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Finding a ship for miranda... - Printable Version

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Finding a ship for miranda... - Tenacity - 11-14-2011

So, a long while back I created a character named Miranda. As far as the character's background goes:

-She began as a zoner, and commanded the first exploration vessel which discovered the Nomad/K'vosh Shrine in Unknown
-After the shrine was discovered, she and her crew began the group known as the Oracles, who originally intended to seek out the secrets of alien civilization but soon found themselves as a bridge between humanity and the nomads

-While onboard the shrine, Miranda was 'chosen' as it's "host". The shrine itself contained a sort of artificial-intelligence entity placed there by the K'vosh who built the structure, as both a guardian and a keeper of information which was to be passed on to the children of the K'vosh (the nomads) when they were ready. Like the vault at valhalla, or several ruin sites across sirius, the Shrine was intended to help the nomads learn about their environment and their creators.

-Once she became host to this entity - in much the same way that a human can become host to a nomad (though there was no physical entity, persay, it was a consciousness downloaded into her mind to function alongside her own), Miranda began scouring the far reaches of Sirius for artifacts, specimens, ruins, ancient texts, and all other manner of information. She was not aware of what she was searching for at the time, it was the K'vosh intelligence influencing her actions during this period.

-During the 'possession' by the Shrine entity, Miranda was subjected to several genetic enhancements onboard the shrine itself (technology left behind by the K'vosh for the Nomads). At the time, these enhancements gave her several super-human capabilities, including minor telepathy, telekinesis, the ability to power and use K'vosh artifacts, and the capability to interface with technologies and devices onboard the Shrine.

-When the Shrine entity had collected the items and data it was after, it left her consciousness, and she was free to return to leading the Oracles. Miranda eventually came into contact with the Nomads themselves after it was brought to their attention that the Shrine had been manipulating her. She became a willing host to a Nomad incubus/symbiote named Apedemak, but was soon thereafter captured by the LSF and taken to a research facility in Alaska for study.

-During her time in the LSF research facility, LSF scientists noted several peculiar physical traits that they had not seen in other Nomad hosts. Rather than simply controlling Miranda's actions through a link to the back of the brain, a chemical reaction was taking place which was slowly converting Miranda's nervous system cells into Nomad cells.

-Miranda eventually escaped the facility and, in a stolen cargo shuttle, made her way towards Nomad space. The ship was unable to make the journey, and lost power - Miranda went into a Comatose state as the Nomad inside her gave up the last of it's energy to keep her alive.

-She eventually awoke onboard Altair, a Wilde/Spectre facility in Nomad space. At this point, she had been clinically dead for nearly a month, though the progression of her interior physical mutation from human to Nomad had reached a point that she could be revived, and her consciousness directly linked with the Mindshare.

-Miranda was informed by Nomads, spectres, and wilde aboard Altair that the Shrine entity which had merged with her in the past had used her to seek out the location of a Daam K'vosh ship which had been hidden in Sirius, left behind for the Nomads to eventually find - though they had been unable to at this point. The information to the ship's wherabouts lie locked in miranda's subconscious mind, inaccessible to her or the Nomads, and she's trying to unlock those clues in order to find the vessel.

So that's where I'm at with her story, a year in the making. Miranda is the first true hybrid human-nomad to exist - human on the outside, with a Nomad nervous system and skeletal structure and a direct link to the mindshare. It is unknown why the Shrine entity never informed the Nomads of the location of the K'vosh ship - it simply disappeared and was not heard from after leaving Miranda's mind.

At the moment, I have no suitable ship for this character. Obviously in the short term I can use a makeshift wilde ship - a freighter or somesuch - to give her a means of transportation. However, what I'm looking for is something that would suitably pass as a remnant of the K'vosh empire - an alienesque ship that she and the Keepers can find as the story progresses.

Unfortunately, with SRP's no longer being available (and rumored to never happen again), my options to this end are limited. The story (and character) does have the support of the Keepers, and as such any ship I do decide on can probably be repped without any issues.

Eventually, of course, I'd like to have a custom model for the ship, but I'm pretty positive that isnt going to happen before 4.86, and who knows how long it will be before the next mod version after that. So, I need to find something that's workable in the meantime.

Now the criteria for the vessel... Obviously any K'vosh ship is going to be powerful, however stats arent something I'm looking at in regards to the character right now. I'm more looking at aesthetic appearance and passability as a 'one-of-a-kind' alien ship. Temporary options I've decided -may- match that requirement are the AI Cruiser, Umbrage, Gaian Gunboat, or Scorpion Gunboat.

Problems exist with all of them, however... the AI Cruiser probably fits best as far as pure aesthetics go - somewhat similar to nomad ships in appearance but not biological, it also isnt too strictly limited to any specific faction, and is rare enough that people wont be too familiar with it. The AI cruiser also has a much better model being included with 4.86, which appears even more alien than the current one.

The Umbrage (also known as the Huntress Cruiser) has a menacing look to it, and appears quite alien compared to most sirian ships, but it doesnt really resemble the kind of structuring used by the Shrine or the Nomads. It's wingspan also would cause a lot of issues in the areas of space Miranda is likely to frequent (outer worlds/nomad worlds). Also, due to it's presence as a phantom ship, and with the phantoms being shut down, getting one is probably impossible at this point.

The Gaian Gunboat has a somewhat alien appearance to it, what with the curvy appendages and such, but is a bit small and not at all intimidating, hardly representative of a ship used by the K'vosh empire. It's also distinctly bretonian looking, and familiar to many players (though, albeit, not in the areas of space miranda is likely to frequent).

