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To all allies of the Legion des Damned - Printable Version

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To all allies of the Legion des Damned - Outlander - 12-04-2011

[Image: levulpe.png]

**As you may 'ave known, life in Gallia ies a hard and difficult road to traverse, and we must all be wary of those we traverse that road wieth**

**I regret wieth a 'eavy heart that the Corse Famille known as LaBrise, has thrown their last dagger of deceit into our backs**

**We shall no longer accept such when we simply asked for a list of vessels of ours they simply use, and then are smacked in the face and spew such hateful words as they did**

**Onto that note, all LaBrise holdings upon every Brigand and Legione facility 'ave been taken and given to the masses for their crimes**

**To all other Corse Famille's**

**What I ask ies no simple favor, but thies problem must be taken care of ief all of us are to survive...Drive the betrayers from your homes...Clear the skies of their lies...End their line so that all will know the price of such actions**

**To the Council**

**We can no longer accept wolves in sheep's clothing anymore...The LaBrise may 'ave more then likely sold out many of your brave pilots and the locations of your precious few capital craft...We can no longer accept having them around while they continue to stab us in the back and sell valuable information for a shiny franc to any Royalist listening**

**Deny them further access onto your bases...Use force ief only necessary to prevent civillian casualites...I make only thies simple request as a firm supporter of the Council's cause**

**Vrai pour Sable! Vive la Legione!**

[Image: leendbar.png]

To all allies of the Legion des Damned - Echo 7-7 - 12-04-2011

Incoming Transmission...

ID: Garde of the Maquis, Pierre Vorsaine
Location: Grenoble Depot, Dauphine
Comm Image:

[Image: pierre6.jpg]

Bonjour, Legionnaire Felanis.

It has been some time since we last spoke. No doubt you were busy cavorting somewhere while we were off killing people. Each man enjoys life in his own way, non?

To hear that one of the larger Corse families is at odds with Legion is troubling news. However, to be frank, we have been rather isolated lately, and owe neither you nor the LaBrise any favours. Therefore, we cannot participate in such a conflict on the chance we may anger other Corse or Brigand groups.

While you may not find this the best news to hear, we will take your warning to heart, and will be wary of the next dealings we have with La Famille. We have enough enemies in the ranks of the Royalists before we need to start making more in the criminal underworld.

...Transmission Ends.

To all allies of the Legion des Damned - Joneh - 12-04-2011

::: Incoming Transmission :::

Source: Planet Quillan, Languedoc
From: General Gustave Mazuret
To: Vulpe Felanis
Subject: La Famille de la Brise de Mer
Encryption: High

Bonsoir Vulpe Felanis.

I can't say I am pleased by this, but I was kinda expecting it. There is not much we, the Council, can do about this case. But your request seems to be agreeable, although only under a few conditions that you have to obey.

We would kindly ask you and your Legionnaires to keep all the clashes with the family away from our facilities. We do not want any wars happening at our facilities. Also we would ask you not to use our facilities while you are 'dealing' with the La Brise family. You and your Legionnaires still have clearance to dock on our stations, as long as there is not any La Brise family member close, exceptions apply for supply ships such as trading vessels. We just do not want to give the La Brise the impression that we are supporting you against them. We simply want to keep ourselves out of this situation as good as possible.

The La Brise family will lose all docking permissions at all stations of the Council. If you happen to find one of them trying to hack our systems in order to dock on one of our stations, so please inform us about it so we can initiate measures and consequences.

That is all we can do about this matter.

Au revoir.

With regards,
Gustave Mazuret
General en Chef

::: End of Transmission :::

To all allies of the Legion des Damned - Implosion - 12-05-2011

>Incoming Transmission
>Comm ID:Joel Orsini,The Unione Corse
>Digital Signature: [UC]
>Encryption Level:High
>Target:Legion des Damnes
>Message Reads:

[Image: Orsini.jpg]

[font=Agency FB][color=#FFFFFF]You have my full support,monsieur Felanis.
I've been having my fair share of issues with the La Brise from a long time now.
You know where I am,you know how to contact me.
You'll have my undivided attention in case you need something.
Your truly,Joel Orsini.

[font=Agency FB][color=#CC0000][Signal Lost]