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Local Messages - FuryTerror - 03-14-2008

Is there any update on the local messages. When you try to type one it shows in system chat in a wierd way.
To make myself abit more clear this is what happends: (player name will be ''tester'')

Player types: /l comm test
Display shows: Tes: r: comm test

Now the Tes: is in red with is the name (so it changes the name aswell) and then you see the message (in grey) ''r: comm test'' and that r is the last letter of your own name. So if your name ends with a D it will show d: exept for r:

So whats going on with that local chat, it was great to use because now I have to spam along in system chat because local was my ''quick'' private chat (to tax folks)

Local Messages - Epholl - 03-14-2008

I spoke to an admin today.

Local chat has been turned off.

Local Messages - sovereign - 03-14-2008

' Wrote:Is there any update on the local messages. When you try to type one it shows in system chat in a wierd way.
To make myself abit more clear this is what happends: (player name will be ''tester'')

Player types: /l comm test
Display shows: Tes: r: comm test

Now the Tes: is in red with is the name (so it changes the name aswell) and then you see the message (in grey) ''r: comm test'' and that r is the last letter of your own name. So if your name ends with a D it will show d: exept for r:

So whats going on with that local chat, it was great to use because now I have to spam along in system chat because local was my ''quick'' private chat (to tax folks)

I unfortunately am unfamiliar with comm workings, but I remember someone posting all the commands somewhere. I can't find that somewhere, but maybe someone else knows that; think it might be useful to have around, maybe even pinned somewhere.

Local Messages - ian - 03-14-2008

edit: wow you guys are quick to reply :O

Local Messages - sovereign - 03-14-2008

' Wrote:I spoke to an admin today.

Local chat has been turned off.

Wow. Okay then, that's good to know. Any reason why?

Local Messages - Epholl - 03-14-2008

Confusion. Especially in NY.

Local Messages - Ion - 03-14-2008

it cuts your name short...

if I am on Sawtyss,

i get Saw: s: (insert text)

Local Messages - MrSns - 03-15-2008

Can some one explain to me what local chat is and what its purpase is. and what u can do hear. Cause im really confused:(

Local Messages - Ion - 03-15-2008

previously, if you typed:

/l (insert text)

it would send a private message to all within scanner range

I think they should bring it back... make the text another colour... but thats probably hard coded into the game (damn you microsloth!)

Local Messages - Jihadjoe - 03-15-2008

Local chat can be confusing, but in relatively unpopulated systems like out in the omicrons it can be very usefull.

I want it back.