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Enemy Territory - Alley - 12-04-2011

[Image: Fire_raiser.png]
"Success is not measured by what you accomplish but by the opposition you have encountered, and the courage with which you have maintained the struggle against overwhelming odds." - Orison Swett Marden

It was always the same dream. A dream with an outcome she was always unable to change. That dream, was Manhattan under siege, and an orbital strike destroying the apartment complex in which David had his apartment. No matter how fast she tried, no matter which way she took, she was never able to save him. She sat on a half-destroyed edge of the ruined building she was in, and looked at the destroyed apartment complex. She was lucid, she was able to control herself in her dream, but not the events. They were always the same. But as she looked at the sky that was nothing more than a thick layer of ash clouds, she noticed a light becoming stronger and stronger. That light, was nothing more than an orbital strike that was about to strike on her position. Lily didn't had the time to do anything, nor she wanted to. The pain of being dissasembled cell by cell was unbearable, but it hid something much more different.

As she suddently came back to reality, she felt the pain of something that violently struck her left cheek.
"Wake up." she heard a man say.

Lily realised she was handcuffed and, judging by the sound, in a ship cargo bay.
"Who the hell..." she mumbled as she tried to see the man's face.
"J- Joe ? Is that you ?"
"Indeed it's me, Lily."
"What the HELL are you doing ?" said Lily, astonished.
"I'm taking you to where you belong."
"And that is ?"
"To Rheinland."
"Are you serious ? Jesus christ Joe, what kind of bad joke is this ?"
"It's no joke, you'd better shut the hell up now before you piss me off."

She never heard Joe talk to her like that ever before. Him, that was supposed to be her love... It was an almost entierely different person.

Enemy Territory - Alley - 12-05-2011

The situation was much different from what she thought initially. She had a view on the cockpit from her position. The star pattern reminded her of Bering.

"So... 'Joe'." she said, with an ironic tone.
"Didn't I tell you to keep it shut."
"You think I'll give an inch of care about what you say anymore ? Just give me the truth."
"Oh. The 'truth'." he insisted. "What part of the truth do you want exactly ? The part where I had to love you to achieve my mission or the fact that you are amazingly stupid to have never noticed it."
"Likely the part where I asked you if you wanted to spend the rest of your life with me and you said yes."

Joe seemed to have been put off by Lily's blunt answer.

"It's different."
"Different ? What kind of person are you to think you're allowed to play with people feelings ?"
"It's my mission." he continued, on a very calm, monotone tone.
"WHAT GOD DAMN MISSION !" yelled Lily.
"I'm a BDM Agent. Unofficially."
"So everything... your whole life, everything you've told me... it was all a lie ?"

He sighed. Lily had a point, and he knew it.

"Not everything. My parents did die when I was young. But I've never been to an orphage. When they died, I ran to the streets, afraid, like any children would be. These three rogues that had murdered my parents were after me, and they caught me. Obviously they were planning to kill me as well, to make sure no one knew what happened."

He paused for a moment.

"Out of nowhere, they got shot, and the three dead bodies fell on the floor. It was two Rheinlander spies. Katja and Hans. They maybe were spies, but they had a heart. In the end, they took me under their wing, and I realised to what extent our system was corrupt, and I asked them how I could contribute to making Liberty a better place."

Joe looked at the Eagle shaped insigna he had in his hand.

"Then they died. Assaulted by a LSF Squad. But they've never found me. And now it's time, to make sure the death of that second family I just had started to have will not have been gone to waste."

"Cool story. You're still one hell of a god damn bastard."
"I never expected you to understand when I'd have to explain you."
"After all we lived ? All the sacrifices I did to stay with you ? Spend time with you ? No, I won't understand. You could have told me. We could have worked through this together."

"It's my... mission." he repeated, still with this very calm and monotone tone.
"Yeah whatever."

Enemy Territory - Alley - 12-06-2011

Lily heard a familiar voice in the ship comms, she recognised Defmir's voice, threatening Joe at first, then trying to reason him. She wondered what Joe meant with "let's discuss about that on the other side, it'll give you a chance to see your previous home again." and calling her Drum before they entered the jumphole to Hamburg. It was a name she never heard before, but at this point, Joe may have become completely delusional she thought.

Lily felt better to know she wasn't alone. However, she never suspected Joe to speak german in his communicator, and even less receive a reply in german. Could he have been honest for once as he revealed her his true identity ?

As she managed to stand up, still handcuffed, she began sneaking in direction of the cockpit while Joe had his attention focused on keeping control of the situation.

Enemy Territory - Alley - 12-06-2011

Unexpectedly, she began heading Defmir talking again in the comms. Lily waited for Joe to reply to Defmir. He seemed to be so confident about the situation. Was everything really planned as he claimed, or was it pure madness ? What she didn't know, is that Lucia Defmir wasn't alone trying to save her, in what was purely enemy territory now. David was here as well. This, was the time she could change the situation before it was over for her.

