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SOLVED : Dual screen on FL windowed mode - Printable Version

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SOLVED : Dual screen on FL windowed mode - Pacificator - 11-29-2011

Hello dear community,

I am currently trying to run a dual screen with main one : LCD 32' and second one being a standard PC monitor.
It is set as 2 different screens with different resolutions.

All is fine, but when I click on the other screen, FL display freeze, but in game i know that it carry on computing, for if i click back on FL screen, my ship goes to the position as if it never stopped.

There should be a small setting I forgot no ?...

SOLVED : Dual screen on FL windowed mode - Zahas - 11-29-2011

different resolutions for freelancer is a no
you need to use only 1 resolution

SOLVED : Dual screen on FL windowed mode - Pacificator - 11-29-2011

both screens can't be in the same resolution, they are way too different. In any case, it seems to me that the FL resolution isn't a problem, because the same happend ( i just realise by testing) on a single screen with FL in windowed mode. If i click outside the FL window, it freezes... like if the problem was a setting for FL windows to carry on displaying even when not in the foreground..?..

SOLVED : Dual screen on FL windowed mode - Error - 11-29-2011

That's completely normal behaviour for FL. Install Cannon's newest .dll update to fix this.

EDIT: Fixed broken URL BBCode.

SOLVED : Dual screen on FL windowed mode - Pacificator - 11-29-2011

Ah, better... Video carry on displaying, wich is an improvement, but sound goes away. does not matter. What matters is : It is not playable due to huge loss of fluidity. But we are getting forward, thanks for that.

In full scrren, it is a charm. I see the difference from the old version, i gain in fluidity. Very smooth. But in windowed mode, not the same...

SOLVED : Dual screen on FL windowed mode - Pacificator - 11-29-2011

' Wrote:What matters is : It is not playable due to huge loss of fluidity. But we are getting forward, thanks for that.

In full scrren, it is a charm. I see the difference from the old version, i gain in fluidity. Very smooth. But in windowed mode, not the same...

I take that back, found the problem. I've tryed several setting with n-vidia tools wich I needed to undo.

All is smooth ! a lil less in windowed mode but normal i think, very playable. Just the sound goes, but that's minor.

I never heard of that .dll upgrade, should check server news more often.... Thanks again.

SOLVED : Dual screen on FL windowed mode - Error - 11-29-2011

No problem.

I'm not sure if the sound issue is something that can be fixed, but that's
usually not wanted if you're doing other things than FL at the same time anyways - which
you most likely are if you're running it windowed in the first place.

EDIT: Can't find anything on the matter with a few quick Google searches, at least.