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Positive Reinforcement - NonSequitor - 03-11-2008

Last night I was tooling about in a certain corner of Sirius in my BH persona. I was following some leads concerning the whereabouts of some miscreants, both of which have hefty bounties on their heads. Apparently another bounty hunter was in the area as well, attempting to hook up with the local lawful authorities. One particular authority's reply was succinct and biting, something to the tune of "We don't need your capwhoring help."

As I was eating my breakfast this morning, this episode came to mind. That lawful faction pilot could have given a much more rp answer and at the same time help the other player gain a stronger understanding of server rp. For example: "Sorry sir, the costs of this operation must be kept to a minimum. We simply can't afford to hire your services. Now, if you were commanding a gunboat or smaller, we could come to an understanding." Or something less wordy. Even a simple "Sorry, not interested, you need a smaller ship" would be a move in a better direction.

Positive reinforcement does work, albeit in many cases slowly. Insulting people may be mildly satisfying in the short run, but in the long run it may make server rp more difficult to learn and accept. What do you respond to better, the stick or the carrot? What do you listen to most willingly, snarky, self-righteous snippets of wisdom or the thoughtful council of a friend?

*Stumbles off soapbox, dislocates right shoulder*

Positive Reinforcement - Jinx - 03-11-2008

comments like that are ooRP and simply insulting. - i don t know why people think they are good to go with that - only cause the general mood is against capital ships. - but no matter how you turn it around... "we don t need your capwhoring help" is a stupid thing to say.

so, yes - if he wants to set an example of good RP, he should better start at himself before attempting to tell others how they should behave.

but maybe he had a bad day, was in a fight, or thinks that cap-"whoring" is a "nice" thing to say. who knows. anyway, its an example of badly executed RP. mind, you can think of the same situation in a RP way, too. like "we are so rich, we don t want your lame fighters, we only hire battleships!":)

edit: clover will allways complain about capital ships on her, too. but thats mostly, cause it means that i have to retreat - hehe. doesn t stop me to make fun of them, but i try to stick to RP while i taunt ( that means, if i have time to taunt )

Positive Reinforcement - The Pirate - 03-11-2008

' Wrote:Last night I was tooling about in a certain corner of Sirius in my BH persona. I was following some leads concerning the whereabouts of some miscreants, both of which have hefty bounties on their heads. Apparently another bounty hunter was in the area as well, attempting to hook up with the local lawful authorities. One particular authority's reply was succinct and biting, something to the tune of "We don't need your capwhoring help."

As I was eating my breakfast this morning, this episode came to mind. That lawful faction pilot could have given a much more rp answer and at the same time help the other player gain a stronger understanding of server rp. For example: "Sorry sir, the costs of this operation must be kept to a minimum. We simply can't afford to hire your services. Now, if you were commanding a gunboat or smaller, we could come to an understanding." Or something less wordy. Even a simple "Sorry, not interested, you need a smaller ship" would be a move in a better direction.

Positive reinforcement does work, albeit in many cases slowly. Insulting people may be mildly satisfying in the short run, but in the long run it may make server rp more difficult to learn and accept. What do you respond to better, the stick or the carrot? What do you listen to most willingly, snarky, self-righteous snippets of wisdom or the thoughtful council of a friend?

*Stumbles off soapbox, dislocates right shoulder*

I totally agree with that i also experience people moaning OORP about why people use Capships

its embaressing too even be in the same system as people who do that in my opinion

There really is only three problems here.

1: People dont give a damn no matter what
2: about 60% of the player doesnt even know we have a forum and thus are totally ignorant about the rules that are in place.
3: Most people on the server dont even know how too RP which is a Major pian for those that try too RP.

Regards Pirate.

Positive Reinforcement - SimonBlack - 03-11-2008

Quote:"Sorry sir, the costs of this operation must be kept to a minimum. We simply can't afford to hire your services. Now, if you were commanding a gunboat or smaller, we could come to an understanding."

Thats a good line.

Positive Reinforcement - NonSequitor - 03-11-2008

Quote:but maybe he had a bad day, was in a fight, or thinks that cap-"whoring" is a "nice" thing to say.

It's pretty likely this particular pilot was otherwise preoccupied with organizing the operation. Or maybe just a cruddy day at school or the office. We all have bad days.

Quote:There really is only three problems here.

