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Question on Trading time - cmfalconer - 03-11-2008

The title says it all. I'm curious how long everyone spends in their trading characters. I know everyone has one, whether it's your main persona, funding a faction, or buying the battleship. I'm just wondering because I spend about 2/3 of my time in my trader gallivanting around the galaxy.

I've seen the Cash Cow quite a bit, and Capt. I Brokenback, but i know some if not most have a "secret" trader persona, and I was curious. Like RM. How DO you fund yourselves, OOC of course.

I'm not sure this is the right place for this either, but i was curious.


Question on Trading time - mwerte - 03-11-2008

I trade when I need to. Or if something is going on iRL and I need to zone out and/or I'm studying I'll run my trader in the background. Like yesterday my laptop was used for updating all my RP stories and I did some trading on my desktop. and ran into a LH guy...who ate my shield... *crys*

to be honest, my trader is my favorite char, insulting pirates, seeing new sights, learning Sirius...its fun. I think I have ~150hours in my trader. I've made over a billion methinks but currently have around 350mil. I fund a faction and supply all the new RepEx shippers with Whales.

Question on Trading time - frozen - 03-11-2008

i dont trade. at all. all those who have dealt with the Armoury.001, 002 or even 004 know why:lol:i have a trader, called, just for kicks, to have fun, after all, trader convoys can be fun too:D

oh btw, yus, i iz showing off, but i am the richest guy on disco, who doesnt trade. >.>

Question on Trading time - Vero - 03-11-2008

I'd say 75% or so of my time in game is flying trade ships.

However, I'm not in a faction (yet) so I really have very little else to do.

Question on Trading time - El Nino - 03-11-2008

Trading time, 98h 11m and counting... I have only one char with longer playtime... but the founding was somewhat lenghty...

//booring details start
First acuired a starflier....
then did missions, here there, everywhere... stole some loot, found out i could tax people for my fair shere of trade money... taxed my primary character up to a gunboat while taxing away and waiting for a cruiser, i realised that perhaps trading couldn't be that wrong, if dumb traders came and paid me tax everytime, there had to be more money in it... bought my second char, a pirate transport and started smuggling... found out that trading was more profitable than smuggling /balance rant/ and started trading, worked my way up to a pirate train, container transport, luxury cruiser and finaly advanced train...
//boring details end

kinda the char was used to found many things, most of my other chars, and... quite proud of that, only one cruiser and only one battleship.... (the cruiser sucked) the trader is the same faction as most my chars, and allied to the ones funded,... just to kinda stay in rp...

Question on Trading time - Angelfire - 03-11-2008

I spend most of my time trading too!

rep ex is great like that because it is mostly a well respected and protected corporation.

the purpose behind my trading is to relax while i'm working, enjoy the rp and ooc company of other players and of course fund my other rp characters.

its also great being able to have the resources to help new players along.. people tend to listen to rp advice a lot more keenly while you're taking them to buy a ship.. heh heh

Question on Trading time - Zapp - 03-11-2008

An hour a day, if that. Before school, when I have enough time for a single run. I can't hold my attention any more besides that. I hate trading with a passion.

Question on Trading time - kingvaillant - 03-11-2008

I only do one trade route a day and during week ends when most friends are online I trade during 1h 1/2. I prefer smuggling rather than trading,, much more cool:)

I have suspicious ways to finance the LSF:P

Question on Trading time - globalplayer-svk - 03-11-2008

i trade for fun.i have enough money for all i want, but i still trade to support one group:) and for fun,because when i log on and gamma is empty and nothign to make, i go trade.

Question on Trading time - mjolnir - 03-11-2008

' Wrote:Like RM. How DO you fund yourselves, OOC of course.

Well I haven't acually needed to give any money to my RM for a very long time.... transferred once some 30 mil (which is ~ 1 hour trading)... and don't need more money... fighters you know..

Problem with house militaries is that their ships and repair costs would have been payed by the government....or maybe RepEx should pay taxes to the goverment .. which pays us..

On the other hand.. all my pirate characters finance themselves... surprisingly with pirating... some got a "kick" in the start like 20 mil per fighter (15 armor + 2 ship)....

all my LH characters are financed from pirating.. they never received any transfer from outside... and that's what makes LH so good and challenging.