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Sword of the stars 2 - Printable Version

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Sword of the stars 2 - Exile - 10-29-2011

The game is so broken. First, they release the beta in stead of the actual game (on the release date.) Whoopsy! Now, after they released the game, you can't play it. The main screen says "Sorry, website not found!" and you get an error with every main screen button you press. Oh, and the options are disabled too. Not not working, just disabled.

And to make it easier, their website's offline too. How convenient.

Sword of the stars 2 - Antiker - 10-29-2011

And the thing is you cant use it on Win XP, because it doesnt support Directx9...

i mean how many xp users still exist? i would say several million...

Sword of the stars 2 - Exile - 10-29-2011

Well, that's to be expected. XP is old. Hell, they're working on Windows 8. They won't wait on those who don't buy their new OS' or who refuse to for some reason. Vista 64 works fine.

Sword of the stars 2 - Antiker - 10-29-2011

Got win7 of a mate so i will try it later on

Sword of the stars 2 - Treewyrm - 10-29-2011

Yeah that's a buggy piece of crap, it's missing so much stuff that should be there. It's like beta or worse. And now it just doesn't work for me (win7 x64). That's quite a disaster release. I don't mind stuff released as a beta, but long as it's advertised as such, and not cost as a full product. You know, like Minecraft, Cortex Command and some others.

Sword of the stars 2 - Exile - 10-29-2011

Ok, so it updated. It's no longer a b (beta) version! It's now a c (crap?). It still doesn't want to be played though.

Sword of the stars 2 - Antiker - 10-29-2011

well it will take some weeks till it works i guess...

Sword of the stars 2 - Exile - 10-29-2011

It'd better not. A lot of people just paid good money for the game. It should be out, our they should give refunds really.

Sword of the stars 2 - Kazinsal - 10-29-2011

Sword of the Stars (the first one) was pretty bad imo. Not a great way to blend 4X and RTS.

Sword of the stars 2 - Zahas - 10-29-2011

They all work together so they can sell there product
Microsoft, Ati, nvidia and other game company etc.