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Transmission to the leadership of the Red Hessian Army - Printable Version

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Transmission to the leadership of the Red Hessian Army - Yoko - 12-08-2011

Incoming transmission...
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... Complete.
Opening transmission...

Transmission open.

Communicator Identification:
Yoko Mori
Target Identification: Red Hessian leadership

voice transmission...

H- hey. Introductions, first. As you can s- see, my name's Yoko Mori. I'm a bit of a w- wanderer and - I like to think - a righter of wr- wrongs. I'm not about to tie myself down, but some bad guys need to die. I m- may as well get paid to do it.

So a bunch of Hessians helped me out earlier. I'm kinda surprised Rheinland at- ttacked me like that for no reason other than I w- was just sitting there. Clearly, more's going on h- here than I know. I've h- heard a little about y- your movement, but you've interested m- me more. So mind filling me in on what's going on down here in Rheinland?

Transmission ended.

Closing transmission...
... Closed.
... Repacking...
... Saving...
... Transmission stored in archives.

Transmission to the leadership of the Red Hessian Army - Blodo - 12-09-2011

[Image: Photo-hoerst.jpg]

Message to: Yoko Mori
Comm ID: Gunther Hoerst
Location: Freital, Omega-11

Guten tag.

So you wish to know more about the Hessian movement? I reviewed your file and your appear to be a mercenary. You claim to have a cause you follow nonetheless. The Red Hessian movement is also based around ideals: of freedom, equality and justice. An ideal of a state where you cannot simply buy power, and where corporations are just as accountable as everyone else. We've been fighting for over 100 years now against the fascists of Rheinland's Nationalpartei, who are in control of the state. We've been fighting against them, and their enablers; Daumann and Kruger. Eventually, we'll be victorious and will remake Rheinland into the free, democratic and equal state that it was first envisioned as by the first of the Bundschuh.

It might take a lot of fighting to accomplish that, but we're willing to pay the price in blood. If you want to help, I'd suggest making yourself familiar with our informational pamphlet.


Transmission to the leadership of the Red Hessian Army - Yoko - 12-09-2011

Incoming transmission...
... Unpackaging...
... Decoding...
... Decrypting...
... Disinfecting...
... Complete.
Opening transmission...

Transmission open.

Communicator Identification:
Yoko Mori
Target Identification: Red Hessian leadership

voice transmission...

Th- thanks. That's hugely helpful. It fits with the rest of wh- what I know, too.

You s- say I'm a mercenary. W- well, technically, yeah. That's how I'm registered. I have to make a living; one c- can't eat good deeds, and freedom w- won't keep my ships running. But that's what I'm for: freedom. I'm f- free, myself; free of ties, free of control, free of oppression. I don't like seeing other people who a- aren't.

The opposite of freedom is f- force. All crimes involve using force against someone. In fact, the only time u- using force isn't a crime is when it's t- to stop someone else from using force in a bad way. That's where I c- come in. I use force against the force-users. I d- don't like it, but someone's g- gotta do it. It's the right thing to do.

Lot of people th- think there's no such thing as right and wrong. Most of them're just using that as an excuse for being ev- vil. I help those I can be better. It's their own choice, th- though, ultimately, and if they choose evil, damage control's all I c- can do.

I'm k- kinda curious on one more p- point, though. What do you think of th- the Unioners? I m- mean, what exactly do you think of them, not j- just how you treat them.

Transmission ended.

Closing transmission...
... Closed.
... Repacking...
... Saving...
... Transmission stored in archives.

Transmission to the leadership of the Red Hessian Army - Blodo - 12-09-2011

[Image: Photo-hoerst.jpg]

Message to: Yoko Mori
Comm ID: Gunther Hoerst
Location: Freital, Omega-11

It's very simple. The Unioners had their mistakes, they've solved them since. Those that they didn't solve were solved for them. We plan to support them, even if some of their actions might be questionable. That's all I am willing to say on the subject for now.