"Denton, think this through. The BDM are an efficient group." said David in his comms, trying to reason Joe himself.
"It's all thinked. It's my mission."
"If you've got ties to them, they'll know what you're doing. You have no way of keeping Lily out of their hands."
"I will. My mission is all that counts."

Joe used the diversion caused by the Battleship to engage his cruise engines, but David had not given up yet. As Joe approached the New Berlin jump gate, David Hale managed to make his way back right on his tail.
"You're a fast one, Admiral. How about you just get back to your-."
"Just shoot it David ! JUST SHOOT IT !"

Lily felt the power and knockback of another jumphole or jumpgate use. She tried to take a peek at the cockpit to see where they were. What she saw, was no more than a Rheinland Battleship next to them. She tried to remember the system maps, hoping to see a planet or something that could help her to guess her location. She kept searching and searching again but never found anything. All she found was the sound of her heartbeat being stronger and stronger each time in her head.

"Keep it shut, I don't want to have to hurt you, Lily."

She knew David wouldn't be able to use the jump gate immediatly, as he needed to wait for the codes to be hacked. But one person already had these codes. That very same person that she thought was a monster that came from the void and was going to destroy what was left of her family. That very same person, that no matter what Lily did, was always here and willing to save her no matter the cost.

"Losing my patience..." evenly said Defmir.
Lily thought Joe may have been able to engage his cruise engines before Lucia had been able to get in range to disrupt him. It was now her mission to contribute to the fall of this monster Joe was.
She quietly stepped up the few steps leading to the pilot cabin, and fought with Joe on his seat, attempting to make him unable to maneuver. Lily tried to hit the control panel to force the ship to exit the lane.
"Get the... hell... away from the commands you bitch." said Joe, as he was struggling to fight Lily and keep control of the ship at the same time. As Lily finally managed to hit the button, the ship exited the lane. Joe used this moment of distraction to push her violently away from the seat, throwing her like a trash bag to the back of the ship, making Lily dizzy as her head hit the floor first.

She couldn't hear what was happening, nor see her surroundings clearly as she felt a terrible pain coming from her forehead. As she regained control of herself, Lily heard a few metal creaking sounds, and noticed the ship shaking. Defmir was attacking the ship. She hid behind the crate where she was previously, hoping Defmir would suceed. She thought she would prefer to die rather than being taken prisoner by monsters.

Things didn't go as she expected. Against all odds, Joe managed to complete the docking procedure with the planet. A planet that was... New Berlin.

Enemy Territory - Jihadjoe - 12-06-2011

The escape from the New Berlin system hadn't been easy. They'd made too much noise, but he didn't really care. Everything seemed unreal, somehow fake. He sat in the kitchen at his Los Angeles home, dejected, his head in his hands. A peice of paper was on the table infront of him.

"Her new address" he muttered "I was meant to go and see her tomorrow. Check the new place out."

His mind raced back over the events in Rheinland, looking for ways he could have changed it, made it different, but it was no use. A calming hand rested itself on his shoulder.

"You'll go there anyway and turn the place inside out... Tear down the walls if you have to."

He nodded slowly, not moving his head from his hands, appreciating the reassurance given by a simple gesture.

"I left people watching her Fel... Good people. Trusted." He paused. "I wonder who's brother it was we killed. That pilot, the one who tried to stop me leaving. Who's husband, father, brother, uncle, son... Who was he?"

"No... no no... Don't do that, you gave him his chance. It was his own choice." came the responce.

David stayed silent for a while and closed his eyes.

"Wasn't Lily's choice though was it... Wasn't Danny's choice either. Can't let it happen again." He stood up, grabbed the peice of paper and made for the door. "Lets move."

Enemy Territory - Jihadjoe - 12-08-2011

It was a new apartment block in a cosmopolitan area of Manhattan. 'It suits her' he thought as he walked in through the lobby and over to the porter's desk.

"I need the key to apartment eighty-seven."
"Miss Hale's place?" the fat porter responded enthusiastically. David's heart sank. The building's porters shouldn't just be handing our her name like that.

"Yes, Miss Hale's place." he said quietly. "And I suggest you don't advertise that name too loudly."
"Well, I can't just give you the key-codes without her consen- "

David interupted the porter, showing him his Liberty Navy ID papers. The overweight man paled a little and turned around silently, retrieving the card a filing cabinate behind the desk, then handed it to Hale.

"There you go Mr Hale sir. Can I just say, it's an honor, sir."

David turned and walked off towards the elevators. A minute or so later he was standing outside the door to his sister's apartment. He pushed the key-card into the lock and swung the door open, stepping inside.

Flicking on the light, he stood and blinked for acouple of seconds as his eyes adjusted.

