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allow using cruiser to do piracy... - Printable Version

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allow using cruiser to do piracy... - X-Lancer - 03-15-2008

no wonder why there is almost no one want to do piracy...

example.....i was doing piracy in Sigma-13...and is basicly impossible.....almost all those trader just call in a cruiser or even a BC to kill me.a gunboat have no chance at facing a normal cruiser pilot or a noob BC.....and gunboat can't kill a transport fast because transports have tons of bats and bots.....trader's backup always can make it in time....

how can we fix all this problems?

cruiser and battlecruiser are basicly everyone's 1st choice because battleship is too expensive..

allow using cruiser to do piracy... - Unseelie - 03-15-2008

hmm...voted wrong...should be another no vote in the second box.
I think piracy should be done in groups...or in transports....but I'm weird.
A percheron can chew through a lone trader pretty quickly, and demand worthwhile amounts of cargo instead of just money....give it a basic escort, its a nasty creature....
Pirate train would do even better.

allow using cruiser to do piracy... - Dab - 03-15-2008

Bring cruiser backup?

Just because they call in backup doesn't mean you should pirate in a Cruiser. Also, no bots/batts for traders? Excuse me, but what the heck are you thinking?

First, they are NOT that hard to take down. I have pirated about 9 people in the last 2 days.. Played about 3 hours on my pirate. And I didn't get killed once. I'm getting quite sick of pirates complaining about traders getting away too easily. If I can do it in a Sabre with crappy Luger Ds, you can do it in a GB or bomber.

allow using cruiser to do piracy... - Xing - 03-15-2008

My first thought on this was a big lol.
Silliest idea ever, sorry. No, and no. I am a very succesful pirate in a poorly armored and armed gunboat. I run at battleship and BC.
So, no way because already they stand no chance against a gunboat, a cruiser will just be overkill.

allow using cruiser to do piracy... - X-Lancer - 03-15-2008

' Wrote:Bring cruiser backup?

Just because they call in backup doesn't mean you should pirate in a Cruiser. Also, no bots/batts for traders? Excuse me, but what the heck are you thinking?

First, they are NOT that hard to take down. I have pirated about 9 people in the last 2 days.. Played about 3 hours on my pirate. And I didn't get killed once. I'm getting quite sick of pirates complaining about traders getting away too easily. If I can do it in a Sabre with crappy Luger Ds, you can do it in a GB or bomber.

is not getting away too just so slow to take down their shield and hull while they using bots and bats....and i am just getting sick of ppl basicly just looking for PvP in their cruiser and battlecruiser...and pirate can't do anything except run...:( and where are all those BC or cruiser comes from? for example..Sigma 13..a Kusaris Naval Forces player is defending trader in there...Sigma 13 is a independent space...kusaris should not care, because is not their space..and today i saw a guy in a BHG BC with AW ID..

allow using cruiser to do piracy... - Viktor Renard Zokas - 03-15-2008

You should rent a battlestation to pirate these running traders.

allow using cruiser to do piracy... - Unseelie - 03-15-2008

Pirate in groups.
A decent group of pirates, a lf with cds, a VHF and a bomber, thats 3 torp slots and a cd, pluss each person can carry reloads, and keep lanes killed, and fight off any single cruiser support the trader might bring in.

allow using cruiser to do piracy... - X-Lancer - 03-15-2008

' Wrote:Pirate in groups.
A decent group of pirates, a lf with cds, a VHF and a bomber, thats 3 torp slots and a cd, pluss each person can carry reloads, and keep lanes killed, and fight off any single cruiser support the trader might bring in.

that's a good idea..didn't thought about in group.....may be i should change place....>.<

allow using cruiser to do piracy... - Xing - 03-15-2008

that as well, yes.
Personally I've only met twice escorted traders. dont know where you pirate, because usually they never bother to pay for escort.

allow using cruiser to do piracy... - pchwang - 03-15-2008

I was right about to bite into a cherry danish when I saw this...

the danish is smeared over my face as I type...

No...god no...are you kidding me? Not enough pirates? We have more than enough pirates, first of all. Secondly, it's not that hard.