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Preparing to close up shop. - Printable Version

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Preparing to close up shop. - Tabris - 10-27-2011

Yes, Tabris has finally had enough of Discovery, He's gonna be preparing for the arrival of The Old Republic which arrives in December, I had fun, had laughs, ate all the fish. But Discovery is frankly stagnant, I've seen absolutely no progress on .86 since the last message on the announcements forums and frankly the player-base in Discovery is starting to mold and become a land of lulz and idiotic behavior.

In about 2-3 weeks time I'll be fully pulled out of the land of Discovery and playing other games to bide my time until TOR arrives.

I really do hope that the .86 (should it ever come out) be all you hoped it would be, but I still have my doubts it'll ever arrive.

I would like to thank the SCRA for the good times I've had as well as the other factions I've participated in during my 2-4 years here, they were the best times I've had while on the Server, but everything must come to an end and one must know when to walk away.

So long, and thanks for all the fish.

Preparing to close up shop. - TheOrangeButterfly - 10-27-2011


Preparing to close up shop. - Durandal - 10-27-2011

Did we actually just make you RQ lol?

Preparing to close up shop. - aerelm - 10-27-2011

' Wrote:Tabris has finally had enough of Discovery
' Wrote:Did we actually just make you RQ lol?
Let me check my screenshots... Hope i have em timestamped.

Edit: Yeah, 19 min's enough to write that post.

Preparing to close up shop. - Blighter - 10-27-2011

[Image: 2dkd5bp.jpg]

l8r m8, gg hf gl

Preparing to close up shop. - Sirius Coalition - 10-27-2011

Congrats guys. You're kicking a player when he's down.

We in the SCRA have taken it quite badly that Tabby has decided to leave, he's one of the good guys and he will be sorely missed.

Now we are never adverse to being shot at. Nor are we overly caring that you shot down a dessie. We are not even caring that you all jumped into Omega-52 and pranced around rather ooRP (in our opinion).

We are not annoyed at any of what happened this evening.

What has annoyed us is that in his goodbye thread, forgetting all the good he has done in game in terms of setting up new factions, participating in RP and generally being a nice guy, you decide to take this one incident and throw it in his face.

Good show.

-The Management

Preparing to close up shop. - Malaclypse 666 - 10-27-2011

' Wrote:Did we actually just make you RQ lol?

Way to go, cabbage.

Quote:frankly the player-base in Discovery is starting to mold and become a land of lulz and idiotic behavior.


Cheers, Tabriz.


(Practicing up on his Maori, just in case...)

Preparing to close up shop. - Durandal - 10-27-2011

Soru Mal and Alvin, but if I view diving into the sun with a rare destroyer in a faction that's already tight on resources as idiotic, there is little that can be done to change that.

Though I'll admit that this post here redeems him.

Preparing to close up shop. - Jeremy Hunter - 10-27-2011

Discovery's lost one of it's best.

Good show chaps.

Preparing to close up shop. - arvg - 10-27-2011

Tis'n't me posting. I am staying out of this one.

Moderator in me is keeping an eye on it though.

I have nothing to say on the matter.