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About certain bombers - chopper - 03-12-2008

Now, I'v been looking at some bombers in Open SP as well as on the server, and I have a few re-balancing suggestions.

Falcata - Big, not really agile, turns ok. Lower it's turning rate to be similar to Taiidan's and improve it's energy capacity.
Agility should stay the same, I'm only talking about 'turning rate'.

Thor - Also, big and not really agile. While it's only a bit more agile then RM bomber, it's a lot bigger and has lower energy capacity. I think it should get a bit smaller and keep the 48k capacity, or get a 58k capacity at cost of decreasing 'turning rate' a bit.

Barghest - Already discussed, there's a separate thread about it. Something needs to be done, that's for sure.

Civi bomber - same as Barghest. If it's gonna be that big, it needs to be really agile.

Catamaran and Red Catamaran - Only a better fitting hitbox is needed. It would really help.

BHG bomber - a slightly decrease in 'turning rate', agility should stay the same.

I fly Taiidan also, and as I said many times - it's a perfectly balanced bomber. No changes needed.
RM bomber is also very well balanced.

But Thor infocard also states :

Quote:The Thor Bomber was developed by the Red Hessians using the same technologies that were used in the Rheinland Bomber.

So, it makes more sense for it to get bigger energy supply.

Also, Falcata could use that too.

Just a thought or two.

About certain bombers - pchwang - 03-12-2008

I agree, although the Thor does seem very much like the Odin. Perhaps it could be more like the Hessian VHF instead?

Also, for the Barghest, why not slap even more armor on it as well? It can also use more energy.

I just don't see the logic of giving huge ships more agility. Maybe more armor and power, but not agility.

Otherwise, excellent suggestions, Chopper, easily a:


About certain bombers - Jihadjoe - 03-12-2008

I like the Falcata just the way it is... The powerplant is just fine if you use it right, and the turning circle is perfect. If you touch that beautiful ship I'll cry, seriously.

Other than even thinking about changing that ship, good ideas... When I flew the Thor I thought it was horrible, however I couldn't put my finger on what it was that was wrong.

I think the Civvy bomber is getting a huge facelift anyway in the next mod so I don't think thats much of an issue at the moment.

I absolutely agree about the Catarmaran, that hitbox is ridiculous and its so damn fast as well... maybe (don't shoot me all at once) this one needs a bit of a nerfing. Now I own one myself and I love to fly it, but geeezzzz its a bit over the top isn't it?

About certain bombers - LancerZero - 03-12-2008

Odd...I've always loved my Thor, aside from the tiny cargo hold. But, I rarely engage in PvP in it, so my opinion may be in error.

Barghest is SUPPOSED to be a huge bomber. But, I have an idea. Make it more like the SHF it's sized to be. More armor, way more bots/batts, more guns.

Catamarans: I completely agree on that. Those things need to have something done about them. Maybe a simple scale change, and hitbox change, would do wonders.

Roc: Already getting changed. Will become the bomber equivalent of the Eagle: maybe a slightly large hitbox and relatively small powerplant, but great agility.

About certain bombers - Jinx - 03-12-2008

what about the challenger bomber? - i rarely see it being used at all. what bomber does it compare to? - maybe identical to the havoc? - what about the warren?

well, from my experience, its oddly easier to dodge fire in a bHG bomber than it is in any eagle type ship. - the havoc on the other hand handles similar to the virage.... it does not appear to be too well on dodging - but that might be so, cause the camera is really close to it.

never seen the warren flown by anyone, same with the challenger. - at least the bretonian bomber looks good, so it cannot be that. if i had a char that was allowed to use it, i d prolly give it a try.

About certain bombers - bluntpencil2001 - 03-12-2008

The Challenger is lovely. Nicely balanced. Sucks in comparison to the Catamaran, but what doesn't?

I used to fly mine all the time.

About certain bombers - Stratus - 03-12-2008

Nothing wrong with the Challenger, I love to fly mine, tis mint.

Theres a seat here for you in the QCRF if you want it Jinx...

//shameless recruiting

Please do something about the Catamaran, its a real headache to hit, even with 3 hussars swarming it.

About certain bombers - chopper - 03-12-2008

Yes, I couldn't notice anything wrong on a Challenger, though I have no idea about it's size. Is it big or small?

Also, Havoc is horrible. I'v forgot that one. I fight them all the time.
It's too long, not so fat though, but easy to hit in a chase fight.

Quote:I like the Falcata just the way it is... The powerplant is just fine if you use it right, and the turning circle is perfect. If you touch that beautiful ship I'll cry, seriously.

I was actually proposing upping it a bit.. Trust me, power supply is important.
While Taiidan is smaller, it has a bigger supply.
A bit of turning rate decrease won't kill it. Have you ever flown a Taiidan or RM bomber?
It still flies really nice, but it gets to be good against capital ships.
The way it is, it's average against capital ships, but lower then average against fighters.

But, never mind, that was just my opinion.

Agility on Catamarans isn't the problem. All Kusari ships are so agile.
But it's hitbox probably is.

About certain bombers - aster - 03-12-2008

I've just started training in a Challenger and whilst I have no experience to add to the debate I would like to say I love it.

Great model. Just the right size in comparison to the Templer and Hussar. Congrats to all those involved in its development.

So... please keep it as it is.

Ensign Aster.

About certain bombers - Zavier - 03-12-2008

The Challenger is a GREAT bomber, but has a screwed hitbox. Also, for some reason it can't dodge that well, unlike my Taiidan.