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Server Etiquette - Printable Version

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Server Etiquette - Tunicle - 10-12-2011

What is server etiquette if you meet someone obviously on mission?

Are bots/bats normally used during RP?

Thank you

Server Etiquette - Ebon - 10-12-2011

OFC bots / bats are used during RP.

About the missions, well if the other guy is fair, he shouldn't kill you during mission grinding (even if your level is higher then rules says its ok to attack) if you will pm him oorp'ly you are doing that.

Server Etiquette - Jack_Henderson - 10-13-2011

I let enemy players finish the missions (even if they are shooting my NPC faction) and attack after it. It sucks if you fail the mission by running out of the zone, it also sucks that there are likely many NPCs around.

Bots/bats are perfectly fine. Just make sure you know the altered reengagement rules because the docking-getting regens-refueling friendlies can get you sanctioned if your docking message was recorded by a hostile.

Server Etiquette - AeternusDoleo - 10-13-2011

There is no established etiquette. Sure, swatting a recruit CSV that's repping up is poor form, but you can always simply bully the guy into handing over all pilots and retreating (which is what I'd do - and on refusal you have a valid reason for pews). On the receiving end, I've been attacked while missiongrinding multiple times.

There are zones you can expect to be attacked in. Leeds, Omicron Eta, Omega 5... basically all the designated "war zones" are free for alls. You meet a respectful player that outclasses you, you'll end up cruising away. Meet a lolwut and you end up a blue message.