"What the hell?" he muttered... The desk was littered with books and papers, boxes were strewn across the floor, filled with Lily's possessions. 'Only just moved in.' He allowed himself a slight chuckle. His sister had never been the tidiest of people, and the familiarity of what he'd called 'Lily-clutter' when they were young gave him a sense of homeliness he'd lacked.

He sat at the desk and looked around, picking up a picture-frame next to her computer. "Dan... I remember that... Mom took the photo." He stared at it for a while, lost in memory. 'I look young' he thought to himself. He closed his eyes, a memory of simpler days flowing through his mind, before Danny's disappearance. He put the picture back on the desk and looked around again.

He glanced up at the board in the wall.


Two x-ray photographs of a man's torso, a series of tendrils wrapped around his organs and down his spinal column. "Infected..." he whispered as he took a series of photos. Hale sat down in at Lily's desk again and started looking through the folders left scattered across the top. Liberty navy related for the most part, some training notes, details of an operation in Omicron Minor. Then something specific caught his eye.

"Versalife Multinational... " He flicked through the pages of the folder quickly, scan-reading through for anything useful. "Bob Page, CEO... Wait. Miller mentioned him..."

He emptied the contents of the folder, folded the papers and placed them in his jacket pocket before standing up again and turning around.

"What the hell was she up to?"

He glanced around the room once more, looking for anything he might have missed. A painting hung at a slight angle, he moved over to straighten it, removing it from the wall.

'... what? She could have hidden it better.' He pushed the button and looked around as a bookcase slid aside.

Enemy Territory - Jihadjoe - 12-08-2011

Some hours later David Hale was sitting at his desk in his own appartment near Fort Bragg on Manhattan, looking through the photos he'd taken of the inside of the room Lily had taken such trouble to hide. It didn't look like it had been disturbed by anyone since her disappearance, so he'd simply locked it back up and disabled the button on the wall.

"She's building a freaking armory for herself..." he muttered as he glanced through the photos one more time. LSF equipment mainly, but a good amount normally reserved for the Marine Corps. "How the hell did she requisition this stuff?" He looked over the a photo showing a rack of rifles, and a large box containing an armoured combat suit normally reserved for LSF personel.

Hale sighed to himself and put the photos down. He leant back in his chair, closed his eyes and rubbed his forehead. This was too much. He stood up and walked into the kitchen and poured himself a glass of wine before sitting back down at his desk.

"Versalife." The name rang in his memory. Miller was obviously involved with them in some way, and as a result the nomads weren't too far behind. That'd explain the x-rays, but why was Lily looking into this stuff? He worked back through the chance encounter with Kate Miller, when she's broken into the same apartment he was currently sitting in.

"She wanted me to meet Page. She wanted to give us the Tundra back... Versalife's a cover for them." He thumbed through Lily's notes on Versalife, noticing a chemical formula, circled in red pen. "Hmm..."

He put the notes down again and started to prepare a long-range transmission.

Enemy Territory - Alley - 12-09-2011

Meanwhile, the Camara was flying in New Berlin, heading to the location where Lily would be kept as a special guest, or rather detainee.
Lily wondered why Joe took no precautions or tied her somewhere in the ship. He seemed so sure that she wouldn't try anything, but she had proved him wrong while they were on orbit, being shot at by Defmir.
At this very moment, Lily realized she had nothing to lose and the help she used to have was now gone and unable to help her in any way. It was time, she thought... time to put an end to this. She slowly walked toward the back of the ship, trying to make as little noise as possible.

"We're almost there Lily."
"Oh yeah ?"

At this very moment, Lily gave a kick in the emergency override button that was located at the back of the ship, opening the rear door. Joe rushed out of his seat to see what was going on, and noticed Lily next to the rear door, her hair blowing in the wind.

"Don't do this Lily ! LILY !"
"Just go to hell, will you ?"
"LILY !"

Lily jumped off the Camara as Joe tried to grab her before she did. She could hear Joe yell while she fell, but in the meantime, she noticed the Camara was heading straight toward a massive skyscraper.

Still aboard the ship, Joe couldn't realize what had just happened. He lost everything he had worked for for the past ten years, and he could never do it again now. As he turned to head back to his cockpit, he saw the big shape of the building becoming bigger and bigger each second. He began running toward the cockpit, hoping he could get his hands on the controls before the collision and deviate the ship. He never had the time to.

Still falling, Lily saw the Camara crash into the building, with a massive explosion.
'I guess it's one of these days...' she thought. Thing is, she knew she had not much time left. The floor was getting closer each time she looked down. There was no escape, even less when you are handcuffed.

Enemy Territory - Alley - 12-12-2011

It seemed to be a dream again. But this one was different. After months, finally it was a different dream... but one she didn't knew how to prepare herself for. She was in a white corridor, full of doors. There was an awful background noise, made of a constant loud bass sound and several high pitched sounds that sounded like medical equipment beeping to her.

