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GRN Priority Memo - Printable Version

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GRN Priority Memo - Enoch - 11-23-2011

Incoming Transmission
Military grade Encryption
Comm ID: Colonel Titouan Blois

[Image: Big_Boss_MGS4.jpg]


By decree of Her Majesty Princess DeFrance, Marine Franck has been declared traitor to the Crown.
She is to be arrested and taken to the closest Police or Navy station for interrogation. Interrogation will be performed by ONI and/or LT agents only.
Use of lethal force is authorized would she try to resist or escape.

In addition, I remind you that trading rights for the Gallic Scrap Consortium have been frozen until further notice.

Toujours Loyal,
Pour le Roi.

- Titouan Blois

GRN Priority Memo - Office of Naval Intelligence - 11-24-2011

>>>Data Package Sent...
>>>Data Package Detected...

>>>COMMID: Directeur Adelaide Zelda, Office of Naval Intelligence<<<
>>>LOCATION: ONI-Point of No Return<<<
>>>>Message Begins...
<Error! Video Transmission corrupted! Video Feed canceled>

Bonjour Colonel Blois. I am Directeur Adelaide Zelda of the Office of Naval Intelligence.

Tsk tsk. It seems that we have a very rude want to be Commtese Oui? She should learn that she is allowed to live where she lives by the grace of the King.

As per the orders of Aurelia DeFrance, the Office of Naval Intelligence shall mobilize a small team to take apprehend this woman. She will be taken to our Foxtrot Base on Nevers for holding until we are able to relocate her to our Installlation Alpha on New Paris.

Leader of the task force is our operative code-named Odin's Eye.

Thank you for forwarding this to us Colonel.

Adelaide Zelda, Directeur
Office of Naval Intelligence