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BAF Guard ID/rephack conflict - Printable Version

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BAF Guard ID/rephack conflict - Ursus - 12-04-2011 says

Quote:Cannot ally with any unlawfuls except with the Golden Chrysanthemums or Outcasts

However there is a rephack on GC that forces negative rep. I pay $800k bribe for GC and rep goes green, but as soon as I undock from the station I'm back to -8 red.

Either the terms of the ID are incorrect or the rephack is inappropriate. My hope is that it's the latter. Bribes with the Outcasts work fine so that part is okay. Also, tangentially related, is that bribes with the GC work okay with the BAF Privateer ID. It all points to rephack problem for BAF Guard and GC.

Is it possible to get this fixed quickly? It's severely crimping my plans for a ship I just put together


BAF Guard ID/rephack conflict - McNeo - 12-04-2011

I -think- it's to keep Bretonian Capital ships from using Ainu as a staging point for incursions into Kusari.

The rephack allows BAF Guard ID characters to ally with GC IDd players against Kusari, but it keeps the BAF Guard element around areas where they can base, which at the moment is Leeds. This is why I think it might be to prevent capital ships moving.

BAF Guard ID/rephack conflict - Stefz - 12-04-2011

And rephacks doesn't really have anything to do with RP alliances. See Red Hessian ID and Coalition rep. Even if they are allied, Coalition is red to Hessians.

BAF Guard ID/rephack conflict - Ursus - 12-04-2011

' Wrote:I -think- it's to keep Bretonian Capital ships from using Ainu as a staging point for incursions into Kusari.
I wasn't going to camp that far into Kusari space but I would like to have good relations with the GC in Kyushu