Lily tried the door that was on her left. Interestingly enough, it was locked. She tried the one on her right. It opened, revealing a white room with no distinct borders, two seats and a table. One man was sitting in one of the two seats and seemed to be in an utmost serenity. The door dissapeared behind her as she walked in, it's only when she sat in the opposite seat that she recognised Danny.

"... D... Danny ?"
"Hey Lily, it's been quite some time."
"Why is that dream doing this to me..."
"Lily." he said, slowly inspiring as he seemed embarassed "It's not a dream."
"Do you have any idea... just one bit... of the pain it is to see you... after everything I've learned... and the lies about your death they made up."
"Relax Lily. You knew it was coming after what you did on that ship. David will be proud of you, just like I am. You gave your life to put an end to the machination of a mad man. You too, you are an honor to the family name."
"It can't end like that... not in that way... not now !" yelled Lily as she slammed her fist on the table in anger.
"I've been through that, I understand what you feel."
"No. No you don't."

[Image: svOeI.jpg]

She suddenly came back to reality. "No you don't." was what she said as she woke up. She felt as if she was stuck between two worlds for a second, before noticing a man that approached her. "Well, you're an agitated one, ja ?"

She looked at the man in an oppressive silence. He was old, in his seventies she thought, dressed poorly with a beard and a mustache.
"I saw you fall in ze pit... It's not everyday someone ends in ze sewage system heh. You're lucky it was full. Well let's say it could have been worse, I don't know from how high you fell but you were for sure lucky to make it out with only a broken arm. I had to change your clothes as well... I don't think anyone wearing a Liberty Navy uniform would last long here on New Berlin so I burned it too just incase. What you're wearing right now... it's stuff that belonged to my wife. She was slim just like you. For a second you even looked like her you know."
Lily cut him as he was about to speak. "I don't know you but... Thanks. I'm glad it was someone like you and not the military."
"No need to worry about that. The Military and the Polizei never come around here in the slums, even less in the Meerschweinschen District." he finished, smiling. "There's a bottle of water and a cup right here, I'll go outside and try to find us something to eat. Don't expect it to be a feast... but it works. My name's Hans by the way."

He smiled again before closing the door leading outside, wearing a ragged trenchcoat and a bag. Meanwhile, Lily went back to sleep.

Enemy Territory - petko - 12-13-2011

The traffic throughout Berlin stretched for miles, as always expected in this part of the city overcrowded areas are a common sight and also a perfect opportunity to blend in for those seeking to avoid unnecessary attention. Snowing once again'€¦ a familiar view for our wanderer, somewhat different that the annual blizzard though, it is intense and a feral with razor sharp winds that kept disturbing the slow advance of the Sabre. Visibility is nearly zero, the only thing that navigated the proper course are the sensors which desperately struggled to set aside the seemingly endless cityscape from the vast amount of crafts.

First stop is perfectly clear, get to the world-wide famous crash site as the rest of Sirius already knew about it. That however, is where the easy part ends and the blind search for the needle in the sack of hay begins. To our heroine'€™s surprise the military haven'€™t sent any investigation parties, neither have there been any reports of survivors after the crash itself. Ignoring the minor details always did make rheinlanders predictable and easy to slip by, she thought.

There were numerous rumors abroad, terrorist attack, an act against political campaigns, even waging grudges between crime lords about blood money, each more bizarre and ridiculous than the other. At last the Sabre managed to wobble its way to the bank, the pilot repeatedly watched the recording of the only '€˜'€™casualty'€™'€™ in this '€˜'€™unfortunate'€™'€™ incident as the reporters put it. No body was found which also meant assuming a person is dead and closing the case is a tantalizing option for the federal police. Typically that'€™d be the easiest way to get by in Rheinland since the house is in dire state, completely drained dry from all the conflicts and wars.

A quick scanner sweep of the area provides the necessary information about the exact surrounding'€™s design. Synching the recording with the acquired data an approximate trajectory is calculated which leads our wanderer to a somewhat relief. Her search may not be in vain as the calculations suggested her target fell into the sewers, supposedly the water could have broke the fall enough for Lily to survive. Upon a closer look the sewer system limited her area of investigation by a great deal, but it also led to two outcomes: Drowned or froze to death. It was colder than the devil'€™s heart, folk ran through the streets desperately trying to get to their homes as if there's no tomorrow Despite her wearing the old trustworthy mercenary suit and its interior system to control the body temperature she could feel the chilling wind running down her spine. Surviving the merciless weather when you'€™re soaked'€¦ she took a deep breath which turned into steam nearly resembling crystal dust.

Putting a trench coat to mask herself with the indigenous folk she continues onward by foot to the sewage system.