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Ghost Ships? - Printable Version

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Ghost Ships? - Othienka - 11-05-2011

Sometimes, when I scan ships, their model name seems to be missing, the stats do match though. Does anyone know the reason for this? If everything else fails, i suppose a reinstall "should" fix it . . .

Ghost Ships? - purplejuice - 11-05-2011

Definitely try a reinstall of both Freelancer and the mod. I doubt that your problem will persist after that.

Ghost Ships? - schlurbi - 11-05-2011

That Thread Title just scared me, but then everything was fine.

Ghost Ships? - Alley - 11-05-2011

Are all your settings on high ?
If you have settings on low/medium (like object detail) it can turn ship models (especially some caps) that do not have LOD models invisible.

Ghost Ships? - Othienka - 11-06-2011

Reinstalling didn't work, but I just manually extracted some files and copy-pasted them to the Freelancer folder and now everything seems OK. Thanks for the help.

Oh and by the way, I did have everything on max, my problem was with the ships' name not appearing on the ship info, the models where fine.