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I need help please - Printable Version

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I need help please - Gold_Spark - 10-22-2011


After disabling ENB series mod and after deleting all ENB related files in Freelancer. I even re installed freelancer and then i re installed the mod too. My game is laggy.

Every 6 seconds in game it makes very small pause then it continues. All like that. And my lag reads above 5...
Please help, i have no virus, no background applications that are internet related. Please help me, I've scanned my system with Kaspersky AntiVirus 2011, Avira and even SpyBot. . .

Should i completely remove freelancer, i am scared of ID. I got it on destkop, but i am scared of fail verification process. I know it is cardinal, but i will get parsed like groom if it fails...

I need help please - AeternusDoleo - 10-23-2011

I have the same glitch on my game rig... haven't yet found a solution. Bad install... mh. Perhaps it's the files stored in the application data or my documents folder. I'll clear those out and see if that fixes it. Hadn't gotten around to a full reinstall yet.

I need help please - Aingar - 10-31-2011

My FL stops for a 0.1 sec when loading new model (usually ship one), but I guess that's not it.

I need help please - Errant.Venture - 10-31-2011

Kaspersky may be trying to block it. After the last 2 updates, I have had to manually re-allow certain programs through.

You can uninstall freelancer / reinstall, which is your best bet if its not your firewall. If your using 7 or vista remember to run as admin.

Also, about your game files. If you go to your C:Windows\Users\documents\my games\freelancer, you can copy your multiplayer data to a safe location, and then replace it to that same location, once you have re-installed Freelancer.

I need help please - Dab - 10-31-2011

Try deactivating Kaspersky, Windows Firewall, and Windows Defender (if you're concerned about your computer's security, do not browse the internet while attempting this), then log back onto the server and try again.

Also, does this happen in SP too, or only on the server?