1: People dont give a damn no matter what
2: about 60% of the player doesnt even know we have a forum and thus are totally ignorant about the rules that are in place.
3: Most people on the server dont even know how too RP which is a Major pian for those that try too RP.

I've played on 2 other servers over a 3-year period, 1 pvp-oriented, the other rp-oriented, and I can say with confidence that this one is the best of the lot.

With that said, a server is as good as its admins and playerbase. Disco is no Utopia, nor is it a Dystopia. But it's good enough for me.

I've seen some (1:) but frankly not as much as some folks seem to suggest. Maybe most of the indifferent players are online when I'm offline. Most of these folks tend to get themselves sanctioned and banned off the server sooner or later. Often sooner.

I agree with what you said in (2:). I've read the rules 3 times through and I still haven't managed to memorize them all. By reading the forums, I've gained a better understanding of the rationale of some of the rules. Then again, at least one rule strikes me as being illogical, even after sifting through the arguments of the wiser veterans of this server. But rules is rules.

(3:) is a bit of a conundrum. One player's sense of rp isn't always in perfect alignment the rp of another player. Some players have a gift of rping to the hilt and others settle for rp-lite. Some of the experienced players need to try to understand that it takes time to acclimatize to a new server culture, even if the new player's previous server was an rp-server. And yes, if someone is only interested in getting the best ship and the best guns and no interest whatsoever in playing by house rules, that is very frustrating.

Positive Reinforcement - Angelfire - 03-11-2008

Awesome stuff Megiddo!

To fight evil with evil is pointless!

Man with clear conscience has bad memory!

We were all noobs once.. some of us just know how to ask is all.

I reckon the coolest thing we can do to those we perceive as our enemies is to make em our friends.

Nugget central message end.

heh heh

Positive Reinforcement - Eppy - 03-11-2008

/Signed. We need to control them, and since modified server rules are not forthcoming we must try to deal with them in RP, as the second-most preferable option.

Positive Reinforcement - mwerte - 03-11-2008

' Wrote:/Signed. We need to control them, and since modified server rules are not forthcoming we must try to deal with them in RP, as the second-most preferable option.

o.O What exactly are you signing Eppy?

This post doesn't support any anti-capship agenda, but rather its a plea to keep all comments in RP and to be nicer to people.

Positive Reinforcement - tfmachad - 03-11-2008

All system chat should be kept to RP at all costs, unless it's strictly necessary. Unfortunately people consider rule lawyering, validity of RP and finger pointing all necessary things and as such eligible to figure in system chat. I've decided to do my best and ignore anything of the sort. I tried turning it around back to RP, but that simply doesn't work, so I'll ignore.

Yesterday I received a distress call from a trader in Dresden requesting help because there was a pirate there trying to attack (tax) his convoy. I took my ship to Dresden. The moment I enter the system, I'm flooded with all sorts of "//" marked messages of the pirate and the traders discussing the RP validity of their ships and loadouts. I tried to start the PvP engagement in order to cease that nonsense, but I was utterly ignored by the participants of the "who is more in RP" contest. So I just turned around and left.

What I try to do in RP:

1. People flying without IDs - "Sir, I cannot seem to find your ship's registration anywhere, you might want to check that out." (If the guy doesn't figure what I'm talking about, I'll PM him about it).

2. People flying with Civilian IDs after level 40 - "Sir, your ship's registration is outdated, please look for a registration office and sort it out." (If the guy doesn't figure what I'm talking about, I'll PM him about it).

3. People flying around with "ooRP" (?) equipment - It's really hard to tell what's ooRP or not in most cases. The person may have an intricate story to "justify" some bizarre choice of ship/tag/ID/equipment. So I'll react accordingly to anything that strikes my character as irregular:
a. All nomad tech as RM officer = infested ship
b. Pirate ship/equipment as RM officer = friends with the criminals
c. Rheinland military restricted ships randomly tag/IDed = robbery of military material

People just have to go outside of the whole "rules/ooRP" box and start giving it a little effort. RP is not about ships/equipment/tags/IDs. It's about in game action.

Positive Reinforcement - El Nino - 03-11-2008

Great ideas... i don't have much to add, i will try to do my best to keep all my lines within RP from now on, as this is really esential,... If we want anykind of mass RP out there, we first need to sort ourselves.... (me first, then the rest)..

Thanks for an inspiration!