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Can liberty rogues keels shquiddies? - One.Eyed.Eddie - 03-14-2008

Jusht wonderin... seein the Noo Yerk Jumphole fer the Rougies is so close t' the Alashka gate..

and oi sees rougies n' outcasts round thar all the toim!

So it should be RP ter doive inter Alshka an' keels shquiddies roit?

Can liberty rogues keels shquiddies? - chopper - 03-14-2008

They would know about Alaska, if you ask me.
Not all of them, but Rogue leaders would know everything about Zone-21.
Even in SP, when you start that mission you'r starting it from Buffalo.

Question, however, is... Why would they go there? Unless to visit one of the prisons to free their comrades..
I can't find a good reason for Rogues to risk going into Z-21.

Can liberty rogues keels shquiddies? - One.Eyed.Eddie - 03-14-2008

We be close allies wiff the Order eh! When oi goes in thar, they be as green as me nostrils ter me!

Reasons fer bein thar? Helpin kill them never endin squiddies what keeled me friend Pete an shtole me rum!

revenge is a dish served noicely wiff some rum eh?

Can liberty rogues keels shquiddies? - MB52 - 03-14-2008

They likely don't have the passcodes to activate the gate anyways.

Can liberty rogues keels shquiddies? - One.Eyed.Eddie - 03-14-2008


How does the order gits in thar then?

Can liberty rogues keels shquiddies? - Reverend Del - 03-14-2008

Rogues in Alaska? No, no reason, there's no traders there, no money to be made, Rogues are pirates and thugs not squid hunters.

Can liberty rogues keels shquiddies? - One.Eyed.Eddie - 03-14-2008

oo says theyz just stinky poirates? The outcasts ave uses for em no?

Can liberty rogues keels shquiddies? - Othman - 03-14-2008

No need for rogues to venture out to such a risk while there are haulers busy in the trade lanes, save such a marginal or exceptional RP case.

Can liberty rogues keels shquiddies? - MB52 - 03-14-2008

' Wrote:Hic!

How does the order gits in thar then?

They shouldn't go through the gate, as they shouldn't have the passcodes. If this server was RPed properly, the only ships able to go through would be SA and LSF (high command)

Can liberty rogues keels shquiddies? - One.Eyed.Eddie - 03-14-2008

roity then.. I dun read this ere' stuff on me console an seen dat Rougies is highly organised, key Allies of the Outcasts...

Then oi reads with the order that they is very focused on keepin the Squiddie worlds under control...

It makes sense then that in Liberty, rougies would help em with Squiddies an RUM THIEVEN Liberty Navy swabs!

Oi agrees that the RP story must be roit tho!

yew can't just know what the order is up t' unless y' bin around since the war in '802!

HAR HAR... here a noice one eh?

' Wrote:They shouldn't go through the gate, as they shouldn't have the passcodes. If this server was RPed properly, the only ships able to go through would be SA and LSF (high command)

Must be some secret way in or them Order fellas must hack them codes!