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Man Surfs Shark - Fletcher - 10-16-2011

Wow, just wow.

Link to article

The Escapist Wrote:A man surfing off the coast of Oregon found his surf board replaced with a three-meter-long great white shark.

According to Doug Niblack, a surfer of six years, he was trying to catch one last wave before going to work when his longboard hit something as "hard as a rock." The "something" in this case, turned out to be a great white shark. Niblack stumbled, then found himself on the back of the shark as it thrashed back and forth, presumably quite upset because someone had just hit it with a surfboard. Niblack remained atop the shark for three or four glorious seconds - presumably with this track playing in the background - before submitting to gravity and absolute terror and falling off.

"It was pretty terrifying just seeing the shape emerge out of nothing and just being under me," he told the Associated Press. "And the fin coming out of the water. It was just like the movies."

Now it all sounds a bit suspicious doesn't it? Especially the part where he mentions that this took place before work. "I accidentally surfed a shark," sounds like a hastily composed excuse for turning up late to work if I ever heard one. However, Niblack's story was confirmed by off-duty US coastguard Jake Marks, who claimed that though he didn't see the Shark, he did see Niblack "Suddenly stand up with water churning all around him."

"I have no reason to doubt there was a shark out there," said Marks. "With the damage to his board, the way he was yelling and trembling afterwards - there is no other explanation for that."

Niblack claims to have taken the encounter in his stride, and he's even added a jolly little "no sharks" sticker to the bottom of his longboard, but he hasn't gone back out in the water quite yet. "I'll definitely go back out," he said. "It's just the surf sucks right now. I'll wait until that gets better, then go back out."

His life can only go downhill in terms of achievements now!

Man Surfs Shark - stardust47 - 10-16-2011

I didn't know they even HAD Great Whites in Oregon.

Man Surfs Shark - Jeremy Hunter - 10-16-2011


Talk about hanging ten!

Man Surfs Shark - Hawk - 10-16-2011

I saw this story on CNN. There is a reason I surf the East Coast

Man Surfs Shark - SA_Scavenger - 10-16-2011

At least he didn't end up like Michael Cohen!

Man Surfs Shark - FGDireito - 10-16-2011

He probably thought that the shark was alive.

Chuck Testa

Man Surfs Shark - Venkman - 10-17-2011


Man Surfs Shark - Not Espi - 10-17-2011

I would like to apply the pics or it didn't happen policy.