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Killed by NPC - Scaryowl - 10-23-2011

Hello mates, the question is simple:

-When does being killed by an NPC count as pvp death?-

This question arose when I was killed during player interaction that could possibly become a fight. Later I engaged, and was killed by NPC during a fight (AFAIK pvp death).

Killed by NPC - meoshi - 10-23-2011

getting killed by anyone in a fight is a pvp death, even if its yourself or a teammate or even the npc's.

Killed by NPC - Stefz - 10-23-2011

Yes. Blue messages doesn't exist inRP. So, no matter by who you get killed in a fight, stay dead.

Killed by NPC - Agmen of Eladesor - 10-23-2011

Okay, let's get the clarification out here that requires actual sentence parsing - which I know isn't what you want to hear, but is the effective definition thereof.

First off, let's get the parts of the two rules - 5.6 and 5.7 - out here for viewing.

Quote:5.6 Fleeing from combat and then docking at a station or planet while you are in range of the ship you were fighting counts as PVP death.
5.7 A player who was killed in a PvP fight must not enter the system where the fight took place with
any of the characters on his/her account(s) until four hours have passed from the time of his/her destruction.

If the player respawns in the same system, he/she must leave the system within 10 minutes of his destruction without attacking anyone, except in self-defense. Other players are not allowed to attack one who is leaving.
Transports/Freighters/Liners which have been killed in a PvP fight may return to the system in which they were destroyed but only for purposes of moving through the system or for trade within that system. They may only act in a purely defensive manner. This exemption applies only to players who are in the system for the purposes of trading and does not apply to mining, piracy or any other activity.

5.6 is pretty straightforward. If you have been engaged in combat against someone else (a real player) and you dock at a station or planet while the person - or someone on their side - is in scanner range, it counts as a PvP death and you're done for a while. The whole 'fleeing the system' rule that used to exist does NOT exist anymore. So ONLY if you dock at a station or a planet, and ONLY if your enemy (or again, someone on his side) is in range.

5.7 is when we get to parse things a bit. For those of you who don't understand the meaning of this, that means I'm going to break this down into understandable chunks - along with definitions.

A player - that means you, or any other real meat person
who was killed - either your ship was destroyed BY SOME MEANS, or you docked as per 5.6
in a PvP fight - at some point you were shooting at another player

Actually, that's all we have to parse, because the whole WHO WAS KILLED is where, apparently, people are STILL getting confused.

Plain and simple - were you a part of a PvP (player versus player) fight? If so, and you died - it doesn't matter HOW you died. You could sundive, the Isis could have shot you, someone on your own side could have shot you with a battleship missile, an NPC bomber could have shot you, any number of myriad things - sort of like the show, '1000 ways to die'. Net result is that you went boom.

You're DONE.
End of discussion.

You went boom, and it was in a PvP fight. So other than MAYBE asking the person that killed you if you can come back, no - you're done.

And keep in mind, if you were NOT killed in a transport/freighter in the first place, then strictly under the letter of the law, you may NOT switch from your bomber into a transport and start trading through that system. (Read what I just wrote again - and read the rule AS IT IS WRITTEN. Now, if you're simply trading, I really don't expect that to actually be enforced that way, but that's how it actually is written.)

Killed by NPC - Dab - 10-23-2011

Guys, he's not asking if being killed by an NPC during a pvp fight counts as a death. He's asking if being killed by an NPC prior to a fight counts as a death. I take this to mean RP leading up to what the participants anticipate to be a fight.

If that is the case, than really there is nothing saying you died, pvp-wise, as no pvp fight was underway. To say that would be to say a bounty hunter sitting around talking to a Navy pilot who gets killed by NPCs can't return. He wasn't in a pvp fight, so there was no pvp death to be had.

Quote:This question arose when I was killed during player interaction that could possibly become a fight.

This is the question that need be answered. Not "Dying to NPCs in a pvp fight = pvp death."

Killed by NPC - Charcoal - 10-23-2011

From an RP perspective, If another player sees you die for whatever reason, you are dead. Simple. If you wish to stay in system:

Discovery Server Rule Wrote:0.0 Be excellent to one another. Consider the people around you. Keep fair play in mind. It's a game and nothing is gained, or lost, save the experience. Credits can be re-earned. Ammunition replenished. If you become infuriated step away. If you make a mistake apologize. If you wish to remain in system after you die, or after someone has moved away, simply ask.

Of course a bit of common sense is required. If you are a pirate sitting in front of a lawful and a cruiser patrol insta kills you, I'd consider that bad luck, you died. Feel free to ask the navy dude for permission to stay, but I personally woulddn't.

If an Ageira dude is chatting to a DSE dude and the DSE dude accidently forgets to open the chat window, causing a stray CD to hit the nearby friendly station, which in turn goes hostile and insta kills him, (happened to me once), both dudes laugh about it and the DSE guy relogs.

Killed by NPC - Scaryowl - 10-23-2011

' Wrote:Guys, he's not asking if being killed by an NPC during a pvp fight counts as a death. He's asking if being killed by an NPC prior to a fight counts as a death. I take this to mean RP leading up to what the participants anticipate to be a fight.

If that is the case, than really there is nothing saying you died, pvp-wise, as no pvp fight was underway. To say that would be to say a bounty hunter sitting around talking to a Navy pilot who gets killed by NPCs can't return. He wasn't in a pvp fight, so there was no pvp death to be had.
This is the question that need be answered. Not "Dying to NPCs in a pvp fight = pvp death."
Thank you, exactly what I wanted to hear.

And this (partially offtopic):
' Wrote:And keep in mind, if you were NOT killed in a transport/freighter in the first place, then strictly under the letter of the law, you may NOT switch from your bomber into a transport and start trading through that system. (Read what I just wrote again - and read the rule AS IT IS WRITTEN. Now, if you're simply trading, I really don't expect that to actually be enforced that way, but that's how it actually is written.)

See, in this thread (posts 4,5,10) I was told exactly the opposite thing. Strange situation, but I assume that rule is supposed to prevent re-engagements like "REVENGE!!":), but not trading...

I understand that the final word on such questions is entirely the right of admins, but they seem to be too busy.

Killed by NPC - Agmen of Eladesor - 10-23-2011

Actually, in post 10 Casero says exactly the same thing I said.

It's one of those cases of the way the rule is written versus the actual intent of the rule. (And from your join date, it appears that you haven't been here very long. I'm very well known on here as being a nit-picker and rules lawyer, which is in part due to my real life history of dealing with criminal and civil law, as well as being a tax professional.)

Honestly, you want to go into a system after you were blown up by a pirate with a trader, and the pirates will thank you for it. Because they are NOT prohibited from pirating your trader again and again and again.