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ships geting closed in .86 - Printable Version

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ships geting closed in .86 - Zahas - 11-01-2011

So i've read somewhere that some ships will be closed in .86 that are currently used on .85

Ships like zoner carrier / juggy , IMG (CR) BS
Anything else?

I'm much more interested in cap ships (Bs, cruisers, gunboats) that are geting closed in .86 since i usualy like to <strike>afk </strike>alt-tab alot

I was planning to buy a juggy for some RP but meh i don't wanna sell it in .86

ships geting closed in .86 - Jansen - 11-01-2011

Dont know about the Juggy, but the CR Battleship as well as the CR Cruiser are most likely going to be CR ships with nearly no chance to get them if you are not in the faction, just like all other CR ships.

ships geting closed in .86 - Echo 7-7 - 11-01-2011

There are very few ships being removed from the mod. Quite a few are getting replaced. As for ships that go from being open-use to closed; the v4.85 IMG line is going to the CR (and the IMG get new ships as compensation). The Falcata is going to the Outcasts, but we get the Cutlass Borderworlds Bomber as the open-use BW bomber.

Ships for the Reapers of Sirius, of course, are only open the RoS. Phantom stuff is still closed.

I don't know about the Zoner Carrier or Juggernaut. I didn't think they were going to be closed.

The Spyglass Battleship is going back to being restricted to the Hellfire Legion (I'm not sure if the Vagrant Raiders get to keep their Spyglass or not.)

Edit: PS: If you have an indie Lane Hacker Spyglass, your chances of keeping it are somewhere between zero and impossible. Just saying.

ships geting closed in .86 - Avalanche - 11-01-2011

Question, lets say hypothetically, the Liberty Dreadnought was being closed. So to get it you had to have a SRP. Does that mean those already with it have to get rid of it or can they keep it? Also, if the Lib Dread was closed, but someone had it before it was made closed, could they sell it onto another player later on?

ships geting closed in .86 - Denelo - 11-01-2011

' Wrote:(I'm not sure if the Vagrant Raiders get to keep their Spyglass or not.)

Unless something has changed, the Metropolis is SRP'd, along with the Fu Manchu and Belisarius.

Edit: Woops, the Claymore.O'Gordon is SRP'd too. Only ever seen it once, so I forgot about it, even though it was a big part of the HF-Junker split.

ships geting closed in .86 - AeternusDoleo - 11-01-2011

Some specifics about the IMG/CR shipline split:
Ravens Talon: Stays as is
Charon: Removed from game. All existing ones become IMG LF (Manaslu)
Nyx: Goes to the CR. All existing Nyxies morph into the new IMG VHF (Lhotse)
Pytho: Goes to the CR. All existing ones become IMG bombers (Nanda Devi - heavy bomber)
Hydra: Goes to the CR. All existing ones become IMG gunboats (Gasherbrum, basically a similar ship)
Atlas: Goes to the CR. All existing ones become the new IMG transport (Nanga Parbat, 2200 cargo)
Argus: Removed from game. All existing ones morph into the new IMG battlecruiser (Sagarmatha)
Zephyr: Removed from game. All existing ones morph into the new CR battleship (Kronos)

IMG will get an additional miner transport (lower cargo capacity then the hegemon) and the CR gets an additional LF, (light) cruiser and strange looking freighter.

Juggernaut and Aquilion aren't yet being removed or replaced, although there is some discussion on it. My personal opinion on it is that if the IMG doesn't get a carrier because they ain't a military, the Zoners sure as hell shouldn't have a dreadnaught... But my voice isn't a big one.

' Wrote:Question, lets say hypothetically, the Liberty Dreadnought was being closed. So to get it you had to have a SRP. Does that mean those already with it have to get rid of it or can they keep it? Also, if the Lib Dread was closed, but someone had it before it was made closed, could they sell it onto another player later on?
Anything that becomes a whitecell due to these changes, ask permission. Expect a bit of leniency in some cases when dealing with snubs - but an "I had a Zephyr and want to keep this CR battleship now" to be answered with "lolno". Anything that becomes a redcell? Change ID or change ship. SRPs are closed.

ships geting closed in .86 - Omicron - 11-01-2011

' Wrote:The Falcata is going to the Outcasts, but we get the Cutlass Borderworlds Bomber as the open-use BW bomber.

On place of Outcast, I would dump Falcata and grab Cutclass... as I heard it's replacement for it, not new ship.

ships geting closed in .86 - Jeremy Hunter - 11-01-2011

' Wrote:On place of Outcast, I would dump Falcata and grab Cutclass... as I heard it's replacement for it, not new ship.
Mike, thier two different ships:P

ships geting closed in .86 - Tachyon - 11-01-2011

' Wrote:The Spyglass Battleship is going back to being restricted to the Hellfire Legion (I'm not sure if the Vagrant Raiders get to keep their Spyglass or not.)

Yes. Only SRP spyglasses will be kept to the one(s), who succssesfully requested the SRP. That includes VR- , ]NTF[ and LH~ Spyglasses.

ships geting closed in .86 - Ubena - 11-01-2011

' Wrote:If you have an indie Lane Hacker Spyglass, your chances of keeping it are somewhere between zero and impossible. Just saying.

What about other capitals or BS. All will be restricted or else? If someone lost it bcs of the new rules will they get repaid?