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To: The Junker Congress - Printable Version

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To: The Junker Congress - Jansen - 11-07-2011

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[Image: Unbenannt_3.png]

Comm ID: Tanja Koenig

Hallo Junkers,
it has been some time since we last had the pleasure. I hope this message reaches you in good health and without any troubles.
You know me and you know that I like to get straight to the point, so we should do this.

I have to ask you for a favor, as you may know our beloved systems, Hamburg, Hudson and even Bering are in the middle of a war zone. The forces of Liberty and Rheinland like to transform each others ships into scrap here. Sadly they also target our ships more often these days and we lack possibilities to strike back, to prevent them from finding the routes our and your transports use when carrying the less legal goods.
So, what am I asking for, your engineers seem to have a solution, one that is easy to maintain and not too expensive as well, the Recycler.

I would like to acquire 30 of these ships, in exchange you will have free access to our Protector weaponry or 30 Arbeiter class Fighters, whatever you prefer more.

How does that sound?

Tanja <3

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To: The Junker Congress - Hawk - 11-08-2011

****Incoming Transmission****
****Comm ID: Arbiter Jack Crow****
****location: Classified****

[Image: 1236971360_x34ow-S.jpg]

Yes, this war has become quite troublesome. At first I couldn'€™t be bothered to care about it since we tend to stay out of such conflicts but this one is getting old. That being said, the war is still a very sensitive issue for us and not something in which we can become involved. Even if we had the desire, which we do not, we could not become involved in this and we must avoid anything that could drag us into this conflict. I'€™ll admit I have not been out to your part of space in some time so I am not as up to date on all your affairs as I should be. I believe I can make the time if you would like to set up a meeting and then we can discuss current events and what should be done about them.

Crow Out

****End Transmission****

To: The Junker Congress - Jansen - 11-09-2011

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[Image: Unbenannt_3.png]

Comm ID: Tanja Koenig

Hallo Jack,

I can understand that you try to stay out of this war, your business could suffer if you dont. And you would hardly like to be in our situation as well, being between both sides is hardly fun, especially if both want to rip your head off. The LSF started operations in the asteroid fields, as it seemed they are searching for possible ways to gain the upper hand in this fight even more. Fortunatelly they dont seem to have found anything they could use. But it is only a matter of time before they find the jumpholes we use. Once they found them the ways to transport the Blood Diamonds will be even more dangerous.

That is one problem, the next that seems to be even worse is the amount of capital vessels in the systems of Hamburg and Texas and in the systems between those. Those vessels and their long range scanners can easily spot transports from a higher distance then simple fighters could. I think you can imagine what happens to those transports once they are caught with rather illegal cargo.

You should visit Pacifica or Wedel if you have the time, to see what our situation looks like. I can however not promise you that I personally find the time for a meeting.

About those ships, both sides in this war know us and a few things about our ways of operation. If you simply report them as stolen you should not get into trouble. Its not your fault if my men 'rob' yours, right?

Tanja <3

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To: The Junker Congress - Hawk - 11-09-2011

****Incoming Transmission****
****Comm ID: Arbiter Jack Crow****
****location: Classified****

[Image: 1236971360_x34ow-S.jpg]

I will be making my way to Rheinland from the Omicrons. I think we should discuss this in person.

Crow Out

****End Transmission****