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Table Tennis - Snak5 - 10-21-2011

Anyone out there, in different corners of the world, plays it?

How long do you play it and where (clubs, friends etc.)?

Any tips, links etc. for ~beginners?

Table Tennis - lukasz_r128a - 10-21-2011

Yup, me. Now only with friends from time to time. But I started long time ago (17-18 years ago) in my primary school where my director was a big fan of that sport:)
I have only one advice for you...have fun of playing:). Everything else like skills, technics etc you will gain during the playing:).

Table Tennis - Lennox - 10-21-2011

I only play it just for fun sometimes. Only tip I can give you is that you should hit the ball.:D

Table Tennis - William Frederick Cody - 10-21-2011

I played it ~ 25 years ago...:D

Table Tennis - Starfish - 10-21-2011

I play it from my students years. Above average, dare to say.:)Now on weekends i often go to nearest tennis club to play with my son - he has better reaction but lesser experience yet...

Tips for beginners - just play. No trick, no "supershots", just return ball to partner as many as you can. Tricks will come later.

Table Tennis - Junes - 10-21-2011

Loving it. I've been playing table tenis for only like 3-4 years (I dun remember actually) and I have actually no idea whether I am good compared to players who are in a club, since I have never found the time/occasion/desire to join one. I've been playing regularly for the past years, right now my activity has slightly dropped and I now merely play on weekends at a friend's for about ~2 hours. I can concur with what lucas said. Techniques and sophistication you will gain by simply playing it regularly. Additionally, the racket you're using does make a difference, try out offensive and defensive coverings and stuff.

Table Tennis - Snak5 - 10-22-2011

How can I not play with spinning if it is the aspect that facinates me the most:D

Training in my room. With the wall. Hard to beat it but oh well. Not playing for victory. :crazy:

Anyways, I already have apprentice, young padawan. Gonna abuse... her... :nyam:

Table Tennis - RAL - 10-23-2011

' Wrote:Anyone out there, in different corners of the world, plays it?

How long do you play it and where (clubs, friends etc.)?

Any tips, links etc. for ~beginners?

Ping-pong? Learn to curve your returns and you will be l33t. :cool: