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Junkers survey report: - Printable Version

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Junkers survey report: - AeternusDoleo - 12-09-2011

// This post is intended as an IRP prelude to the 4.86 miningmod changes - To inform your faction of where resources of interest are within it's operational area.

Scrap and recycling trade report, Sirius-wide:
An old show from Sol had a saying that comes to mind these days. "War is good for business." This is more or less the case for us, as we don't get involved but often reap plenty of salvage. A busted gunboat here, a wrecked transport there. This offers us a new business opportunity.
While our legitimate operations have always revolved around selling plenty of plain scrap, in large quantities, the conflicts up in the Taus and between Liberty and Rheinland are creating a shortage of ship parts Sirius wide. This offers us the chance on salvaging specific parts of wrecked ships and cargo that can be refurbished. We can then turn around and sell those to parties who need parts that don't appear on any cargo manifest, and have the knowhow to refurbish existing parts.
There are plenty of locations that still have a good supply of potential secondhand gear: Yanagi in Sigma 13, the Scarborough field in New London - if you know where to look. And there's always Texas, where the existing scrapheaps are only growing with the current war going on. Potential customers would be the Maltese, the Cretans, and perhaps the shipyards of those Independent Miners.