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R.I.P. Dennis Ritchie (creator of C and Unix) - Printable Version

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R.I.P. Dennis Ritchie (creator of C and Unix) - Tytanis - 10-18-2011

Quote:Dennis Ritchie, 70, a computer scientist who changed modern technology by writing an elegantly simple computer programming language, was found dead at his home in Murray Hill, N.J., his former colleague Rob Pike said.

Rest in peace.

R.I.P. Dennis Ritchie (creator of C and Unix) - onca - 10-18-2011


Man I remember at Uni learning the original K&R C, none of this new-fangle ANSI rubbish xD

But Kernigan and Ritchie were gods in computer science circles. Although many a student swore at the unintuitive Unix command shell, especially if you'd been brought up on VAX/VMS, lol. That was back in about 1990 I guess.

Now he's gone... makes me feel old. RIP.

R.I.P. Dennis Ritchie (creator of C and Unix) - Tytanis - 10-18-2011

It just sucks that I had to find out by a small area of news links. Steve Jobs got a spotlight, why couldn't Dennis?


R.I.P. Dennis Ritchie (creator of C and Unix) - Stefz - 10-18-2011

Rest in peace.

R.I.P. Dennis Ritchie (creator of C and Unix) - Sly - 10-18-2011

May he rest in peace.

R.I.P. Dennis Ritchie (creator of C and Unix) - Venkman - 10-18-2011

Rest in peace :(

R.I.P. Dennis Ritchie (creator of C and Unix) - Alex. - 10-18-2011

#include <stdio.h>
int main()
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;printf("goodbye, dad\n");
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;return 0;

R.I.P. Dennis Ritchie (creator of C and Unix) - Alley - 10-18-2011
