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Urgent Updates to the Commodities/Imports Sections Needed - Printable Version

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Urgent Updates to the Commodities/Imports Sections Needed - Kaghuros - 10-27-2011

As a returning player and would-be miner/trader, I've come to notice that almost all of the entries regarding certain commodities on the wiki are flat-out wrong. This is especially true for Scrap Metal, with only one of the bases I've gone to that supposedly imports the material actually being willing to buy it for a real price. We really need to get an effort going to update the prices of commodities from planet to planet, or at least keep the list of imports for planets consistent and valuable for the Discovery server. As it stands, the wiki is devoid of information that could help me and I'm certain that other newer players are in the same situation.

Urgent Updates to the Commodities/Imports Sections Needed - Echo 7-7 - 10-27-2011

Yeah, it is quite outdated. Serverside changes have been made to commodity prices since the initial v4.85 release. Most do not use the wiki for that kind of information now.

I recommend downloading Freelancer Companion instead.

That's not to say I wouldn't mind the page fixed; just that it probably won't be until 4.86 comes out.

Urgent Updates to the Commodities/Imports Sections Needed - AeternusDoleo - 10-27-2011

Editing the wiki is done by community members themselves. I'd say, register an account and make the changes if you find them wrong.