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Interrogation Room #3 - Printable Version

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Interrogation Room #3 - Jeremy Hunter - 10-25-2011

[Image: private1.jpg]

The Moselle sat silently in Braunschweig. Onboard, in the 3rd Interrogation room, stood Inspektor Dietrich Grendel of the Buro's Internal Affairs. He stood motionless, his back to the door. He was one of the oldest IA "interviewers" and a fine one at that. He let himself a small smile as the footsteps of the guards echoed down the halls. This section had been cleared for this session.

The door was pushed open, and what was little more than a feral cat was shoved in unceremoniously. The guards pushed her into her cold, metal seat, cuffed her arms and legs to the chair and table, and then placed a water bottle between her palms. They left without a word. He was there for one reason: extract all information he could before turning her over to Kommissar Kretschmer.

Grendel turned around to move the water -just- out of her grasp, then resumed his stance.

"So, Fraulein Muller. Tell me everything about yourself."

Interrogation Room #3 - TheOrangeButterfly - 10-25-2011

[Image: ottoj.jpg]

Kommissar Otto Kretschmer sat at a table behind a one-way window which observed the young unioner-girl. She truly was like a feral cat, untamed, hostility in her eyes. He had chosen herr Inspektor Dietrich Grendel for a single reason: ruthless efficiency. A completely Rheinland-loyal, soulless, merciless bastard. His skills were sometimes needed to crack the most hardened criminals, but it seemed today he was to test his mettle against a young pup of mere 20 years.

No problem for a man in his position. The girl had several scratches and bruising from previous "treatment" before being sent to the Moselle for the final acts of interrogation, up until this point she had not been spoken to by a formal 'interrogator'. She was in for a lovely surprise. The room was cold, a stiffening ice that seemed to cloud the minds of those within its confines.

How long would she last? That was a question Otto had to see to find out.

Interrogation Room #3 - Pinko - 10-25-2011

She wasn't intimidated, yet at least. Her eyes gazed for short moment through the room as she was pinned onto her seat, only locking themselves on the figures before her for a short moment. Her hair was awfully dirty, as if she didn't get to bathe in days, and her clothes were loose and stained with a bit of blood. Exhausted, she stared at the bottle of water which was between her palms, it would be the first time in 24 hours they had offered her a drink. Unfortunately for her, the bottle was quickly removed from her, and she attempted to jump from her seat to grab it. If only she could get a single drop of this precious liquid, she wouldn't mind any further punishment. Life has been rough to her, but she never cracked out of her shell, not until she first fled at least.

Perhaps they thought that shutting her in this small, cold, damp room would affect her. It wasn't any worse than her own cabin back on Pacifica. The interrogater asks her a question. She didn't hear any of it. She keeps yanking her cuffs, attempting to break free, to reach the bottle of water, wasting what little physical strenght she had left. But her moral is intact, she keeps telling herself, almost believing it. After a minute or so, she finally calms down and begins staring blankly at the figures in front of her, silent.

Machinally, emotionless, she repeats the same speech she's repeated since she was put under arrest. "My name is Maria Müller. I am 20 standard years old. I was born and raised in the asteroids of Bering. My father and my mother are criminals. I am not." She mindlessly kept repeating these words.

Interrogation Room #3 - Jeremy Hunter - 10-25-2011

[Image: private1.jpg]

Grendel shook his head. The guards must have gotten a bit too...enthusiastic.

"Fraulein, my hearing is not as destroyed as yours is. Stop your mindless rambling."

Grendel turned to look at her. She was a mess. But he had seen agents made out of less. Much less. He sat down opposite of her, resting his elbows on the table and placing his fingertips together. He looked over his hands, through the shadow he cast from the light behind him, and into her eyes.

"Frau Muller, do tell me everything you know about the entity known as the AGS."

Interrogation Room #3 - Pinko - 10-25-2011

She couldn't see his face due to the lighting. If she knew how he looked like, his voice wouldn't have crushed her against her seat. She didn't want to be there anymore. Maybe she should've hidden on the Freeport 2. Maybe she was just a coward after all. No, she couldn't doubt like this anymore. Not after what she went through. It was too late to look back and regret.

"T-The AGS? I... don't know what you're talking about. I was raised to be an Unioner. I-I can tell you all you want about them, but I know nothing about this AGS!" Her voice trembled with every word. She was ready to go forward, but was she ready to betray her family? She was profusely sweating, and panting in exhaustion. Struggle could be read on her face, but she herself wasn't sure if she was struggling against fatigue, or against her own mind.

She then sinks into her seat some more. "P-Please, give me some water..."

Interrogation Room #3 - TheOrangeButterfly - 10-25-2011

[Image: ottoj.jpg]

Such a scraggly little girl she was. She held secrets behind her eyes, though. Otto stood up from his table behind the window and poured himself a hot cup of coffee. This was going to take slightly longer than he had anticipated, though her will was weakened, it was not yet broken. Herr Gretchen will ensure that it will be broken, and the Buro will ensure that it is built back up in proper service to the Kanzler. Otto slowed walked around the even more cramped observation room. He then stood in front of the glass and began to study the young female specimen in front of him, a shame she had to be born into the filth of the Alster Union. A pity, there were far more of their children following in the foot-steps of their parents then there was need to. He almost felt sorry for her, but caught his emotions in check.

She was the enemy until proven otherwise.

Interrogation Room #3 - Jeremy Hunter - 10-25-2011

[Image: private1.jpg]
Grendel unscrewed the bottle cap and splashed some of the water in her face.

"There is your water."

Before she could do anything, Grendel slapped her, hard.

"Child, do not toy with me. I'll be more specific then, ja? Tell me everything you know about the AGS Unioners."

Interrogation Room #3 - Pinko - 10-25-2011

The water caused her to jolt on her seat in surprise, almost pleased by the feeling so much she felt dehydrated. Just as her tongue was poking out between her lips to catch some droplets, the harsh slap brought her back to reality. She didn't dare to look at her interrogator anymore. She tries to speak, but only faint gasps escape her lips. Obviously, she was terrorized by the situation.

"What could I possibly tell you which you don't know? You already hunt us down like flies in our own home! Why are you so concerned about this?!? Just as well as me, you know that they come from disgruntled Rheinlander workers, just like your Hessians or your LWB!"

Interrogation Room #3 - Jeremy Hunter - 10-25-2011

[Image: private1.jpg]

Grendel did not pause.

"You know base location, jump hole coordinates! All information about thier bases that you know, any of it, can help. All because you are a girl, a mere child, does not mean you do not know anything."

Grendel curled his left hand into a fist, his entire left arm tensing for a punch.

Interrogation Room #3 - Pinko - 10-26-2011

"Even if I'd tell you these coordinates, the jumpholes aren't stable and the bases are carved in several drifiting asteroids and constantly replaced! Both would be obsolete by the time you'd get there! As for Wedel, everyone knows where it is, and none of you could take it back!" She suddenly leaned forward towards him in a sudden fit of rage, her teeths instinctively out as if she was attempting to threaten him. She didn't care if she couldn't fight back. She was tough. She could handle it. "You know how much scanners give no conclusive readings in the Independent Worlds. Even if you'd find an inhabitted asteroid and destroy it, there'd be dozens left! How can you think you could find them if you can't even find an Hessian base in your main mining operations in Dresden, which you're completely drying up as we're speaking?"