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Terrorist = Criminal? - looqas - 03-14-2008

I've been wondering about this since my Bowex character is now neutral towards Gaians. The Bowex Info card says that criminals are enemies. The initial response would be yes. I need to get red with them. But some of the factions are actually freedom fighters and are more ideologically motivated.

The case of Bowex is easier to say solve since it's supposed to be the main supplier of BAF and BPA, so it's very likely they would be pals of Gaians or Mollys.

The situation is more complicated with Gateway. They have criminals as enemies but are not allied with any military/police faction. The interesting thing to ponder here is that Molly/Gaian bases need supplies so some sort of trading should be possible. Is Gateway the said supplier? Not loved but tolerated.

Basically it all boils down to the question that what NPC factions are criminals. And this I'd like very much to be clarified.

EDIT: Also I've been wondering do I need to get red with Kusari based corporations or just the military/navy?

Terrorist = Criminal? - Jinx - 03-14-2008

there are only very few terrorists out there. ( in terms of the rules ) - thats terrorist ID, phantoms, coalition, and i think its the novapg, too now.

xenos, gaians, dragons, - etc may do terroristic acts, but are in fact pirates. since they are pirates, they may have a freedomfighter background, but spend their daily life pirating traders, hence, they are hostile to traders, pretty much no matter what you think of them.

when its about bowex and gaians, bowex is especially hostile to gaians, as is BMM and spa and cruise or planetform, cause those cooperations represent the corrupted ( from the gaians point of view ) bretonian goverment - and they support the exploitation of the systems activly or even push it foreward.

pirates would consider any trader of any sort to be nothing more than a milkcow that can be harvested. - now, a smuggler ID may be tolerated .. when he build up reputation with the faction ( tag, ingame actions ). - but a trader or a cooperation trader will never be welcome at any pirate base. - no matter how desperate those pirates are about supplies. - actually, they are not, there are allways smugglers, zoners, their own kind ... to supply them.

Terrorist = Criminal? - Marburg - 03-14-2008

If I speak as a Gaian, then I would say that I have all sorts of 'issues' w/ Bowex & would act at the least, standoffishly hostile if we ever met.

& thinking as a Gaian, I wouldn't see myself as a criminal...just a good guy sitting on the 'wrong side' of the current law.

But your best bet to keep w/ RP is to not think about how other factions see themselves, but how your faction sees them.:cool:

Terrorist = Criminal? - looqas - 03-14-2008

Thanks for clarifications. I completely forgot that Zoners exist to take care of supplying the non-conformists.

So what's Bretonia's corporations stance towards the Kusari corps?

Terrorist = Criminal? - marauder - 03-14-2008

Criminal = someone who steals to make a living

Terrorist = totally insane and unredeemable psychopath, usually has a vindictive streak the size of an eighteen-wheeler, probably sadistic, definately someone you do not invite over for tea and a biscuit.

Pirate = poor bugger who breaks the law to make money

Trader = tightfisted git who would rather sacrifice their crew then pay to keep their ship intact

Military pilot = hotshot flyboy whose not as good as they think they are

Police pilot = the ultimate lazy bugger, works the hardest to do nothing at all, favorite payment method is donuts, biscuits and for bretionians tea.

Freelancer = pesky sods who want to do whatever they like when they like.

Bounty hunter = *unable to state correct terminology due to language filters*

Merc = scum who fight cos its what they're good at, the bigger the pay the more likely they'll kill you.

Thats a rough guide, not entirely serious one either, but it might be helpful:)

Terrorist = Criminal? - jammi - 03-14-2008

The majoritty of FL faction terrorists (Xenos, Gaians ect.) arn't insane phycopaths but have been branded that by their governments for propaganda reasons and their extreme actions. As a Xeno there was a bit of dicussion on out private forums and on these ones on how we are acctualy any differant from normal pirates. We got an answer from admin saying now we can order to drop cargo instead of taxing monies.

That means trader pulls up, we disrupt order they dropall their cargo, tractor what wecan then destroy the rest of theircargo right in front of em. Makes for a real reason for traders to stay out of ZoI seeig as it for once would be more profitable for them to die. So they find somewhere else to trade. Which is the goal of the Xenos, to get forgein traders out of Liberty. Your answer, terrorists are more extreme than pirates and will more than likely go to further lenghths to reach their goals. For simpilicity NPC are catorgised as criminals, but players shouldn't nessicarily if they're RPing it right.

my 2 cents anyhoo

Terrorist = Criminal? - mrlance - 03-14-2008

Criminal = someone who has a criminal record, hunted by House police after being caught for an unlawful action.
We are not guilty until etc...
I am a Gaian and i blow your ship, destroy your goods, make you impotent. You report to BPA. Now i'm a criminal and a convicted terrorist.

Hard to keep criminal records, hard to track a criminal.

Terrorist = Criminal? - Ion - 03-14-2008

Terrorists arent criminals... they just kill or attack whatever is within thier RP to...

wether that puts them at odds with a group, faction or individual, is up for group or individual to decide

Terrorist = Criminal? - sovereign - 03-14-2008

' Wrote:The majoritty of FL faction terrorists (Xenos, Gaians ect.) arn't insane phycopaths but have been branded that by their governments for propaganda reasons and their extreme actions. As a Xeno there was a bit of dicussion on out private forums and on these ones on how we are acctualy any differant from normal pirates. We got an answer from admin saying now we can order to drop cargo instead of taxing monies.

That means trader pulls up, we disrupt order they dropall their cargo, tractor what wecan then destroy the rest of theircargo right in front of em. Makes for a real reason for traders to stay out of ZoI seeig as it for once would be more profitable for them to die. So they find somewhere else to trade. Which is the goal of the Xenos, to get forgein traders out of Liberty. Your answer, terrorists are more extreme than pirates and will more than likely go to further lenghths to reach their goals. For simpilicity NPC are catorgised as criminals, but players shouldn't nessicarily if they're RPing it right.

my 2 cents anyhoo

About getting admin permission to do so, who did you contact? The background I plan to develop for my bundie leans him to be VERY hostile to Daumann-types and anyone hauling diamonds around, so do I need special permission to demand cargo, or can I just do it? In terms of RP, he really wouldn't even bother to grab any of them or tax people, just destroy the diamonds for what they stand for (semi-murderous abuse of workers, like himself before he became bundie)... provided they weren't mined by Hessians. Then he'd probably escort them, actually...

Sorry for off-topic there.

Anyway, the whole ID discussion seems to have popped up again in a lot of threads, so this afternoon I'll go gravedigging and pull out the lost discussion on it, seems relevant now. And, I'm thinking we should get it resolved before next version comes out, seeing as it's so important...

Speaking of such, is there a place I can go look to see how that's coming? People have mentioned bits of it here and there, but I haven't seen anything...