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The Scarman Enigma - Printable Version +- Discovery Gaming Community (https://discoverygc.com/forums) +-- Forum: Role-Playing (https://discoverygc.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=9) +--- Forum: Stories and Biographies (https://discoverygc.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=56) +--- Thread: The Scarman Enigma (/showthread.php?tid=7004) |
The Scarman Enigma - |Scarecrow| - 03-16-2008 2023 EDIT To any new readers, thank you for clicking on my thread. This story is the last in a trio that were written well over fifteen years ago, across the Evolved and Shattered Worlds mods, and finally ending here on Discovery. Please be aware that some of my writing from that time presents, depicts, and infers themes and ideas that I would no longer consider acceptable today. However, I will not be editing them to fall in line with my modern standards. I believe the writing holds a place in my development, and I will wear it as such. As this story was not concluded, I'd like to finish it off - for anyone interested. My new posts begin on page eight, all with a 2023 time-stamp. Thanks, and please enjoy! |Scarecrow| - - - THE SCARMAN ENIGMA Part 3 of the continued events from the Freelancer Evolved and Freelancer Shattered Worlds communities. This story takes place a short while after the events of 'The Reunion' Santa Rosa: Montgomery Village Shopping Centre Los Angeles Capital California System Marcus Scarman, Thomas Serov and Victoria Wade strolled through the large shopping complex, keeping themselves to themselves and generally admiring the scenery around them. The sun filtered down through the large glass egg shaped covering that hung between the complexs two main buildings. Its curvature distorted the light and sent strange yet wonderful shapes dancing across the tiled flooring. The three of them had been sent down to the planets surface in order to mingle with society and spot any obvious differences to the way things were back in their home dimension. With them now being in a parallel universe, certain things were bound to be different from what they had known before. For a start, all of the shops are different, Marcus said as they walked along the main concourse, past an elegant statue-fountain of a woman holding a drape. Hardly a major factor, Victoria giggled as she stopped to look outside one of the stores. Since their fallout on board the Avalanche, the two of them had been at ends to each other. As time had gone by however they had dropped their guards and warmed to each other once more. Marcus however found himself continuously reminded of his family back home, be it from his conscious or from his ever prying friend Lucas. The shop Victoria had stopped by was a clothes store, sporting many elegant dresses and other fashionable female clothing. Come now, Serov chided, A big flowery thing like that is hardly appropriate for a hardened boarding marine. A girl can dream, Victoria turned away, shielding her eyes from the sun. Its so much like the one back home, Yeah it is, Marcus said as he looked out across the masses of people swarming the shops. Me and Thomas had a run in here once with some gunmen, you remember? How could I forget, I met Carmen that day. Marcus chuckled as he remembered that fateful day when he and Tomoko had bumped into a distressed Thomas Serov. The events that followed seemed now like just one of the many action filled days of his life. Oh look, Marcus said, walking across the concourse through the throng of people. Victoria gave Thomas a sidelong glance, her expression showing exasperation. Hes going to get us discovered if he keeps on doing things like that, Robert should keep him on a leash, Victoria started laughing as the two of them made their way across the mall after Scarecrow. They found him stood at the window of another store, admiring a rotating column of sunglasses. Several of the pairs looked a lot like his tatted old pair of anti-flash specks. Could use a new pair, He said, looking up as Serov came to stand next him. His gaze trailed off however and a solemn look fell across his face. What Marcus? Thomas turned around, looking into the crowd. What is it? There, Marcus pointed with his finger at a commotion occurring at the centre of the concourse. Before Thomas and Victoria could get a proper look however, Marcus had moved between them and was pushing his way through the crowd, towards the uproar. Christ, what is it now. They followed him tentatively, trying to keep their heads down. Marcus broke free of the crowd just in time to see the youth he had spotted making off with an old womans hand bag. Hey, He shouted over the noise around him. No one had noticed the old woman as she tried to grab the youth. He skilfully darted around her however and made off into the