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Mirrors Edge - Korny - 10-26-2011

Alright. I got Mirrors Edge for like 5 Euro's, and finished it today.

Perhaps some of you played it, too, which is sorta' a requirement for you to understand where I'm getting at with this thread.

It's one of the best games I've ever played. Why ? Well, lets start with the fact that you can't really put it into a genre. Is it an FPS ? Definitely not. A sports game ? Not really. An Adventure ? Nope. I can't tell myself, but that's a good thing. Simply because it's DIFFERENT from everything else I've played so far. It's different from the endless repeating FPS's that crawl out of their lairs. Seriously, you get the same thing all the time, and now I've played Mirrors Edge, BOOM!

I'm still absolutely mindblown about it. Its style, how the whole game is presented. The city with its white, shining appearence. The colors, especially the color red which represents the resistance of this monotonous world the game plays in. The comic-like cutscenes. The great, though fragile main character. And, of course, the absolutely unique gameplay. You can play through the game without firing a single shot of the enemies weapons, which is, of course, hard, but it's how you're supposed to play this game in my opinion. And a thing that really got me is the goddamn Soundtrack. I think I just stood on a certain spot for like ten minutes listening to the track in the background. Mirrors Edge has, in my opinion, the most brilliant sountrack I've ever heard before, leaving alone the fact that it fits this title perfectly.

And yes, it has its flaws, like every game has. There's lots of wasted potential on the whole parkour part. You encounter more and more enemies, and fighting scenes later ingame. The story isn't the best, but it keeps you running until the end. The characters, except the main character, are rather generic. And, the main reason why many didn't buy it, it's too short. I finished it in about 5 hours.

Recently I've read about an article of a german games magazine, that a sequel was about to come out. Of course, EA, the publisher as we all know them, declined and pretty much dumped DICE's idea of making it, why ? Because it didn't sell that good, and there's no market for it, they say.The lead designer of DICE was rather heartbroken, since they know what their mistakes of the first game were, and they know what they've achieved and what the good parts of this game were. On this part I'd like to say it again, **** EA. They're the perfect example of the money grinding whores of this world, they're the perfect example of those corporate assbags that only care about how much money the can milk out of a game, or a series.

On the other hand, DICE is still playing with the ideas of making it. They said that the trademark Mirrors Edge isn't down yet. This gives me hope, that they just do it anyway. Despite what EA says, DICE is a very talented team of developers, and I hope that they can get off the claws of this corporate giant EA.

That's my thoughts about this matter, feel free to comment on it. Cheers.

Mirrors Edge - McNeo - 10-27-2011

Mind = Blown

Furthermore, I'd say that EA are simply a very good accountancy firm.

Mirrors Edge - sadtranslation - 10-27-2011

It's a good game for those thinking with portals.

Mirrors Edge - Crackpunch - 10-27-2011


Meh story.
Meh characters.
Meh combat.
Meh final boss.
Bland levels that required trial and error to find the right way through, murdering the flow.
Cool use of parkour.

If they cleaned up the controls, made the levels easier to navigate and made the atmosphere more "chill" it could be an interesting multiplayer race game.

Mirrors Edge - Korny - 10-27-2011

' Wrote:Overrated.

Meh story.
Meh characters.
Meh combat.
Meh final boss.
Bland levels that required trial and error to find the right way through, murdering the flow.
Cool use of parkour.

If they cleaned up the controls, made the levels easier to navigate and made the atmosphere more "chill" it could be an interesting multiplayer race game.

If you look at the game by just these aspects, which are, of course, not the strongest parts of the game, yes, that'd be it for you.

Obviously you can't make out the parts where ME shines, but if you judge it that way, that's cool.

Also, calling it overrated doesn't make any sense, since it isn't.

Mirrors Edge - Snak5 - 10-27-2011

Indeed. One of those unique games that lacks its niche to be continued freely.

Freerunning principles, similar to Mirror Edge's jumping over low obstacles, can be found in Battlefield 3 too. ( Developers - DICE ) So atleast the ideas of Mirror Edge is carried over.

EA is money making company. They hardly care about the game quality. It makes money - great, let's cook another title!

Mirrors Edge - Korny - 10-27-2011

I read more into it, Schnak. Seems that DICE is planning a sequel using Frostbite 2 and ANT motion capturing. Nothing official yet, though. I do think it'll be announced soon tho', with a bit of optimism.

Mirrors Edge - Crackpunch - 10-27-2011

' Wrote:Also, calling it overrated doesn't make any sense, since it isn't.

I think it's true rating should be 6-6.5

Mirrors Edge - Korny - 10-27-2011

Metascore, seriously ?

ME had terrible sales, and most critics bashed it to death, simply because they look at the game like you. Perhaps they didn't even play it long enough, or didn't get the controls and the whole feeling which made them sad, who knows.

I rest my case.

Mirrors Edge - Crackpunch - 10-27-2011

' Wrote:Metascore, seriously ?

ME had terrible sales, and most critics bashed it to death, simply because they look at the game like you. Perhaps they didn't even play it long enough, or didn't get the controls and the whole feeling which made them sad, who knows.

I rest my case.

37 positive reviews and 7 mixed? I hardly call that a bashing. If you're gonna disregard the opinions of people who play games and write reviews on them for a living, then :mellow: