, I'€™ll get back to that later. I think Anna here could use a little break.'€
He gave Anna a side-look smiling at her. Anna just shook her head curt, still holding Nick'€™s hand firmly.
'€œI think she does.'€ Nick looked back at Anna, wondering what could be bothering her so much, was she
really convinced the man in front of them was still a threat or was she just being silly? There was no way for
him to really tell.
'€œWe'€™ll be in touch again, Anna. And for you Nick, I suppose we'€™ll meet again soon too.'€
Carlos gave both Anna and Nick a short nod.
'€œI'€™ll be off for now.'€
'€œDon'€™t be a stranger.'€ Nick said sarcastically as he waved Carlos off.
'€œYeah yeah.'€ Carlos mumbled a bit as he turned around, returning to his Sabre. It didn'€™t take him long to
get into his ship. He gave Anna and Nick a short wave before taking off. And there his Sabre lifted off and
flew out of the docking bay.

Anna took a deep breath as she was holding her breath by accident, never meaning to, she was relieved
Carlos left, although a bit surprised that he left just like that, no one else around, he simply just left. Anna
turned to Nick looking him into his eyes, taking his other hand into hers.
'€œThanks for being here, Nick'€
'€œIt'€™s my job isn'€™t it?'€ Asking Anna as if it were matter-of-fact. He gave Anna a reassuring smile, wondering
where they should go from here. Liberty was a bit too crowded, even in the quietest places like Thunder
Bay, Anna could still draw a crowd.
'€œMaybe I should take on that offer of a friend of mine, he has a place to... let things calm down, he said
you could come too, if need be.'€

Nicholas shook his head, chuckling into a harsh laugh.
'€œYou can go if you want Anna, but this isn'€™t the kind of issue that will go away if at least one of us doesn'€™t
deal with it. I'€™ll be in touch, but if we both just leave, it'€™ll cause problems for your friend too. They'€™ll find you
even if it takes a while.'€


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║ RP was done via google docs [color=transparent] . . . . .

║ Post only if you're invited to post. ║
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Carlos' search - SeaFalcon - 10-14-2011

Carlos meeting up with Anna
Anna Carlos, she said she finally made up her mind and was willing to meet Carlos on Freeport 2. Carlos
acknowledged it and found Freeport 2 a suitable place to have the ‘chat’. They agreed that They would have
the little ‘chat’ in one of Freeport 2 its restaurants.

Carlos was early and the ship of Anna was nowhere to be seen yet, Carlos waited outside of his ship waiting for
Anna to arrive on the Freeport. After several hours of waiting Carlos figured she’d never be coming, he was
about to leave when he saw a Eagle turn into the hangar bay. There she was.

Anna got out of her ship, she was rather calm. Even though she had a rough time in space to get to the freeport
in one piece. She walked over to Carlos, moving her hand through her hair, putting it in a better model after the
helmet she weared.

[color=#66CCCC] “You managed to fix your Eagle I see?” Carlos said calm as Anna approached him.
She shortly looked back at her ship and gave a short nod to Carlos.
“Took some time, but it’s back together.”
“Good to hear, let’s go?”
“Sure, lead the way”
Anna appearing to be calm, she took a step to the side to let Carlos lead the way to the restaurant. Carlos
nodded in a polite manner to Anna and started to walk, Anna following him closeby. Though, it wasn’t hard to
tell she didn’t want to get too close.

They arrived in the restaurant and picked a table close to the side of the restaurant in a calm corner near a
“I don’t want to be a party pooper but, no I’m not really hungry at all.”
“No problem, just want a drink then?”
“A coffee would work” Anna smiled shortly at Carlos.

A little moment later a waitress arrived,
“Two coffee, please”
The waitress gave Carlos and Anna a small nod with a smile.
“Just two coffee?” She noted it on a little notepad.
“Nothing else?”
“That’s it for now.” Carlos returned the friendly smile.
The waitress left again, shaking her head a bit ‘so official’ she though chuckling a bit to herself.