crowd. Marcus caught up with the old lady quickly and rested his hand on her shoulder. Which way did he go, He asked, peering into the masses of faces. The old women, too shocked for words, pointed a shaky finger in the direction of a coffee store. Marcus set off without a seconds hesitation, elbowing people out of the way as he went. He caught a glimpse of the boy breaking through a fire door and sprinting away, out of sight. Marcus broke free of the crowd and hurtled through the door after him. The thief tore around another bend, knocking over a stack of boxes before vaulting a fence. He cleared the mesh and landed in what looked like a staff car park. Air cars and other wheeled vehicles rested in parking spaces around the wide concrete space, giving the boy cover and obstacles to keep in between him and his pursuer. Marcus easily cleared the boxes and the fence, using his momentum to carry him through the air. He hit the floor hard and fell into a roll, sliding back up onto his feet instantly and continuing the chase. Thomas and Victoria crashed out of the fire door at that moment, just in time to see Marcus run off into the car park. Damn him, Victoria said, catching her breath. Come on, we can head them off at that entrance. She pointed across the yard to a set of double doors that led back into the shopping centre. What is it with this place, Thomas said despairingly as they set off. The thief had managed to gain some distance between himself and Marcus. Scarecrow ran as fast as he could, vaulting over the bonnets of parked cars and hopping over rows of speeder bikes. The youth was heading for a set of double doors that lead back into the complex. If Marcus was quick enough, he would be able to catch him before he could merge with the crowd inside. He sprinted faster, dodging a reversing air car as it slid gracefully backwards out of its parking space. Hey watch it! The driver shouted through his window as Marcus carried on running. By now, the thief was almost at the doorway. Damn, Marcus breathed as he ran along a length of parked vehicles. At his present speed, he would miss the youth entirely and lose him in the crowd. The boy arrived at the doors and hit the open switch, cursing as the twin glass doors took their time in shifting. As soon as the gap was large enough for him to get through, he quickly made his way in. Looking behind him to see where his pursuer had got too, he had no time to react when a large man wearing tan combats took him out with a neat close-line manoeuvre. The boy fell to the floor backwards as the mans meaty forearm met his larynx. The old womans bag flew from his grasp and he collapsed on the harsh marble floor, choking and winded. Victoria neatly caught the bag as it arced gracefully through the air, being careful not to spill any of its contents. Marcus skidded to a halt just inside of the doorway, gasping for breath. He crouched by the side of the criminal and looked directly into his eyes. Shouldnt steal, He breathed, Wrong. Jesus Marcus, you need to get into shape. Thomas said as he stood over their captive. Thanks guys, Marcus stood up and took the bag from Victoria, And hey, Ive been out of practise. Sitting on a command deck for months on end doesnt do your physique any merits. Serov just chuckled and stepped aside as the old woman caught up with them, a look of sheer joy on her face. Oh, thank you, thank you so much. She took the bag from Marcus and delved into it. Oh thank God, all of my credit chips are still there. Are you alright maam, Victoria asked, placing an arm around the old ladys frail shoulders. He didnt hurt you? No, the ruffian just stole my bag. The old lady gave the grunting thief a surprisingly sharp kick on the shin. He moaned some more and rolled over, presumably still winded from Serovs vicious take down. You should work for security, Marcus joked as Serov dragged the youth to his feet. Suits you, You are joking right, Thomas gave Marcus an incredulous look. Security is such a mundane field. Thank you again sir, The old woman chirped after searching through her bag. Ill definitely be voting for you, such a kind man. Marcus halted for a moment, staring at the old woman with uncertainty. Excuse me? In the polls, The old lady gave him an innocent smile, Ive never known a politician take so much care in his people, you truly are a wonder. Im sorry, Im not sure I follow you. Marcus scratched the back of his head, You must have mistaken me for someone else. I dont think she has Marcus, Victoria said, trying to hide a grin. Look, She pointed across the wide concourse, past the masses of shoppers and stalls. Marcus face towered down on the people from one of the higher windows. He wore a dazzling grin and his hair was neatly parted to one side. He was clean shaven and the scar that ran down over his left eye had been covered