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Character pictures and so forth - Printable Version

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Character pictures and so forth - Skullz - 11-01-2011

recently I have recieved a private messege from a kind player in the community. It was about how a picture of ones character effects others roleplay. I won't tell you all whom it was, but if they do say it was themself here, I will back them up.

In the messege I recieved, the player stated the following, "On another point, just saying how ********* would react to this, I don't think ** would appreciate to reply to someone dressed as such. Remember that Gallia = Royalty, and royalty means principles,..." (Character names are removed for the sake of observation.)

My understanding of having a picture for a character is to give players a more immersive feel. In the effect of that they can visualize the character more easily. And that the choosen picture(s) that have been picked are not to be taken literally in many situations.

The general feeling, as I have replied to the member of the community, that I recieve from the qoute I have provided is that people do take them literally, when they are only just a visual aid to help visualization. I also feel like that the statement made also appears to me that players do not recognise that a character is going to change their clothing for certain things and during the typical day.

Concluding this, it appears to me that some players think that a player must make different transbars for different kinds of events/encounters, and to take pictures as what that character is actually wearing at that time. For example, easiest with my character Marine Franck's Transbar (Picture provided below), that when she is going to a very strictly formal meeting of any kind that she will wear what she is wearing in the picture I have used. And that she also wears the same thing day in day out. When in fact she would dress for the encounter as the type of encounter is needed. Formal wear for Formal encounters, Evening wear for evenings, et cetera. And that the Statement made, in my opinion, that several pictures must be used for ones characters, instead of simply using one as a characterisation of the characters general outlook's, attitude's and so on.

To put it straight up, players really shouldn't be taking pictures that have been choosen as a literal sense of what they are wearing at that moment. Or, as it appears in the statement, that players should have several pictures for their character, like one for formal occassions, one for evenings, one for when they are working, one for casual occassions and so forth.

For me I find the latter notion very strange, especially from playing a large ammount of roleplay games. And for that reason it is bugging me in the sense of do players really think the latter is right when from personnel experience I know that it is not to be taken/treated that way. So, for the betterment of everyone I would like people to discuss it. And hopefully to show that pictures are not to be taken in such a literal sense. Or am I just dreaming.

[Image: Marinetransbarfinial1.png]

Character pictures and so forth - FIST.Co - 11-01-2011

Used media for roleplay DOES influence attitude between players.

Basic psychology - appearance matter and provides first impression.

EDIT: FRack it again. Alt madness. Arhur here.

Achievment unlocked.

Character pictures and so forth - Skullz - 11-01-2011

That is true on player perception, but it should not effect ones roleplay. If it does then you are being emotionally biased in a manner.

Character pictures and so forth - Korny - 11-01-2011

You can't tell me that a half naked woman doesn't influence the Roleplay, or shouldn't influence it in anyway, that's stupid.

Character pictures and so forth - Dane Summers - 11-01-2011

Honestly - Know who your character is, and find media to match - that way any reactions to that media, will be genuine of what you want to envoke.

Problem being, too many people choose media to represent characters that arent appropriate.

teenage catgirl admirals, and such

Character pictures and so forth - Snak5 - 11-01-2011

' Wrote:That is true on player perception, but it should not effect ones roleplay. If it does then you are being emotionally biased in a manner.
Yes. Blame evolution.

Example for formal and informal trans bars:

[Image: presidenticbar.png]
Obviously formal, because the portrait represents person with strong attitude, capable of making decisions and overall benificial agreements.

[Image: IC_Special_David_Mahone.png]
Used for informal messages or where I wish to look as "human" being. This is used for personal communications and in-IC comms as well.

Both has hidden implications, which influences attitudes.
Am I guilty of playing on human emotions? Yes.
Would I be stupid to not do that for possible advantage? Yes.

Character pictures and so forth - Irwin - 11-01-2011

If you use a picture in roleplay, it affects roleplay. >_>

Character pictures and so forth - Skullz - 11-01-2011

I think people are not reading this. I will point it out again.

Pictures that go with a character is only to give a basic characterisation of the character. It does not implement what they are actually are wearing for certain encounters.

It would be the same as viewing a persons facebook account and saying that, that person only wears that sort of attire for all encounters that they have.

Character pictures and so forth - dodike - 11-01-2011

Is GS a whorehouse?

Character pictures and so forth - Snak5 - 11-01-2011

' Wrote:I think people are not reading this. I will point it out again.

Pictures that go with a character is only to give a basic characterisation of the character. It does not implement what they are actually wearing for certain encounters.

It would be the same as viewing a persons facebook account and saying that, that person only wears that sort of attire for all encounters that they have.
No. We read loud and clear.

Just that your attempt to explain something which makes no sense if you read it carefully.

Though I am not saying Mr. Mahone is always fixing his tie:DThat would be quite... Self-centered.

Simply giving bad general idea about character, as you say, matters. So if I were to use Mahone's pic, where Daniel Craig is only with... swimsuit and use that pic for comms... You get the drift, ye?