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Forum Music? - Printable Version

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Forum Music? - Avalanche - 11-01-2011

Question time.

Is it possible for a piece of music of my choice to play when someone opens a thread? So instead of having to link Youtube or w/e, it just opens and plays and stops when you close it. Or something to that effect.

Forum Music? - r3vange - 11-01-2011

Autoplay an embeded youtube video as far as I know it can be done forum wise not for just a thread

Forum Music? - Avalanche - 11-01-2011

Ah damn. Okay.

Forum Music? - r3vange - 11-01-2011


at the end of the link.

I post failed, I meant having a track to play from the forum itself I don't think it's possible. It's possible to have an embeded youtube video play in a selected thread

Forum Music? - TheJarl - 11-01-2011

' Wrote:[color=#FFFFFF]&autoplay=1

at the end of the link.
I post failed, I meant having a track to play from the forum itself I don't think it's possible. It's possible to have an embeded youtube video play in a selected thread

However it does annoy the crap out of people who do not wish to be surprised with sudden annoying sounds

Forum Music? - r3vange - 11-01-2011

[color=#FFFFFF]There is a magical button called "mute"

Forum Music? - arvg - 11-01-2011

Moderator Notice:

There is also an an "Against Forum Rules" Feature.

Do not

I repeat

DO NOT embed auto-playing video on this forum. I trust that has been made sufficiently clear to all of you?


Forum Music? - Tachyon - 11-01-2011

I think this forum is good as it is. I would be annoyed, if there would be a certain loop playing all the time. would drive me mad possibly.
Even, if it would be added, at some point people will want it gone for being a nuisance.

EDIT: Sorru, Alvin, for posting, if you wanted to close thread.

Forum Music? - arvg - 11-01-2011

no I don't want to close the thread. The topic is fine, we just needed to remind people about the autoplay thing.

Forum Music? - Hielor - 11-01-2011

Autoplaying music on page load, even in a thread, is very myspace. Very 90s. Bad form.

If you want to stick a sound clip or youtube vid in your thread, go for it, but give me the choice of ignoring it if I so choose.

Edit: Obviously it's against the rules anyway, but I'm saying that even if it weren't against the rules, it's a bad idea.