up. He wore an immaculate suit, finished neatly with a dark red tie and the words Scarman for president sat beneath the picture. The Liberty eagle fluttered patriotically in the background along with the old American stars-and-stripes. Marcus couldnt believe his eyes as he stood staring at the larger than life photograph. Serov whistled in admiration and Victoria gave a slight giggle. After a moments stunned silence, Marcus finally found his voice. Oh boy, The Scarman Enigma - |Scarecrow| - 03-16-2008 Liberty Dreadnought Tuatha de Danaan, Location Unknown Lucas Eugene Anderson, I hereby relieve you of the rank of Rear Admiral, Fleet Admiral Robert Merlow paused for effect as every set of eyes in the audience chamber rested on him and Lucas. Lucas stood wearing his full Rear Admirals ceremonial dress, looking as smart as he did dapper. He was nothing on the Fleet Admiral however. Merlow wore his own, personally customised ceremonial dress. His Fleet Admirals uniform carried a sparkling gold trim and gold, tasselled epaulettes that emboldened the navy blue of the fabrics. His Fleet Admirals badges glinted at his neck and his numerous medals hung on his chest. He wore his ceremonial Katana across his back as well as his silver and mahogany finished duelling pistol. And as of this date bestow upon you the honorary rank of Admiral. He finished, grinning widely as he pinned the extra star on Andersons lapel. Congratulations on your promotion. An uproar of applause thundered through the audience chamber as Lucas shook the Fleet Admirals hand, his face beaming with delight. Thank you sir, He said enthusiastically, I promise I will not let you down. I have faith in you Admiral Anderson, Merlow replied jovially. Now go and enjoy yourself in the canteen. He turned to the other Freedom Fighters gathered in the Tuatha de Danaans single function room. That goes for all of you as well, get yourselves off to the canteen and celebrate. There are a number of specialities on tonight! Sir, Lieutenant Commander Joshua Kaye stepped up next to the podium as everybody began to file out of the large room. What is it Kaye, Merlow stepped down from the podium and began to walk across to one of the opposite exits. Arent you going to socialize? I was on my way too sir, but I have something to give you first. The Lieutenant Commander handed Robert a dataslate. A communicae from Los Angeles, from Captain Doyle, Doyle was on Marcus team, Robert mused as he activated the dataslate. What was the name of the ship? The cruiser Yorktown sir, on an espionage assignment. Ah yes, Merlow grinned, espionage. Good work Josh, go enjoy yourself. Ill see you in there sir, Merlow nodded and watched Kaye go before turning his attention to the dataslate in front of him. He activated the unread message and listened intently as he walked down the corridor. Fleet Admiral Merlow, this is Captain Doyle of the Yorktown. Admiral Scarman has told me to inform you of a slight mishap on the planets surface. He says it would be best if he spoke to you in person, but he is at the moment engaged. It is a matter of importance sir, he suggests you bring the Danaan to Los Angeles under cloak. Robert switched off the dataslate and halted at the end of the corridor. He thought for a moment before opening a channel to the bridge. Bridge, Merlow here. Set a course for Los Angeles, maximum speed. Ill be up on the bridge in an hour or two. With that, he deposited the dataslate into his pocket and made his way down the corridor, heading for the canteen. The Scarman Enigma - Sayne - 03-17-2008 I eyed Scarman from across the plaza and put my cigarette out in the ashtray and stood up brushing myself off as I walked down the steps to his level quickly. I wasn't sure if he would recognize me right away or not if I walked past him but I figured it was time I let him know that I was here and that I was watching him closely. I walked close to him eyeing the sign on the plaza and he must have felt someone staring at him. Through the crowd I stared at him and he stared back at me. Serov got a surprised look for a second before setting off to try to catch me. With only a smile I looked back straight ahead as the crowd got thicker and vanished into the crowd. Serov tried catching up but it was too late, I had already mingled back into the crowd. I looked back and saw Marcus talking to Serov who had gone back to the others. He shrugged and shook his head. He hadn't told the other two. The woman looked at Marcus and Serov with confusion. She looked around and glanced at me real quick before talking to Serov again, I vanished through an open door to the outside, vanishing into the city. The Scarman Enigma - |Scarecrow| - 03-17-2008 Marcus stood aghast at the sight before him. Of all the people in the galaxy, his alternate self had to be running for President! He began to