Discovery Gaming Community
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Hi community - critical - 03-09-2008

Hi there!

I am critical, freelancer and explorer.

I try to get as much Information of the sirus sector as possible
and research all systems out there.

Furthermore I am looking for lucrative jobs of any
category i can finish with my Fighter.
SO if you had anything for me please feel free to contact me
on a secure channel, you're job will stay in private.

So long
greetings at all!

Hi community - Etaphreven - 03-09-2008

Welcome to Discovery!

Hi community - SpiritOfWales - 03-09-2008

Welcome to Discovery, hope you enjoy your stay:)

Hi community - pchwang - 03-09-2008

Hey! Welcome to Disco, and thanks a million for joining the forums.

Sit back, relax, join some interesting discussions or read some stories!

Good luck, and Godspeed,

Hi community - Ichtan - 03-09-2008

Welcome! And thank you for being one of the smart ones who actually joins the forums!

Hi community - Boss - 03-09-2008

Yes! Another one hits the forums! Eta, you owe me 50 credits.

Welcome, Critical. Discovery is a place of F-U-N! Good luck out there, and good flying.

Hi community - tfmachad - 03-10-2008

Hello there, critical. Welcome to the server. Hope you enjoy it as much as everyone here does.

I'll point you out to something extraordinary, the very essence of the server dynamics is skilfully described in a not so long text. This text isn't just amazing, but very useful to anyone starting up. You will get most of the information you'll need for a long time and you'll have a completely different view of the game once you've done. I present to you:

Xoria's awe-inspiring, most splendid guide to new players.

Seriously. Read it and you will thank Xoria (and me for pointing it out) through the rest of your Discovery career.

Safe farings to you. Take care.

Hi community - Qunitinius~Verginix - 03-10-2008

Welcome to the server! Have a good time here, and don't try to leave!

Safe Flying and Good Hunting!


Hi community - Death Shadow - 03-10-2008

Welcome, you will enjoy it here just as I have.

@QV Haha you do. (Was reading your custom title)