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Glad To See Nothings Changed - Printable Version

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Glad To See Nothings Changed - DBoy1612 - 10-14-2011

So. I was browsing around the idiot while playing Eve *ducks and covers*, and I found a game called Battlestar Galatica Online. So I gave it a shot, and it was absolutely terrible, but, it reminded me of this place, and I couldn't help but make a small post while I was at it.:)

For all who don't know me, I'm DBoy, I was an admin here about 2 and half years ago, I ran multiple factions like Black Squadron, Rheiland Military, SCRA (or something involved russion capitalists). I was a Phantom (Desecrator, Sarah Rain, Raven, Lazarus), part of the Kusari army, Blood Dragons, IND, Outcasts (the old old faction, can't remember the bloody name. >_<), other stuff that I can't remember at the moment... Yeah I was a bit of a whore.

To all of my friends who still remember me; I haven't died yet! XD Diabetes sucks bad, but doesn't stop me from playing my music, my games, and all those other little fun things I like to do.

What's going on everyone?:)

Glad To See Nothings Changed - Zelot - 10-14-2011

No U!

Glad To See Nothings Changed - Zelot - 10-14-2011

Who are you?

Glad To See Nothings Changed - DarthBindo - 10-14-2011

Phantoms are dead, and gone forever.
LN took the Westfalen in Hamburg, and admins are now enforcing RP consequences for actions.
SRP's are closed.
uh......that's about all the things i can think of.

Glad To See Nothings Changed - DBoy1612 - 10-14-2011

' Wrote:Who are you?

Funny man. XD

Glad To See Nothings Changed - Zelot - 10-14-2011

' Wrote:Funny man. XD

Plus I cleaned up all the forum mess you made. Come on man.

Glad To See Nothings Changed - DBoy1612 - 10-14-2011

' Wrote:Plus I cleaned up all the forum mess you made. Come on man.

I DID NOT make a mess! They were all pretty how I had them. Bad Zelot!

Glad To See Nothings Changed - Death.RunningVerminator - 10-14-2011


Glad To See Nothings Changed - Torch Rose - 10-14-2011

Is this the legendary DBoy?:shok:

Glad To See Nothings Changed - Kazinsal - 10-14-2011

Christ, where did you come from?

Everyone is reappearing at the same time.