feel weak at the knees as people gathered around the small group stood by the doorway. Oh my, is that really him? People were beginning to mutter, giving him puzzling glances. We might have an issue here, Serovs expression was serious as he looked out into the crowd. He was still holding the thief tightly by the wrists. Call security, Victoria said, her amusement fading away. We can take care of this criminal and then get out of here. Mr. Scarman, oh Mr. Scarman, a voice sounded from close by. Marcus spun around to face the newcomer, sill slightly dazed. Congressman, is that you Congressman? The voice came from a short young woman with a mop of curly brown hair. Uh Marcus stuttered as the woman angled a microphone beneath his chin. He caught a quick glimpse of a camera in the audience focusing on him. ****, He heard Thomas curse from behind him. How the hell did the media get here so fast? Forgive me; Im Joanna Williams, CNN. The woman wore a smart navy blue suit jacket and pale blue shirt along with a matching pencil skirt and dark tights. Marcus noticed that she was wearing large heels and came to the conclusion that she was even shorter than she appeared. I was doing a report over there on a new wing of the mall being opened when what do I see, none other than one of Libertys most popular politicians tackling a criminal and helping an old lady, priceless. Listen, Mrs Williams, Marcus began, raising his hands. Thats Miss Williams actually, She said, running a hand through her hair and pouting slightly. Miss Williams then, Marcus gave her an awkward smile. Im not who you think I am, Oh? She looked puzzlingly at him, the camera now evident in the crowd, a red light flashing behind its lens. Marcus had to think quickly. His alternate self was obviously a well known figure and a man of importance. There was no easy way out. Im Marcus brother, Matt. Marcus said quickly, saying the first name that came to his head. Joanna Williams looked stunned for a moment before turning to her camera crew. Roll it Jose, She straightened her suit and looked directly into the camera. Greetings Los Angeles, this is Joanna Williams reporting live from the Montgomery Village Shopping Centre in Los Angeles Capital with a breaking news story. She turned to Marcus and gestured at him enthusiastically. All he could do was look at the camera shyly and wave. Im here with the twin brother of congressman Marcus Scarman, thats right people, I said twin! I was lucky enough to witness first hand the bold acts of Mr. Scarman here as he bravely took down a lowly robber and rescued a little old ladys belongings. Yes thats right, our brave crime fighter stood up in the face of danger and Marcus stopped listening, turning to the others. Twin brother, Victoria gave Marcus a sympathetic look, Good luck with that one mate, Damn it Edge, we dont have time for sarcasm. This is a real problem. Thomas, get into contact with the Yorktown and tell Doyle of our situation. Victoria, get a damn security guard for that bastard. He pointed at the thief still groaning in Serovs hands. Thomas let go and the man fell back to the floor. She didnt even get the story right; it was me who took him out. Youre not the would-be presidents twin brother, Marcus gave Serov a withering look. Get Captain Doyle, quickly. But what is the real story here? No my good viewers, not our heros brave moment, but the question of his blood ties. Matt Scarman, can you tell us why your brother has never spoken of you in the past. Marcus was turned forcefully back around to face the camera. Everyone in the crowd looked at him expectantly as he frantically thought of something to say. Well, He began tentatively, We decided it wouldnt be good for his campaign, having a twin brother, things might get confusing. He smiled hopelessly at the camera. To his relief, a squad of armed security guards appeared through the crowd and ushered everyone back, including the press. The lead guard came up to Marcus, holstering his stun baton. What seems to be going on here? Oh, congressman, Im sorry I didnt Please, Marcus raised a hand, Im not Marcus Scarman. You have a security breech here, this man tried to steal from this old woman. Marcus quickly indicated the robber and rob-ee before turning to Serov and Wade and making quickly for the doorway. He stopped however as he saw a look of anger cross Serovs face. He stopped and looked back in the direction Thomas was looking. What is it? Serovs eyes narrowed for a split second before he turned to the others. Its nothing, lets go, the Yorktown has a fix on our location. Quickly, round here. They exited through the glass doorway and walked back out into the car park. Marcus brought his combadge out of his pocket and activated it. Scarman to Yorktown, three to beam up. For a moment the three of them glowed blue as the transporters locked