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Corvo vs Fearless - Starfish - 11-29-2011


During comparison ship parameters i noticed that virtually all parameters of Fearless are equal or better then of Corvo. Equal powercore and maneurability, but thicker armor, more buts/bots, turrets and cargohold. A question: why Corvo then at all? Has it any advantages in comparison with Fearless apart from RP (Corvo - explorer, Fearless - ballleship). Possibly i missed something. Could some Corvo owners justify their choice? Thanks.

Corvo vs Fearless - Tenacity - 11-29-2011

There's this little unquantifiable stat we like to call "Roleplay Value".

Corvo vs Fearless - lw'nafh - 11-29-2011

' Wrote:There's this little unquantifiable stat we like to call "Roleplay Value".
But you can't pay for the ship with Roleplay Value.

Corvo vs Fearless - Jinx - 11-29-2011

statwise - the fearless does indeed beat the corvo (almost) any time...

- fearless is smaller
- fearless is more agile
- fearless has more armour
- corvo has an easier to use weapon layout

the roles are vastly different though -

- the corvo is meant to be a deep space explorer vessel - equipped with long range sensors
- the corvo is also meant to be able to work properly with a very small team of people who are NOT professional capital spaceship crews.
- that means that much of the ship is simplified, or automatic
- reason for that is - that its meant to be used by small scientific teams.

- proposed crew size for the corvo : 12-15 people

- the fearless is a backbone military vessel but also a heavy supply ship. zoners use it mainly to supply their remote freeports.
- the fearless uses "normal" crewsizes - probably more than three times the number of the corvo.
- the fearless does not possess any long range sensors but rather powerful short range sensors for combat actions. - it can also not operate properly with a crew like the corvo


the new corvo :

- will have a visible sensor array like the ones used by sirian factions
- will be significantly harder to hit due to a considerably smaller profile

- since it is the only capital sized research vessel - it ought to be kinda generic to researchers and researching factions. but since its still a zoner ship - it ll probably just be MUCH easier to get than a fearless.

the new fearless :

- will be insignificantly longer than the current one - but flatter
- is roughly the SAME size as the BHG thresher ( arguably one of the smallest and a pretty nice cruiser ) - but it ll be horizontal instead of vertical


RP wise - ever since the introduction of the zoner whale - zoners don t quite rely much on the fearless as a supply ship anymore - hence the change to a more military use. - the fearless is meant to be an escort ( despite the rules that discourages cruiser escorts )

Corvo vs Fearless - Starfish - 11-29-2011

' Wrote:...
Many thanks!