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my weapons - Printable Version

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my weapons - NoMe - 10-27-2011


where are my weapons?

they disparrues my arms

they left my arms, I had just dismounted

my weapons - AeternusDoleo - 10-27-2011


1: How does this pertain the Discovery Website or Message Board? Wrong forum?
2: What weapons?
3: What's "disparrues"?
4: What exactly did you dismount them from and where? I don't think there's a ship called "my arms".

In short, grab a dictionary and try again, and be a bit more elaborate. The information you've given is not enough to even begin figuring this out.

my weapons - NoMe - 10-27-2011


first thing: I had two weapons codes in my cargo

second thing: nobody killed me

third thing: one instant later there is nothing in my cargo!

Strange no?

my weapons - Zynth - 10-27-2011

Wrong place to ask. This is Site & Board Feedback, feedback on the forums.

Try posting in the Help Requests forum.

my weapons - Cavaliere - 10-27-2011

Did you see any warrant or note on your cargo hold ?
Better check here in case your name there and btw, nice feedback:unsure:

my weapons - fencore - 11-01-2011

Alright, so you had a couple guns, you unmounted them and stashed them in your cargo hold. You haven't died, so they wouldn't have been lost floating in space somewhere.

You didn't accidentally sell them in the equipment dealer screen by chance, did you?

If I could have the name of the ship, and the names of the weapons, that'd be great. I most likely won't be able to figure out what happened, but I can try.