The Scorpion gunboat looks somewhat intimidating, though I personally am not fond of the poor texture job used by it. The biggest problem is that it was specifically designed as a drone ship, not something that has room or ammenities required by even a half-human character.

So are there any opinions on the character or the ships that might be suited to her? Suggestions are welcome, at this point I've got nothing.

Finding a ship for miranda... - Zynth - 11-14-2011

A difficult decision. If you can wait until 4.86. Try the Tundra. Basically a Liberty Cruiser with added Nomad appendages.

Perhaps an X-Shuttle, although it looks less than menacing.

One of the mining ships maybe. A Mafic or Dacite might work.

May also want to try a Conference, but again, its not scary looking.

That's about all I can give. Its pretty hard to find a ship that satisfies all your requirements.

Finding a ship for miranda... - Tenacity - 11-14-2011

Yea, the Tundra would be nice as a ship, but it doesnt give the idea of a K'vosh ship at all, it's an infected liberty ship and appears as such at first glance.

Finding a ship for miranda... - Zynth - 11-14-2011

Practically nothing on this sever is K'vosh-ish. It doesn't help that we don't know how a K'vosh ship looks like.

That's about the best I can do for now. All you can do is to RP a regular ship with extended capabilities due to K'Vosh enhancements.

Finding a ship for miranda... - Tenacity - 11-14-2011

Quote:Practically nothing on this sever is K'vosh-ish. It doesn't help that we don't know how a K'vosh ship looks like.

It's known that the Shrine in Unknown was built by the K'vosh and pre-dates the Nomads, so we can assume a lot from it's architecture.

[Image: TheShrine.png]

It has trilateral symmetry, just like nomad ships (meaning it's based on a three-way symmetrical design, all nomad ships are currently based on the same design, having a symmetrical body and 3 or more 'wings' situated at 30/60 degree angles) - so we can assume that any K'vosh ship would have trilateral symmetry as well. In fact, it's quite likely that a K'vosh ship would look very similar to a nomad ship - just not quite as 'organic' in design; instead, it would probably use the almost rock-like materials that the Shrine is constructed of.

In fact, if I were to ask a developer to create a custom ship for Miranda, my request would probably be "make it look like the shrine", though instead of facing up/down it would be rotated 90 degrees, so that it would be situated just like a nomad ship. I'm relatively certain the shrine itself is not a k'vosh ship, more likely a k'vosh station or satellite of sorts, but it could almost be a ship if it were turned on it's side.

[Image: 14dh8n9.png]

The AI Cruiser, while it does not share the trilateral symmetry of nomad or supposed k'vosh ships, does keep a similar tube-like shape, and looks as alien as any ship in the mod (barring nomad ships themselves).

The new AI cruiser model for 4.86 becomes even more alien-esque in appearance, and again while it's not trilaterally designed it does keep a similar tube-like shape, and looks almost like a mechanical version of a nomad ship:

[Image: 29uw1tt.png]

The question is... could there believably be interior space for living beings on the AI cruiser (the current model has windows on it, showing at least one deck that could be inhabited by humans, but the new model does not) - and would the admins allow such a ship to exist (a nomad-repped/equipped AI cruiser) without the presence of an SRP system like we once had.

Finding a ship for miranda... - Jansen - 11-14-2011

The AI Cruiser should work well.
The only other ship I could think of is the Corvo.

Finding a ship for miranda... - Maelstrom - 11-14-2011

well, I wouldn't judge so much by looks as ship versatility and availability and suitability. Personally I'd say the X-Shuttle.

I mean, she wants to be able to travel sirius without raising eybrows but in a ship powerful enough to survive the trip. That pretty much rules out the tundra and pirate ships. She doesn't want to draw the attention and wrath of the house millitaries and more powerfull unlawful factions after all.

I'd say the X-shuttle, the Spatial, or the Mafic. Any and all fit her goals, providing sufficient power and cargo capacity for extended voyages in charted and uncharted space.

Finding a ship for miranda... - Tenacity - 11-14-2011

' Wrote:well, I wouldn't judge so much by looks as ship versatility and availability and suitability. Personally I'd say the X-Shuttle.

I mean, she wants to be able to travel sirius without raising eybrows but in a ship powerful enough to survive the trip. That pretty much rules out the tundra and pirate ships. She doesn't want to draw the attention and wrath of the house millitaries and more powerfull unlawful factions after all.

I'd say the X-shuttle, the Spatial, or the Mafic. Any and all fit her goals, providing sufficient power and cargo capacity for extended voyages in charted and uncharted space.

That isnt exactly correct, she's not trying to avoid people at all, what I'm looking for is something to represent the Daam K'vosh ship her and the Keepers -eventually- recover, not something for the trip before that recovery.

Finding a ship for miranda... - Maelstrom - 11-14-2011

Well, we don't have any K'vosh ships or ship lines so finding said ship is impossible until one is made. If you want to go for it anyway, go for it, I'm not one to stop RP. Still, I'd say RP out the search for awhile, let people see her flying everywhere in an unmemorable ship asking wierd but non-threatening questions to jog her memory. Then develop a K'vosh ship and try to get it in the next update if enough people get behind it and want to rp it's useage. Or maybe she finds it but it's gone Kablowie in one of the wars and conflicts and she has to search more to find the components to put it back together (alien artifacts and such)