“So Anna…” Carlos crossed his arms on the table as he leaned a bit forward to Anna looking
her into the eyes. “figured out yet why I wanted to speak to you?”
“A bit, not really sure.” Anna replied, with a neutral look.
“You’ve caught my attention, per-”
Carlos stopped as the the waitress arrived with a plate, two mucks of coffee
on it.
“Here you go, one for you and one for you”
Carlos nodded to the waitress shortly again, the same ‘kind’ smile on his face.


Anna just nodded to the waitress but remained quiet. The waitress left again.
“Right, Anna… you’ve caught my attention, my personal attention actually. You see I’m a bit surprised that a girl like
you managed to get this many people after herself. You’re a bit… how do I put it, reckless?”

“Reckless? Maybe.” Anna replied curt.
“On the debriefing that I had after your arrest, well you do have quite a record. Since I actually bothered reading it.
Don’t you think it’s a bit funny the Outcasts had to send a entire wing including capital ship to come and ‘arrest’ you
and then release you after a few weeks?”

“Released? Heh, Samantha never released me. She made sure I would have to come back but since she’s your
commander, you should know exactly what she did, so why ask me what you already know?”

Anna rowed slowly with a spoon through her coffee after she added some sugar to it.

“Anna, I’m here since I don’t know what Samantha told you or whatever she did to you. All I know is that you were
arrested for crimes against the Outcasts, me, us. However I’m having a hard time to believe you did so much
‘criminal’ acts against us that we needed to use this much force or effort to get you. And releasing you or
whatever… afterwards was just making me more interested as I said. But tell me, since I don’t know. What did
Samantha do?”

“She used your little ‘drug’ to make me feel attached to the Outcasts, but that plan of hers failed. As you can see I’m
still pretty free. And Samantha just got herself shot when she tried to com and fetch me again.”

“Ah, you shot her? That’d make sense in why no one told me what exactly happened.”
“I didn’t. Nicholas did.” Anna’s voice being rather cold and curt as she says it.
“You mean Nick?”
“Nicholas yes, the one you met on Thunder Bay.”
“I see…”

Carlos sat back in his seat, his hands folded. Busy in his mind as he was thinking.Taking a sip from his coffee.
Still a thinking look on his face. As he continued talking his voice remained calm at all times.
“No need for you to worry though, I got my orders not to ‘harm’ your Nicholas. And besides that, I have no idea when
Samantha will be fully recovered from her injuries, by the sound of it, it sounded rather serious. But I’m still curious
on how you got yourself into this mess, you see, there are more people looking for you. And trust me they won’t be
so kind to you. Not as kind as Samantha was to you, which reminds me, sorry for your loss on Barrier Gate. It ws-”

Being interupted by Anna…
“Don’t be. Jake is a closed chapter of my life, he wasn’t trustful to me anyway.” Anna said.

With a frown on her face she gulped up a part of her coffee, placing back the muck on the table a bit ‘reckless’
“heh, I see.” Carlos calmy took a sip from his coffee.
“So who’s after me this time? Other Outcasts? A Xenos, some hunters, mercs?...”
“The Samarran Raiders, Anna.”
“hehe” Anna giggled shortly in disrespect.
“They said they wanted to kill you, slowly and painfully, claiming you were responsible for the death of someone
named Adrian Thrax.”

“What? I didn’t kill him, shot him yes, but he got out alive. We made a little deal, I could blow his ship to bits and I’d
pay him three million, I’d be paid five million from some from someone else to blow him up. So that was a two
million profit for me. Plus to nice feeling of his ship blowing up.”

“Anna, he’s dead, judged by his own people as a traitor, because of your little deal.”
“You’re reckless and getting yourself into trouble you won’t be able to coop with one day. Which might be meaning
your life would end before you want it to. Take your chance to make something out of your life, Anna.”

