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Entry 1; Michael G. Streex - Printable Version

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Entry 1; Michael G. Streex - themikeruler - 10-17-2011

--==Recovering Data==--

--==Security Level: 9=--

--==Information: Liberty Navy Private Database and Internal Records==--

--==Title: Streex==--

--==Opening Audio Log==--

My wife in Liberty advised that i create this journal just so that if anything goes wrong, this can be fallen back on. I guess I'll start my first entry stating who I am and what i do.

Name? Mike Gitianni Streex. I'm 50% Italian and 50% American. I will not disclose my place of birth and dwelling for security reasons. Height: 6'3". Weight: 190 lbs. (as you can see, I'm so American that i still use the customary system).

My past? well, it all started back in Liberty. I was the son and only child of Mr. and Mrs. Streex. Pa was in the Navy, and Ma was a school teacher and Secretary of the Navy. My daily routine: Waking up, going to school, coming home, finishing homework, eating, and going to bed. I only got to see Pa for 2 weeks every couple of months, and Ma was rarely home, having to work two jobs.
Moving out for flight school wasn't so hard, I didn't have to say goodbye or anything; just pack my bags, lock the door, and leave.
Flight school was easy for the first 4 years. I had already known so much because all Pa did when he came home was teach me how to fly and fire in the Astro Combat Sim. Only two more years to go, and I would be ready to join Pa in the Navy.
One gloomy night, as I entered my dorm, I was abducted by men in black suits; that was all i could see until i was gassed and bagged over the head. Everything for hours after that was just a blur. But when i came to, I was in a complex room, definitely not anywhere near where i was from. And the Gs felt a bit off; i was at the conclusion that i was on some station.
These men were going on and on about some kind of convoy, i was still too dazed to understand every word they were saying, but this is what i could make out of it:
Navy Fleet..... Down..... Commander Streex...... Order......

Once i had heard the word Streex, all senses came to me, and I asked them to repeat what they said.

I remember those grim words.
"Your father was killed in action."

Never had I had an epiphany on the mortality of humans. The thoughts swirling in my head like a debris field around a sun.

"Your father was killed in action."
He couldn't have been, he was a skilled Commander in the Navy, it's impossible.

"Your father was killed in action."
No, he wasn't. Don't give me bull****.

"Your father was killed in action."

I didn't know what to think anymore. Whether to feel depressed. Or furious. Did I want revenge? Do i want to kill the bastards that did this? Did i want to feel the uttermost hatred of the devil?

Or did i just want my ol' Pa back?

I wanted him back. Within mere seconds i flashed-back through years of memories with Pa and I; from playing ball together, gazing at the stars, to him teaching me how to fly, to him saying his last "I love you."

Then it struck me; his last words.

"Live your legacy, and don't look back."

Something about that. Just seemed, expected. As if he knew something was going to happen. Like that kind of "Remember me if I don't come out alive" kind of vibe.

As the son of a Commander in the Navy, I absolutely demanded to know what went on.

The Order.... The Order. I knew those damned rumors were true. As Commander, Pa had to conduct a reconnaissance mission to retrieve the pods of fallen soldiers in the "Alaska" System..... the most hostile of Liberty space; forbidden; restricted entry. Signals from his ship indicated that an Order fleet was the last he saw before disconnection.

I then realized my legacy.

42 months later, i was an official Commander of the Navy.

--==Ending Audio Log==--