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Job Interviews - Fletcher - 10-17-2011

So I've had another job interview today... that makes at least half a dozen in two weeks. I bloody hate them.

You walk in feeling confident and a sense of "Bring it on!", then you get instantly get cut down by vague and non-sensical questions.

"What video game character would you like to be the most?" - Gamestation


"Uhh, Cid Highwind because he has dreams and fights for them". That is all I could come up with in a few seconds.

Since I knew the guy since I worked with him twice before I asked "What kind of question is that!?" He said "It's just an icebreaker". I guess that makes sense, but then he revealed that someone's answer was "Mario - Because he runs about a lot!". Really?

Still, I hate interviews, they cut people down and I generally feel down and worried that I didn't get the job. Usually that happens...

Still, any horror stories your end?

Job Interviews - Tommeh - 10-17-2011

Heh, I am pretty much familiar with your story:D

Those things really suck, after hours spend preparing for it, and then noticing during interview it was all for nothing, or you fail in answering, or other side fails in questions which results with same thing. You not getting a job.

I had case where I was on interview for something totally not related with my finished high school and profession, and I pointed that out in aplication that I sent, but as soon as interview started they bombarded me with questions that they knew I won't be able to answer, since I had not practice in that area of work, although was ready to learn everything. I answered as best I knew, but after all was done, I felt I won't get the job.

Another case was when I went on job interview at my former elementary school teacher's company which works with audio/video devices, aswell as hosting servers, PC servises etc, basicly best job I could hope for. I was on interview with one more dude, and he failed hard, it was like 95% sure that I will get it, but then suddenly boss's friend showed up, looking for work, and of course he got it, I didn't. :/

So yel, those things when repeated bring you down and makes you wonder, will you get just one job interview successfully:D

Job Interviews - ryoken - 10-17-2011

Yup i also hate them. Worst thing is when you do interview, and answer everything well(in your oppinion). Then at end they tell you your not experienced enough, or your over qualified. Really! WTH does "over qualified" mean?
Also i am a truck driver. Last interview went awesome, but then we need to do a road test.(circle check tractor/trailer hook up/unhook and drive a few klicks) Was doing great until some &^%$ cut me off, and i had to swerve and hit a curb. Which is fail. They seem to think hitting car is better. :crazy:

Job Interviews - Doc Holliday - 10-17-2011

Job interviews do suck but they are a necessity. I just had one today and await the results. Still, hang in there as it will pay off least, that's what I keep getting told.

Just remember the taboo questions: Never ask about pay and benefits as employers will think that's all that you're after. They KNOW you're searching for better!

Job Interviews - jammi - 10-17-2011

I can't even get a job interview to start with. As a matter of a fact, I don't even get back 'denied' notices, be it by phone, mobile or email. Woe betide the British student who expects a job fresh out of school. :mellow:

Job Interviews - Fletcher - 10-18-2011

That is what I HATE about job hunting, no acknowledgement about denied or success.

I would MUCH rather know where I stand rather than keeping my hopes up. I've been screwed by too many companies to take a "maybe" for an answer.

Job Interviews - DarthBindo - 10-18-2011

' Wrote:I can't even get a job interview to start with. As a matter of a fact, I don't even get back 'denied' notices, be it by phone, mobile or email. Woe betide the British student who expects a job fresh out of school. :mellow:
Try an employment or temp agency.
I know I lost my job last year (second time in three years:() and I got a landscaping job through a temp agency.

Job Interviews - Fletcher - 10-18-2011

' Wrote:Try an employment or temp agency.
I know I lost my job last year (second time in three years:() and I got a landscaping job through a temp agency.
Agencies are up and down, my last job with them was with Amazon. Pay was horrible, still waiting to claim taz back (not their fault though), but the MAJOR problem is, the company can fire you for no reason. Seriously.

Sixty people, including me got fired with the only line of "We're terminating your contract".

Agency work DOES get you work fast, but at the cost of stability.

Job Interviews - Korny - 10-18-2011

Best thing is being interviewed by two people, a pretty chick on one side, an ugly bastard on the other...

Job Interviews - r3vange - 10-18-2011

' Wrote:Best thing is being interviewed by two people, a pretty chick on one side, an ugly bastard on the other...

We live in different worlds. All of my job interviews included just a bunch of ugly geezers.

"What do you think you could gain from this job?"

My favorite question...What should you answer anyway? Extra 100 quid per week so I can do horrible things to my liver and basically move to live in Spearmint Rhino's'€¦