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Project SIGIA - Printable Version

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Project SIGIA - jakub963 - 10-17-2011

<div align="right]"Are you sure about this sir?"
"Yes i am."
<div align="right]"But why risk so much for so little gain?"
"Little gain?! This will make us immortal!"
<div align="right]"But at what cost..."

Project SIGIA - jakub963 - 10-17-2011

Log 815/159/1

"It was a busy day. Workers still didn't finished loading all of the equipment. This is taking too long, we are being schedule. We should already be four systems away. Yet, i am not loosing hope in this project. From the beginning of history humans tried to live forever, many tried but no one succeeded. We will. We have to."

-Uploaded by: Lucian Taro

Log 815/169/5

"We should leave the port in next two days, at least that is the newest info. Then again, according to our original plan, we should have left a week ago. But i guess its better to make sure we have everything we need, the next scheduled resupply is in three months. That is an awful lot of time alone in space, why so long i wonder but the pay is good enough and your vessel is not half bad either. A shiny new Talarka, to be honest, its the biggest ship i ever saw. Okay, not the biggest i saw but certainly the biggest i was on. <sigh> And one that will spend next year of my life on. At least my sister is here.

-Uploaded by: Jessica Taverndarter

Log 815/169/6

"There goes my sister, worrying again. Year is a bit long but we are together in this. Its gonna be exiting adventure and...
Well, we are pushing the limits of science here, at least so they say. I heard somebody mention immortality. At the moment is am not sure what they mean by that. Every scientist swears that he or she will be immortal because of some crazy discovery or invention. I honestly doubt this will turn out to be that much of a breakthrough. To be brutally honest, i think this will be a classified as "marginal improvement" at best.

-Uploaded by: Lucia Taverndarter