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Recovering - Anna Blanca - 10-27-2011


Day 1
I woke up in a bed, laying in hospital clothing. Having had no clue of where I was. A nurse told me I was kept
sleeping for five Days. Jack was allowed to see me as the nurse left. Seeing him somehow gave me a feeling
not to worry about it. We talked a lot, about '€˜things'€™. I told him things I didn'€™t tell anyone. Never told Jake, never
told Nicholas or Chris. I told him my plans, he didn'€™t approve as I expected. I'€™m still not sure if I should really go
for it or not. Maybe he was right about it. Maybe it was simply too dangerous.

Day 2
My back is hurting like hell again, those annoying needles. The doctor gave me four injections at different spots
on my spine. Instead of just two when I was awake yesterDay. Jack was here still as concerned as he always
was. He told me he would be going on a business trip, meaning he'€™d be away for over a week. Not like I was
going anywhere anytime soon.

Day 3
The pain on my chest seems to ease away slowly, I'€™m feeling quite good although empty and alone. I kept
wondering how Nicholas was doing and what he was doing. He was haunting down the Samarrans, at least
that'€™s what I figured after Jack'€™s words. I was spending hours just staring at the light above my bed. Thinking.


Day 4
The doctor saw I was having worries and asked me where my mind was at. I didn'€™t really give him a straight
answer, evading the question a bit. He always sounds so strict in his words, I just found him annoying. Why
does he even ask, I'€™m making progress in getting better, I don'€™t see the problem.


Day 5
Had to do a few tests today, to see where my progress was in getting well again. The doctor wasn'€™t satisfied,
he said that my worries were keeping my body from healing as it should be. I just told him there was no need
to rush, still not telling him where my mind was at.


Day 6
Slept almost all Day, again did a few tests. The results were the same, '€˜The progress was slower than
expected'€™. The doctor held another speech, one long annoying speech. While he was rambling on about all
the consequences and all those things and how he just wants to help me..., my mind was just wondering off
again. Still I wasn'€™t able to come to a decision on what to do with my plan.


Day 7
The doctor finally gave into me a bit. He said I was allowed to walk around, but that I wasn'€™t allowed to leave
the medical department of the Hood. I sat in the canteen of the medical department of a large part of the Day.
Talked with a few people there. Actually just listened, one guy was just talking about this insanely '€˜brave'€™ story
and how he was the '€˜hero'€™ and so on. It bored me, but it actually made time pass.


Day 8
Same guy was boring me again, he was acting like I was his best friend. Good for him I thought, he has
someone to tell his story to. At some point when he was talking about how bad Outcasts were and that they
were creeping him out in his dreams. I simply told him I was a Maltese. He thought I was joking, he kept on
laughing. '€œIf you just knew...'€ I mumbled quietly, he didn'€™t hear me say it.


Day 9
Well today was quite a good Day. Met a nice guy, talked to him a bit just after he had his hand stitched up. He'€™s
one of the mechanics of the Hood and had a little accident while he was working. Nothing serious though. I told
him about my Eagle being here, being a bit more open towards him, though I lied about me being a escort
pilot. Told him I had a accident while being on escort duties.


Day 10
Still didn'€™t hear anything from Jack, I wonder how long he will still be away on this business trip of his. I'€™m still
making progress with my health, but of course if you'€™d ask the doctor he would still say it is all going way too
slow according to what it should be. I was still being kept grounded in the medical department. And when being
in bed Nicholas was still the main subject my mind kept wondering about, together with my dreams. I tried to
find links between them but wasn'€™t really successful in that, yet. Yet, since I'€™m hoping to find some links,
hoping that will clear everything up.

