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photobucket contest - Printable Version

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photobucket contest - siren - 11-01-2011

So... my 2 year old dressed as Supergirl for Halloween. I entered her in a baby costume contest-thing on photobucket contest. I needz some votes:)

photobucket contest - schlurbi - 11-01-2011

Not your personal Army

PS: Site is just black for me.

photobucket contest - Loken - 11-01-2011

I kind of want to vote for the awesome Mr T. I voted for yours because I'm nice though.

photobucket contest - Prysin - 11-01-2011

lame request is lame. Were not your minions.

photobucket contest - ProfGiggles - 11-01-2011

' Wrote:lame request is lame. Were not your minions.

Want us to vote for you instead?

photobucket contest - siren - 11-01-2011

' Wrote:lame request is lame. Were not your minions.
If you were my minions, I would have demanded it. But I didn't, I asked. Do it or not, your choice.

For those that do, thanks a bunch:D


Not posting after this about it.

photobucket contest - Dusty Lens - 11-01-2011

I decided to use the time you requested I take out of my day to learn Spanish instead.

photobucket contest - Gytrash - 11-01-2011

I feel that this is fitting here.
[Image: 618px-Pedo-bear-seal-of-approval.png]

Probably isn't.

photobucket contest - SMGSterlin - 11-02-2011

Nope, it isn't Gy....

I voted for the Harry Potter one, in 1st place, that's kinda awesome... Voted for your's too though.