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Insignia Enhancement. - Printable Version

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Insignia Enhancement. - Henry320 - 11-11-2011

The following are insignias to the British Army. On the left is the standard image and on the right is an enhanced copy.

[Image: 75px-UK_Army_OR4.png] [Image: brit_02.png]
[Image: UK-Army-OF6.gif] [Image: brit_16.png]

I want the same enhancement for the Royal Navy insignia's now.

Royal Navy Officer Insignias
Non Officer insignias

I would like for ALL ranks, the background colour of black, greens etc to be removed. Then the actual rank image to be enhanced and made similar to the two examples above. Similar sizes to the army copies please. If you feel you can do this, message me here or skype and I will give you a contract to do the lot without competition.

I'll pay 100M for the lot.

Insignia Enhancement. - Henry320 - 11-13-2011


Insignia Enhancement. - VersRra - 11-18-2011

Check quality:
[Image: zzz2.jpg]

No effects:
[Image: insignia72_01.jpg]

PS — blue background only because preview.

Insignia Enhancement. - Henry320 - 11-18-2011

Great work. I prefer the check quality version. Also get rid of the blue.

Insignia Enhancement. - VersRra - 11-19-2011

Ok, here is it:
[Image: insignia72_011.jpg]

<strike>As you can see, I have some problems with OR-9 emblem (last in pic)</strike>. Looks like I found solution. Wait a little for new version.

Please check all emblems, may be I missed something.

Insignia Enhancement. - VersRra - 11-19-2011

[Image: insignia72_011.jpg]

Insignia Enhancement. - Henry320 - 11-19-2011

Brilliant, could you cut out each individual one?

Insignia Enhancement. - VersRra - 11-20-2011

Sure, all of them here.

[Image: n_OR2.png]

Check them.

/givecash "angara"

Insignia Enhancement. - Henry320 - 11-20-2011

Done, cheers.

Insignia Enhancement. - VersRra - 11-20-2011

Nice to have a deal with you, my friend.;)
If you'll need any correction, just let me know.