onto them. The next minute they were gone. The Scarman Enigma - Robert Merlow - 03-19-2008 Bretonian Cruiser Yorktown Unknown Grid Location Los Angeles System / Liberty Space Captain Doyle was happy about the new assignment and the new vessel. He was reluctant in accepting the Bretonian Cruiser as his command, but with the offer coming directly from Lady Integra Hellsing of the Hellsing Organization, how could he refuse? He was happy to know that the vessel came with it's own brand of sophisticated technology, not to mention the modifications fitted by the Freedom Fighters. He was awaiting confirmation from the Teleporter Deck, waiting on one of his engineers to confirm the rematerialization of those three special patterns from the pattern buffer. He heard a beep over the comm. "Sir? They've arrived." the voice said. "Good. Tell them I'll be right down there." Captain Doyle killed the line. He nodded to his XO to take over as he walked off the bridge onto the turbo lift. --- Thomas Serov stepped off of the pad, cursing almost immediately, "Goddamn! Who the hell dropped the ball!?" he exclaimed pacing around the small room, "We've never been caught so off guard! Running for President!? Not to mention the fact that we had public enemy number one walking just yards away from us..." Scarman stepped down from the platform, shaking his head, "Not good. Not good at all." Captain Doyle entered the room just in time to witness Serov nearly throwing his Wakizashi across the room, halted only by the entrance of the Captain. "General Serov... What has you so worked up?" he asked tentatively. Serov quickly sheathed his sword, "Sorry Doyle, just a little angry about how re-goddamn-diculous this turned out to be." "What do you mean?" Doyle asked, clearly in the dark. Serov took a deep, shaky breath, "Just watch the CNN. Intel really screwed us over this time." Scarman nodded, "Let's go to the Observation Deck. Our net link should get us some great footage." Victoria simply nodded, "Yeah," she sighed, "It's not looking too good." The four of them left the Teleporter Room, Doyle leading the group to the Observation Deck. As they stepped into the room, the holo-emitters in the center of the table activated, showing the latest report from CNN. "This is Joanna Williams reporting live from the Montgomery Village Shopping Center in Santa Rosa, the Capital of Planet Los Angeles. Just moments ago we found out that Senator Marcus Scarman has a twin brother, Matt Scarman! This rather unexpected development came to light during what seemed to be a normal day here at the Capital's busiest shopping center." "The question on everyone's mind now is: How will this effect Senator Scarman's election? From the looks of things... The report faded into the background as Doyle looked back at the trio standing around him. "Oh, Damn." The Scarman Enigma - |Scarecrow| - 03-20-2008 Marcus, Serov, Victoria and Captain Doyle entered the Yorktowns somewhat cramped seminar room. Doyle shut the door behind them and walked around to sit in the head chair. Victoria and Serov each took seats around the large circular table, but Marcus remained standing. Thomas, what did you mean when you said public enemy number one back there? He asked, looking over at the General. Serov sighed and looked out of the viewport to his left for a moment. He then turned to Marcus, I was planning on waiting until Merlow got here, so I could tell you all. I saw Sayne Jadyn in the crowd. For a brief moment, nobody spoke. Victoria finally broke the silence by turning to Marcus, a worried expression on her face. Isnt he the man who hates you Marcus? Apparently so Victoria, according to his own log I somehow wronged him back on New London, nearly six years ago. Mike Doyle whistled, Thats a long time to hold a grudge, Then I must have really pissed him off, Marcus looked grimly at the Captain. And I have absolutely no idea why. We need to focus on Sayne, Serov began, He is a danger to us all now that he is loose in Liberty. Im sorry to say that you will be his target Scarecrow. We can keep you under a full security detail all the time, Victoria said hopefully. Marcus shook his head, No thanks, I dont want to have a fully armed security detail standing by my bed at night, I can handle myself. Sayne is a serious danger Marcus; we need to put all of our efforts into capturing him. Thomas rapped his fingers on the table, a serious expression across his face. Agreed, but keeping me locked up isnt the answer. Perhaps I could use myself as bait, No, no way Marcus, thats a stupid idea. Victoria interrupted, shaking her head. Hear me out Edge, Marcus continued. If we can learn more about where he is and what his motives are, then maybe we can construct a hypothetical idea of what might be going through his head. Its risky, and it will take a lot of time and thought. Marcus