Day 11
Doctor forced me back in bed today, I passed out in the middle of the hallway he said. I can'€™t remember a thing
actually. He ran some tests, the results would be given tomorrow. He appointed some nurse to watch me,
making sure that I wouldn'€™t leave my room. It just gave me time to wonder on about Nick, Jack and assorted


Day 12

Recovering - Anna Blanca - 10-31-2011


Day 12
I woke up quite early today. The nurse seemed to have fallen asleep as she sat in a corner of the room. I
sneaked out, had to take out my infusion which wasn'€™t exactly fun. Got into my normal clothing and checked
if the hallway was clear. Everything seemed in order. I walked with a rather fast pace in the direction of the
hangars. Andrew should be there. I walked hoping no one would stop me and that Andrew fixed of what I
asked from him.

Soon I arrived in the hangar. I saw my Eagle, the bird looked quite alright again. Not superb but alright. I rushed
myself to get in. A little note was laying on my seat, it was from Andrew. It said he worked on the things I asked
him, telling me it should be okay now to fly again. But he didn'€™t seem to be sure if the bird was ready to be fully
used yet. Andrew was the guy I met a few days ago. The mechanic.

Soon I was flying, doing some test with the Eagle. To see how she was feeling. She still seemed to be feeling a
bit sick. I decided she wasn'€™t ready yet for a long trip and I headed back to the Hood. To work on it later. Along
the way I noted some of things that needed to be checked by Andrew.

I walked back to my room after I finished docking. Hoping the nurse didn'€™t notice me being gone for those few hours.
Luckily she was still asleep, nothing in the room seemed changed. I got back into my hospital clothing. Laying myself
back down onto the bed. Acting asleep.

Not much later doctor Johnson walked in. I kept my eyes closed pretending to be sleeping. He whispered
something to the nurse upon I heard her leaving. I heard him walk to the side of the bed, noting a few things
on a data pad. He held my wrist loosely. Probably wondering why my infusion wasn'€™t inserted into my hand
anymore. I heard him sigh.

'€œAnna, no need to pretend'€
'€œI'€™m not'€¦'€
I said while opening my eyes. Just waiting for another long speech of him.
'€œAnna, if you want to get well soon, you'€™ll have to do as I tell you.'€
I didn'€™t really feel like responding to that. He held my arm a bit tighter inserting back the infusion carefully
but professionally.

'€œYou passed out because your blood levels aren'€™t as they should be. You'€™re lacking vitamins and not just a few'€.
'€œYou didn'€™t keep yourself on the subscribed diet, correct?'€ Johnson shortly sighted again. As he laid a box of pills
on the nightstand next to the bed.

'€œYou'€™ll have to take those after you breakfast, lunch and dinner. One is enough. You got it?'€
He was talking rather sincere. I honestly didn'€™t care what he was talking about. I had my plans.

He left after giving me some more words of advice and telling me how I was doing in general. My chest and
back would probably remain hurting for several weeks more. I was suppressing the pain, trying not to think
about it. I could feel my chest with every breath I took, my back simply annoyed me, each time I moved I felt it,
trying to ignore the feeling. And I wouldn'€™t let the pain stop me from reaching my goal. I'€™d have to do this before
Jack would be back, otherwise I doubt I'€™ll get the chance again.

I spent the rest of the day in bed. Following the doctor'€™s advice.


Day 13
Today was a day of waiting, waiting for Andrew to fix the things I mentioned on the list. Not much happened
today. Just the random checks. Simply laid back on the bed watching the news on a screen that was hanging
on the side of the wall.


Day 14
Andrew told me today that the Eagle should be fit now. I was itchy to leave but I had to time it right. I set a quiet
alarm clock on my PDA to wake up early for the next day. Then I would leave, to check if my dreams were the
truth or just what I wanted to be the truth. I remained following the doctor'€™s orders trying not to make him
suspicious. So this was yet another day I spent in this darned hospital bed. Doing nothing. Just laying there
thinking about'€¦. things.

Day 15
I woke up early as I promised myself. Packed my stuff into a bag, got dressed and left for the hangar. While
walking I typed Andrew a short text message, thanking him for his work. Fifteen minutes later I was already in
space. Flying into the direction of Alpha'€¦


Day 16

Recovering - Anna Blanca - 11-02-2011

Day 17


Day 18


Day 19
I could see the Hood in distance again. I'€™ve been away way too long, I can imagine the doctors reaction. He'€™ll
probably flip out on me or perhaps tell me go and screw myself or something. '€™We'€™re trying to help you, if you
don'€™t want it, then leave!'€™
. He'€™ll say something like that.

