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Quote Wars - BaconSoda - 10-27-2011

Hi there.

I think we've all been in a situation where we're arguing with someone and then someone else splits our post into little small points. Well that's all fine and good, but eventually the debate becomes so incredibly minute that everyone is arguing over some miniscule thing no one really cared about in the first place.

So once I was doing that quote splitting thing on Guild Wars 2 Guru and a moderator politely told me that I was getting into the Quote Wars: a New Quote territory. When I was told why they have a rule prohibiting quote wars, I immediately thought of several times I'd have been talking to someone and the conversation went way to the East onto a point no one was really trying to make.

There's a thing about replying to a post on the whole and that's that you try to respond to the idea as a whole instead of picking it into minute parts to respond to. It helps keep the topic train rolling in the right direction instead of heading off to where the sun rises.

So, I guess...

TL;DR: I'd like to see these kinds of quote wars restricted. I think they're detrimental.

Now it's time for another Good Idea Bad Idea!

Quote Wars - Snak5 - 10-27-2011

Approved. Many times do people pick on sentences and takes them out of whole post context just to be "right", which is wrong.

Also, that's pain in the butt to read, since you need to read exact quote sections to understand what was replied to.

So, +1 from me.

Quote Wars - jammi - 11-01-2011

' Wrote:Hi there.
Hi. :)

' Wrote:I think we've all been in a situation where we're arguing with someone and then someone else splits our post into little small points. Well that's all fine and good, but eventually the debate becomes so incredibly minute that everyone is arguing over some miniscule thing no one really cared about in the first place.
Sometimes small-scaling the argument is beneficial - if someone's posted an almighty wall of text, you need to be able to identify which part you're replying to, especially if your text could refer to more than one part of their post. If your reply is taken out of context, you still get people arguing over semantics. In effect, you'd just get people putting footnote markers inside the quote, or bolding the relevant bits. Which ends up with exactly the same result as quote splitting, right?

' Wrote:So once I was doing that quote splitting thing on Guild Wars 2 Guru and a moderator politely told me that I was getting into the Quote Wars: a New Quote territory. When I was told why they have a rule prohibiting quote wars, I immediately thought of several times I'd have been talking to someone and the conversation went way to the East onto a point no one was really trying to make.
I can understand where you're coming from here, but I enjoy playing annoying Devil's Advocate, so I'm going to write this anyway. :P

' Wrote:There's a thing about replying to a post on the whole and that's that you try to respond to the idea as a whole instead of picking it into minute parts to respond to. It helps keep the topic train rolling in the right direction instead of heading off to where the sun rises.
Unless you're on another planet, in which case it might rise somewhere else. Maybe. Wouldn't that depend on the direction the planet is orbiting around the sun? Er. I think I'm gonna drop this one.
' Wrote:So, I guess...

TL;DR: I'd like to see these kinds of quote wars restricted. I think they're detrimental.

Now it's time for another Good Idea Bad Idea!
Right, srs time at the end of the post. I can see where you're coming from, and all that above was just me being a dick. Mostly. There was a grain of truth in that second paragraph. Quote splitting does serve a purpose, but like you said, very often it's just used to sneakily deprive an overall post of its meaning. I mean, I purposefully did that to a Gateway post in an RP thread for just that very reason.

I'm kinda divided on the matter because of that. In any case, if it did happen, there'd have to be an exclusion for the RP areas. Choosing to drag off topic or demean a subject inRP is a valid decision.

I guess that makes this a +0.

Quote Wars - Blodo - 11-01-2011

A restriction on "quote wars" seems like a bit of an ambiguous thing. What constitutes a breach? A post being split into 3 or more quotes? That kind of thing can be bypassed by simply enumerating/colouring the text in the quote and responding to it one after the other. Also some posts contain a lot of different points that would simply not receive justice if responded to as if they were a giant clump of text.

We all hate internet arguments that degenerate into an endless back and forth where both sides are being pigheaded. Perhaps it would be a better idea to simply inform people that they can ask moderators to keep watch over a thread that is going nowhere, and move people along if points are being repeated so that a reasonable conclusion can be reached at the end of the thread. Simply banning "quote wars" will not end that, just restrict a particular method of responding to a post and I don't think that's the actual intention here, nor would I support it if it was.

Quote Wars - Azan27 - 11-03-2011

Disregarding the effect caused by someone taking what someone else said and breaking it down into little pieces, what about actual "quote wars?" You know, those things that sometimes happen where a discussion on some random topic is taking place, but two people take opposing sides and begin quoting each other and responding directly to thost quotes, eventually disregarding the topic that the thread was originially one, and the whole thread just becomes about those two people arguing. I'd be for mods stepping in and stopping things in situations like this, or at least just popping in to say "Get back on the subject guys"

So far, I havn't seen too many quote wars get out of hand. Mostly the mods do a good job of diffusing tension, and other times people are just way to lazy to analyize something with that level of detail.