nodded, Yeah, we need to lure him out into the open somehow, but in order to do that; we need to learn more about him. Robert can help us with that, he knows the man more than most of us. We will have to discuss this further once he gets here, but for now I think Im going to have to make a public appearance. Ive pretty much screwed the Marcus Scarman of this dimensions campaign unless we do something fast. Maybe its for the better, Serov joked, You dont know what his policies are. Scarecrow allowed himself a brief grin at his old friends wit. Seriously though, we ought to get in contact with Scarman and explain the truth to him. We can then work with him to put things right. That shouldnt be too much of a problem, Captain Doyle put in, Hell definitely have seen the news reports. Ill place an encoded message on the Los Angeles sub-net addressed to Scarman. He might not be in-system, but hes bound to have lackeys around. Hell be here before you know it. Get right on it Captain, Marcus nodded, he then looked across at Serov and Wade, As for you two, Victoria you ought to get some sleep, its been a long day. Thomas, can you come with me? Sure, Thomas pushed his chair back, ready to get up. Ill see you in the canteen; I have to make a few stops first. Alright, Ill be by the bar. Victoria stood up and made for the door. Can you let me know as soon as the Fleet Admiral arrives, I dont want to be left out of this, Ill make sure, Marcus gave her a reassuring smile before she left the room. Serov watched her go. Youre treading on thin ice mate, Thats what I need to talk to you about, Marcus said, raising his eyebrows. Hurry up with your stuff, Ill be as quick as I can, With that, Serov and Scarman stood up and left the seminar room, leaving Captain Doyle to himself. After a moment, he stood up and exited the room, making for the bridge. The Scarman Enigma - Wilder - 03-21-2008 [DELETED] The Scarman Enigma - |Scarecrow| - 03-25-2008 Lucas Anderson strode down the corridor matching the pace of Admiral Wilder as the two men made their way to the bridge. Lucas wore his brand new Admirals uniform, showing his new stripes proudly. You look comfortable in that uniform Lucas, Jayce commented as they stepped into the turbolift. I feel comfortable, Lucas said before turning to the elevator command unit, Bridge, Just remember that it carries a great responsibility, Wilder continued, Not just to everyone of a lower rank, but primarily to your crew. Im assuming the Fleet Admiral has assigned you to a vessel already? Lucas shook his head, Ive been assigned to watch over the Avalanches repair and refit detail, but Marcus is getting her back once she is brought up to speed. Ive heard word of a new batch of ships going under production, Merlow might have one in store for you, Wilder grinned. Mark twos, Anderson asked, hiking an eyebrow. Yep, matching the spec of the Danaan and her sister ship. Ive been assigned to the Crimson Fury, shes as close as damn it the Avalanche I left behind. Wilder seemed to look past Anderson for a brief moment, as if remembering something deep within him. Its going to be a new crew, Lucas said as the turbolift arrived on deck one, I know it will be hard getting used to them all. Now Im an Admiral myself I assume I will be given a vessel of my own, it will be strange not being aboard the Avalanche. It is different, Wilder said as they stepped out of the elevator, But you get used to it, I had a number of commands back way before I took over the Avalanche, in my home dimension. You get used to them all. Ive had a couple of commands myself, Lucas nodded, But they were all temporary, I always had someone to look up too. You need to get used to being on your own, Wilder advised, punching in his access code and waiting for the entrance door to the bridge to slide back into its berth. As an Admiral, people look up to you. Be it for moral support or advice, you have to be ready. Lucas nodded in understanding as they entered the bridge. The two men stood to attention as Fleet Admiral Merlow spun his command chair around to face them. At ease gentlemen, He said, waving a hand. Weve arrived in the California system and are operating stealth protocols. We will be rendezvousing with the Yorktown shortly. Admiral Anderson, I need you to take a team over to the Yorktown and assume command. I dont have any issues with the way Captain Doyle has handled things, but I need a more experienced hand at her helm for the moment. Aye sir, Lucas saluted smartly. Admiral Wilder, Robert continued, Admiral Scarman and his accomplices are going to make contact with Congressman Scarman, Marcus alternate self in this universe. There has been a major mishap and identity crisis and we cant have the Congressmans campaign jeopardized because of us. If you go with them you can back them up with their story, as