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Waran replacement, a serious attempt - Printable Version

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Waran replacement, a serious attempt - Cysim - 11-26-2011

I came up with this Waran concept.

From initial scans, the ship looks like it has been engineered on a cheap budget using almost any raw material available from scrap metal to vessel parts from debris. And the layer of armor has been applied over and over making it the heaviest and slowest bomber in whole of Sirius. However looks and style apart, this vessel boosts superior firepower and heavier armor when compared to other bombers and can be a nightmare for traders and cap ships.

Guys, what do you think?

[font=Times New Roman][color=#F96807]That image was a tad too big, and has now magically become a link. Keep it less then 700px in future please - Widow.

Waran replacement, a serious attempt - Ayatolah - 11-26-2011

honestly, looks funnily odd!, it can work too, its always good to have "weirdo" ships, yes Waran has a great firepower, but for some reason, this model reminds me like a wolf head in the front sight, don't take my opinion for bad, 'cause isn't i would love to see floating wolf heads over there, for me is more of a valid replacement^^

Waran replacement, a serious attempt - Veygaar - 11-26-2011

Maybe slick back those top fins a bit, and of course a different/small texture will be needed. But it's got potential as a replacement to the ugliest bomber in Sirius;)

Waran replacement, a serious attempt - Durandal - 11-26-2011

Jinx syndrome. Slapping textures onto a ship and planar mapping them is not how you do it. The textures should match the geometry of the ship, the lines in the textures should match up, there should be lots of trims and texture details that stand out, etc.

I suggest you read Gurjiv's tutorial here, it's how I learned.

Also I suggest you take a look at AoM's ships, as they're good examples of what I mean. (Most corsair ships, the Blood Dragon caps, Black Dragon, Orchid, and others I can't think of off the top of my head).

As far as the mesh itself goes, it's decent. Kind of underdetailed but the shape is alright. It's short though, looks like it was squashed together. Might try extruding the nose or ass a bit.

Waran replacement, a serious attempt - Veygaar - 11-26-2011

Take a look at UV mapping, will help with the textures... I still like the model design don't get me wrong, but texture will HAVE to be worked on.

Waran replacement, a serious attempt - Jayce - 11-26-2011

Stop trying to replace the Waran. It holds a special place in all of our hearts.

Waran replacement, a serious attempt - Inconspicuous Alt. - 11-26-2011

What the hell is this? Darth Vader with bunny ears?

Waran replacement, a serious attempt - Tachyon - 11-28-2011

I think this isn't the kind of model and texture, which should be replacing the waran.

Waran replacement, a serious attempt - lw'nafh - 11-28-2011

It looks like an Enclave helmet... a little bit, anyway.

Waran replacement, a serious attempt - Fletcher - 11-28-2011

' Wrote:It looks like an Enclave helmet... a little bit, anyway.
Damnit, I thought I was the first to think that...