“Why would I listen to you hm? And…” She giggled again shortly “You sound a bit like Nick”
“Do whatever you want, but don’t start crying when things do turn bad, you’re lucky I’m actually following orders,
otherwise your Nick wouldn’t really have a long life to live. Since I’m not fond of people who shot up my commanding

Anna smiled mishiviously “Yeah, those people can be a bitch, too bad you can’t shoot him then, oh and he’s not
‘mine’ he just a guy that seems to be wanting to protect me at all cost.”

“Are you saying he shot Samantha because she was coming to pick you up?”
She sipped up the last bit of coffee. “Ahhh… yup, I asked Nick to make her leave. Seems that was the result of her
not willing to leave willingly.”

Carlos clearly not being amused by Anna’s answer stood up, he took her by her harm and pulled her up from her
seat. He pulled her with him towards the counter, quickly laid a few credit chips on the counter and continued
to pull Anna back to the hangar.


Anna just let herself be dragged along, she was even chuckling and giggling not resisting at all.
“There was something else Samantha said. She didn’t care what we did with you, Anna.”
Anna pulled her arm to herself again making Carlos stop as they both stood in the hallways of Freeport 2.
Carlos grinned at her. “Scared all of a sudden, lost your little shield?”
“heh, got what you wanted now?”
“Not really, I’m rather disappointed in what I found.” Carlos grabbed her arm again and began to pull Anna
towards the hangar. This time Anna was resisting, it didn’t influence much though, Carlos wasn’t having a hard
time to pull her along.
“What do you think you’re doing!?”
“You’ll see.” Carlos replied curt, with a angered tone in his voice.

They finally arrived in the hangars again, with a strong pull on her arm Anna managed to make Carlos lose his
grip. Carlos frowned and turned around towards Anna. He looked directly in the barrel of a gun.
“Anna don’t be stupid”
“Hah, shut up. Give me one good reason why I wouldn’t pull the trigger.”
Carlos looked around, seeing some of the Zoner giving a concerned look at him though they all seemed to be
frozen, no one took action against the girl in front of him. ‘neutral’ he thought.
“You don’t want to make a mess on a Freeport for everybody to see, Anna.”
“Are you sure?” She made more of a statement then actually asking. “What’s there to lose?”
Carlos closed his eyes for a moment, letting out a sigh. Opening his eyes after a moment of calming himself
down. He looked Anna in her eyes, his look was sharp. Trying to see if Anna was really telling him the truth
about ‘having to lose something’. Anna’s eyes looked back straight in that of Carlos, but they didn’t show
any sign to him of ‘having something to lose’.

Carlos slowly raised his hands, in a way he wanted to motion she already had won. A grins slowly became
visible on Anna’s face. “Not so tough now huh?”
In a quick motion with his hand, Carlos grabbed one of Anna’s wrists wanting to push away the gun. In a
response to Carlos’ motion Anna pulled the trigger, the gun fired, and grinded past Carlos’ face, it went
along his cheek, taking away his ear. Carlos ducked down, not able to make Anna lose the gun, his hand
reached out onto his cheek, the pain was unbearable.

Anna stood there holding the gun in her hand, shocked of her own reaction, she looked at the gun in her hand.
Carlos moaned as he laid on the floor, both his hands on the place where the shot grinded over his face.
Anna aimed the gun at Carlos’ chest and fired twice, finishing him off. Carlos’ body turned motionless. Upon
hearing the shots several ‘security’ personnel came down rushing towards Anna and what was left of Carlos.
Anna didn’t hesitate and ran towards her ship.
“Halt!” One of the men yelled at Anna.
They were too late she managed to get her ship launched, they let the doors open, not wanting to have this
mess get worse on the base. Anna saw several people run down to Carlos’ body, people trying to reanimate
him, but the amount of blood on the floor showed it wasn’t going to help much. Anna disappeared with her
Eagle, in the direction of Liberty.

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