for an explanation, we are from another dimension sounds a little implausible. Understood sir, Wilder nodded. --- Victoria sat in the busy coffee house trying to keep her head down. A PCU sat open in front of her, primarily for her own amusement than for anything else. She had been sat in the cramped caf? for the best part of an hour now, the message to the Congressman having been broadcasted a few minutes before her departure from the Yorktown. She tapped idly at the computer units keypad, sighing as she did so. She absently opened a game of cards on the machine and began to play. Falling into the game, she didnt notice the two suited figures enter the caf? and walk around each ends of the room, advancing on her. One went and stood over by a window whilst the other sat in front of her. She jumped as the man sat down in the chair opposite her and held in a gasp. She smiled in relief and sat back, closing the monitor of the PCU. You made me jump there, Captain Wade, The man said emotionlessly. He wore a bland black suit with a white shirt and a matching pair of bland sunshades. He had a wire coming out of his interior jacket pocket which spiraled up to end at a small device inserted into his ear. Victoria also noticed a blaster under his jacket along with several other devices and a palm computer held in his left hand. Thats me, She confirmed, shutting down the PCU and moving it to one side so that the agent could see her rank and insignia. And you claim to be a member of the, The man looked at the palm computer in his hand, Freedom Fighters. Thats true, She said again, keeping her voice as level as she could. Something about him chilled her. Its a long story; if you could take me to your superiors I would be happy to tell them everything. Congressman Scarman is indeed concerned over this new turn of events, but is willing to hear what you have to say. He also wishes to meet with his Brother. That also can be arranged, Victoria nodded, glancing across at the other agent. How far away is the Congressman? Not far, you are lucky he was spending the week in his Los Angeles residence. He would like to see you personally within his own walls. Well, the sooner the better, Victoria gave the man a winning smile, but to no effect. The agent simply stood up, grating the chair across the floor. Victoria shuddered at the noise and picked up her PCU. The first agent halted her however and took it from her. He gave it to the second agent and then began to walk towards the door. Victoria followed, trying to keep her posture as neutral as possible. From what she had seen, these men meant business and certainly didnt back it up with any manners. She held her tongue and followed the first agent out into the street. A sleek back aircar sat parked in the road opposite the caf?. The first agent walked across to it and opened one of the rear doors, gesturing for Edge to enter. She ducked under the raised door and sat down in the back. The other two men got in the front and booted up the aircar. It rose gracefully into the air and sped away from the caf?. The Scarman Enigma - Robert Merlow - 03-26-2008 Astrometrics Lab, Cruiser Yorktown Far Side of Planet Los Angeles California System / Liberty Space "What's her status?" General Serov asked, watching the live feed from the probes they released into orbit. "Looks as though she's heading out from that local cafe in an unmarked vehicle, moving down the Santa Rosa Airlane towards the Fountaingrove Sector of the city," reported Scarman, "My God, the man must be rich out of his mind..." "Yeah. Let's just hope he's not corrupt like another version of you." Serov replied, "I know that we don't need another one." There was a light humming sound behind them, indicating the arrival of people to the Lab. Serov gave a quick glance back, watching three figures exit from the turbolift. "Rob!" he yelled behind him, "About damn time!" Merlow walked toward the holo-table, "Yeah, and I want an update. What's the situation?" "Always down to business, eh Merlow? You're an ass." "And you're wasting time. What is the situation?" Scarman turned around, "Sir, we sent Victoria down to the surface to meet with Senator Scarman. She's currently in an aircar heading towards Fountaingrove." Merlow whistled, "Damn, he must have some money." "Don't hate the money, Rob," Serov retorted, "If I remember correctly, I think we both have quite a sizable credit reserve." Another low hum. From the lift emerged Admirals Wilder and Anderson. They approached Serov and Scarman. Marcus gave Anderson a hug, "Admiral now, eh Lucas?" "I just keep rising up and up," Anderson replied with a smirk. Wilder shook his head, "Gentlemen, when are we going to get under way?" "Once we get the go ahead from Captain Wade," replied Merlow, "We're just waiting on her." The Scarman Enigma - Wilder - 03-26-2008 [DELETED] |