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To : The Gaians Underloch - Printable Version

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To : The Gaians Underloch - Pacificator - 11-27-2011

[Image: jhcjunkerup.png]

[Image: enron.jpg]

Hya there...

Let me introduce myself. I am Enron, Capt of the JhC_Ithaque, a Junker affiliated vessel.

So I've heard NLH is disbanded and you seem to be the new emerging force for Gaia. Why not, we'll see if you do better than them.

I make myself known to you for I use to come quite often on Islay, supplying you in the Purest synthetic marjuana from the other side of Sirius sector. We use to deal with the old Banger at the time. Dunno if he's still around...Got any news ?

Well, if you'd like, we could carry on the supplying and report our deliveries in the appropriate area, if you have one yet. If you are in need of different goods to be shipped to other bases, just say it. We will arrange something.

On the other hand, I would like docking permission to some of your bases as we used to, so I can have some safe heaven to dock and re supply when I am in need, as you probably do with our bases...

What happend to the old NLH Guard ? A friend of mine keep asking about Sequoia.Heart.

OK lads, Cherrio !

[Image: jhcjunkerbottom.png]

To : The Gaians Underloch - Nature's Last Hope - 11-27-2011

::Enter Security Clearance Code::

Michael Jones_

::State Request::
Request Gaian Guard Neural-Net Cell channel uplink_

::Name Cell::
The Gaian Underloch_

::Name Frequency::
To: The Gaians Underloch_

::Network Encryption Authorization Code:::
::Uplink Complete::
::Gaian Guard Neural-Net Cell channel "To: The Gaians Underloch" Is Now Online::

Greetings, mister Enron.

Indeed, you have right information. Nature's Last Hope was disbanded, and we are new Gaian organization.
Ofcourse, Banger is still around, but I'd prefer you talking with me on this matter.

And we got ourselves a problem. I'm not Banger Grim, so I dont know if you are trustworthy, or is your Synth as good as you are saying. So why should I allow you to use our bases, and endanger us, Gaian movement, with your prestence?

Maybe we should make this agreement more profitable for both of us. You see, Underloch has enough of Marijuana supplies, but I cant say that for rest of Islay residents. So here's the deal. You are free to dock on our bases, and sell your Marijuana to it's residents under one condition. Every month, you have to send us 25'000'000 Sirius Credits on our Neutral-Net account.

If you agree, please answer as soon as posibille so we can discuss some details, and make this agreement valid.

::Gaian Guard Neural-Net Cell channel "To: The Gaians Underloch" Is Now Offline::

To : The Gaians Underloch - Pacificator - 11-27-2011

[Image: jhcjunkerup.png]

[Image: enron.jpg]

Now look at that...Already trying to squeez me up !

Maybe I got your message wrong, but it seems to me that this is way out of line.

First of all, you are not the Banger but he is around, as you say. Maybe you should ask him about our past rerlation, then he'll tell you that never once there was problem between us.

Second, I do not see what you mean by endangering your bases. Giving your position (considered unlawful by all major houses, corpo and most of the illegal factions, and shot on sigth) and mine (considered neutral to quasi all because everyone uses our bases, goods, supply service and ships...) I would say that you are the one endangering our bases. Think about it, you always need a Junker around, and it is not a rare sigth to see some of yours crawling to Trafalgar with BAF on their tales to save their greeny skins. Your recent change of stance with the Corsair Empire (from friendly to neutral) will may have some consequence in the futur when you'll meet them.

Third, you are asking a sum that exceed many things :

* The profit I make with thoses trips
* The regularity of those trips.
* The possibility for me to find other bases. Basically I was just being polite, but I hack my way in nearly every bases for the reason I told you earlier. Furthermore, my demand do not concern your Guard system of course.
* The possibility for you to enforce your demands. So far at least.

And last but not least, usually isolated chaps like you are glad to have decent suppliers like us, able to cross all Sirius without being hit or pirated.

It is really a shame that after all that was done between us, the links that has grown bewteen some of my men abroad and some of yours in Islay, the mutual respect earned, we end up having a low level smuggler / pirate conversation.

For all that was stated above, I have to refuse your generous offer. But no hard feelings he ?! If you change your mind, give us a buzz !

I am pretty sure we'll be watching each other in the near futur...

[Image: jhcjunkerbottom.png]

To : The Gaians Underloch - Nature's Last Hope - 11-27-2011

::Enter Security Clearance Code::

******* *****_

::State Request::
Request Gaian Guard Neural-Net Cell channel uplink_

::Name Cell::
The Gaian Underloch_

::Name Frequency::
To: The Gaians Underloch_

::Network Encryption Authorization Code:::
::Uplink Complete::
::Gaian Guard Neural-Net Cell channel "To: The Gaians Underloch" Is Now Online::

I dont know who do you think you're dealing with, but there's nothing free in Underloch. We work hard to earn enough cash to survive, and you just want to barge in, and sell your piece of junk Synth, and poison Islay's residents.

When I said 'Banger is around' , that meant that he's not avaliable at this moment. And I sure wont disturb him just because some old smuggler want to prove me that he's good enough to work with us.

He's not here, but I am. Prove me that you are good, or scram. We have enough smugglers, and we obviously wont cry that one of them is leaving us.

And about fee we asked from you. How much runs do you make in a month? Ten? Twenty? Well, I'm sure that it brings you five times bigger profit, that we asked from you. If you dont want to share with ones that buy Synth from you, then you wont have a place to sell your Synth either.

So here's the deal. Either prove me that you are worthy of selling Synth to us, pay fee, or leave and dont try to dock on our bases.

::Gaian Guard Neural-Net Cell channel "To: The Gaians Underloch" Is Now Offline::

To : The Gaians Underloch - Pacificator - 11-28-2011

[Image: jhcjunkerup.png]

[Image: enron.jpg]

Nearly all your bases buys our Synth at best prices, so you've done for ages. Poisoning the residents ? Don't make me laught. You probably have something in your pocket that did transit from my ship first.

You want to prove you're not NLH, so you play it tought. you made it clear that the past 'intellectual parodie' were over, and now is the time for gunpowder and testosterone. How original my friend....Good luck in that way.

As to prove something to you. I am not going to cry on a 'freshly new arrived from the dead' old Guard who clearly has no mesure of the rigth middle. I used to make 1 trip a week, so 4 a months. At 7 Mil profit per trip, that's 28 Mil. So clearly I am not going to pay 25. I am willing to share so I offer you 10 Mil per month, not a penny more.

Either prove me that you are worthy of selling Synth to us, pay fee : If you think that paying a fee makes you worthy of anything, then you're going to be dispapointed soon.

10 Mil, pick it up or Cherrio...

[Image: jhcjunkerbottom.png]

To : The Gaians Underloch - Nature's Last Hope - 11-28-2011

::Enter Security Clearance Code::

Michael Jones_

::State Request::
Request Gaian Guard Neural-Net Cell channel uplink_

::Name Cell::
The Gaian Underloch_

::Name Frequency::
To: The Gaians Underloch_

::Network Encryption Authorization Code:::
::Uplink Complete::
::Gaian Guard Neural-Net Cell channel "To: The Gaians Underloch" Is Now Online::

Greetings, mister Enron.
Good. Just what I wanted to hear. You have balls to stand up and fight for yourself, just like we do. I like that.

So, congratulations, you gained my trust, and as soon 10'000'000 hits Neutral-Net account called [U]The.Penny.Dreadful our deal will be running, and you and your crew will be allowed to use our bases for resupplying, trading, or just making a quick stop.


::Gaian Guard Neural-Net Cell channel "To: The Gaians Underloch" Is Now Offline::