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Stupid - jxie93 - 12-15-2011

(An overly serious tl;dr thread)

The debate - do you think the words below are legitimate?


My arguments:

The general superlative (-est) and comparative (-er) syntax prohibit use with words with more than one syllable (with some exceptions being those which end in a vowel). Examples:

Dumb, dumber, dumbest (normal)
Happy, happier, happiest (exception)
Lucid, lucider, lucidest (violation)

Clearly, the "stupid" and "stupider" are in violation of the rule. I'd be interested to see if you could find a superlative and comparative which is an exception to both cases.

Personally, I'm adamant in denying these two words as legitimate words in the English language. I can't take anyone who use those words seriously. In my opinion, correct usage would be:

Most stupid
More stupid

This is not a grammar argument, it's about semantics and syntax. The goal of this thread is not to decide a legitimate form of those words, but to debate and give your counter arguments. I realise due to popularity and usage they have become acceptable in the modern English language.

Those familiar with literature and linguistics are appreciated.

<div align="right]ps: a heated debate sparked this thread, I'd like to see what Discovery can come up with.

Stupid - Kaghuros - 12-15-2011

Applying Latin grammar rules to a language descended from Gaelic and composed of cultural idioms and loanwords? Who do you think you are, William Bullokar?

Stupid - Maelstrom - 12-15-2011

Well, it's a tough call.

Technically you are right. The proper useage of stupid is more stupid and most stupid. The problem is that languages evolve and devolve. Currently the american english language is devolving. Because of this we end up with words such as aint and stupider. As the youth of the nation ceases to educate itself, the nation and it's language fall apart.

Stupid - Echo 7-7 - 12-15-2011

I agree that "more stupid" and "most stupid" are the best possible expressions.

Stupid - ... kur nubÄ—go? - 12-15-2011

Why should anyone care then it's used for domestic non official law - buissnes - politics related issues?

American enligh already became a whore of a language which actually absorbs everything into itself. Primary because it's used by non native speakers. The goal here is to understand each other and that's it. As long as two or more people can understand each other no-one really should give a **** if language itself is not grammaticly correct.

There is two standpoints from which you can invaluate actuall language. Normative and social-lingvistic. Nromative language says that language should be strict, grammaticly correct and preserved as it is. While social-lingvistic standpoint advocates that language constantly changes and envolves according to people's comfort, needs and wishes.

I'm up for some strictness then language is important part of ethno-lingvistic culture. Where in actuallity you must understand their native langauge to understand that group of ppl. Simple illustration would be that some jokes can not be translated. Or that you can't translate rammstein lyrics to enligh without loosing some of it's meanings. All these diffrences makes a world more intresting and colorful place. And because of this interest to preserve it is fully justfied.

Now then we take american english.. there is no nation there. There is no actuall culture which formed durning the years. That's why there is no need to preserve it. That's why there is no need for this topic all together.

Stupid - Tachyon - 12-15-2011

' Wrote:I agree that "more stupid" and "most stupid" are the best possible expressions.

Stupid - Jamez - 12-15-2011

I agree on both..

..although I have just realised that I have used 'stupidest' in speech a few times.

Like 'that's the stupidest thing I've ever heard' for example.

Basically, I'm destroying my own language ;_; I'm sorry!

Stupid - Agmen of Eladesor - 12-16-2011

This debate is one of the stupidest things I've ever seen.

Which pretty well shows how, in that usage, stupidest is allowed in the language.

This does fit in as well with this argument - should it be: (a) I could care less about what you think; or (b) I couldn't care less about what you think.

Stupidest would mean it was the most stupid thing you've ever encountered - and certainly saying that Harold & Kumar movies are stupider than Jim Carey movies would also fit.

Thus, it fits that those of us who are native American speakers, using our rather bastardized but relatively universal (or at least planetary) language of English, are making the rest of the speakers are the world stupider by the minute, and eventually American English will be the stupidest language on the planet.

Pesky thing, language. (Don't forget that English IS the planetary language, in spite of what you might think, over Chinese - because it's what is used by Air Traffic Controllers around the world.)

Stupid - Crusader4 - 12-16-2011

The Most Stupidest thread I've ever seen.

(Can that be an example of a proper usage?)

and btw, term "stupidest" is not underlined in our browser therefore stupid thread is still the stupidest one around xD

Stupid - Death.RunningVerminator - 12-16-2011

Personally, I believe both forms should be allowed. Though there is a time and place for each form to be used.

If you're surrounded by peers and you're all just chatting, no one will care if you say, "that's the stupidest thing i have ever heard." But if you're trying to make a good impression on a top business partner or something, and you somehow must mention the word 'stupid' it would be better to say 'most stupid' or 'more stupid.'

American English is absolutely disgusting.. It's always been disgusting. Even the original old Shakespearean English. Was that person speaking German, Spanish, French, or gibberish? The English language now a 'days (i would think mostly in america probably) take in many many many different languages and mixes them all up. Sort of like the most popular language in the Philippines (the name eludes me). Their language is a combination of Spanish, English, and their native ones. For instance their 'how are you' is 'comosta.' Much like the Spanish 'how are you' which is 'como estas.'

And it also depends on where you are.. if you are in Northeast America you'll sound really different from a Texan. And if you live in Cali you'll sound different from a 'redneck' living in the highlands of Tennessee.

Hmm... I think I kinda went off on a ramble there. :3