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To: Junkers Congress - Printable Version

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To: Junkers Congress - Stefz - 10-13-2011

[Image: stefan-widescreen-fixed.png]

Buenos dias, fellow Junkers.

Some of you know me, many of you don't. I am Stefan Mortensen, Lieutenant of 101st Ghosts of Razgriz. You are our trustworthy suppliers and exporters. Now, back on topic.

I am contacting you to request permission to buy and use one of your nice Bulldog fighters. I've seen it in combat, and I am really impressed. You have good engineers, very good indeed.

Since I don't know what you exactly need, I am open to requirements and will do my best to help you out if you need anything.

Also, you are more then welcome to visit my bar named "Meteora". I opened it recently, just for the sake of having my own bar where I can rest without getting disturbed.

That would be all, looking forward to hear from you.

Cordiali saluti. Stefan Mortensen, Lieutenant of 101st Ghosts of Razgriz.

To: Junkers Congress - Stefz - 10-15-2011


To: Junkers Congress - Hawk - 10-15-2011

****Incoming Transmission****
****Comm ID: Arbiter Jack Crow****
****location: Classified****

[Image: 1236971360_x34ow-S.jpg]

There has been much discussion recently on matters such as this. What we have decided is that in our current situation we cannot release any technology for use outside the Junker clans. There is too much ill will being directed toward our people and too many people seeking to use our technology to ruin our good name. I am not accusing you of any of this. However, we feel it is in our best interest to deny all requests at this time.

Crow Out

****End Transmission****