As I was back on the Hood I decided not to go to the medical bay just yet. I need to find some right words to
tell the doctor. Since I'€™ve got no reason anymore to leave. I just hope he will understand. Gosh, I feel
exhausted from this little excursion to Kusari.


Recovering - Anna Blanca - 11-07-2011

Day 20
Back on bed again, doctor was pretty angry at me. I just let it all come over me and let him do his '€˜job'€™. Soon
I was all wired up again. Doctor did put me in a secured room that was only accessible via a security pass.
No way he'€™d let me leave again before I was recovered enough again, he said. I didn'€™t mind really. All I was
thinking about is what had happened in Alpha and what I heard from Amy, what she told me about the virus
and antidote. At least Nick took it, so eventually everything should be going to be alright for him again.

Later that day I woke up with Jack standing next to bed. I felt relieved he was finally back here. At least
someone to talk to every now and then, even though he'€™s a busy man.

What he told about Nick disturbed me. Nick came to visit the Hood, looking for me apparently. He was
supposed to be allowed to visit me, I thought. But it seems things didn'€™t really turn out well, ending up in him
almost choking the doctor, he left after that. Jack seemed rather angry about the fact that Nick threatened his
crew and his own doctor. I can understand that. What I can'€™t understand is why Nicholas did it and that he left
in silently again. I wonder what his reasons are or'€¦ were?
Day 21
Not much change in the situation for me. Just the regular visits from the doctor and Jack. All I needed to do
is lay down, sleep, rest, sleep some more and then do some resting again, which is all pretty much the same.
Not that I had a problem with it either. I felt sort of safe here within the strong armor of the Hood, with the
'€˜concerned'€™ Jack, who managed to pull off a smile of me more than just once. In short, everything was
looking pretty well.

Day 22
Just after dr. Johnson and Jack left, Chris came to visit. In his rather unusual form. I wasn'€™t surprised this time,
I saw him in this '€˜ghost'€™ form before. We talked a bit about the things that happened. And a bit about Allen.
I just feel bad about it now. Allen got beaten up for being concerned instead of wanting to '€˜hurt'€™ me. If I was
awake at the time he showed up, I would probably have told Chris to not do it. Ah well'€¦ it happened, nothing
to change about that now.

About the recovery itself. Slowly but steadily I was getting there. The Doctor and Jack looked satisfied with the
progress I was making in the recovery.
Day 23
All of the same again, slow recovery. My mind still trying to figure out why Nick did what he did. And looking
forward to the few things Jack wanted to go and do with me when I'€™m recovered enough.

Day 24
Just the usual for me again. Checkups, some talking with Jack, and so on. Though the doctor gave me some
good news today. Progress was going well, I should be allowed out of the bed by myself soon. Just a few more
days he said.

Day 25
Tomorrow I get some leisure for myself. I probably would just make a little walk around the Hood with Jack.
Yep feeling quite alright and things look bright in the future. Finally. And Nick wasn'€™t even controlling my
thoughts anymore. I do still think about him every now and then, but well'€¦ he'€™s gone, I don'€™t really care
what he does as long as he doesn'€™t get himself killed or anything like that.

Day 26
Felt good to be out of that annoying bed again. Back still hurts though especially with walking. '€˜Small steps'€™ the
doctor said, meaning in the progress of recovering. Walking with Jack through the Hood'€™s hallways made me
feel myself again, a little but still. I at least could take a bit more care of myself again. Now I just have to watch
out I don'€™t go and rush things.

Day 27
Walked a bit more and did some exercises that the doctor told me to do, to get my back, back into shape.
My chest pain was gone for most of the time. Only at certain movements it stings, just have to be gentle with
myself and it'€™ll be okay.

Day 28


Recovering - Anna Blanca - 11-10-2011

Day ... ???

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