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Need a comparison - Printable Version

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Need a comparison - Veygaar - 12-16-2011

I'd like to get a visual comparison of the front and sides of the Hydra and the Tridente, along with a front and side of both their hitbox's.

Need a comparison - Dashiell - 12-16-2011

Trid hitbox is easy

One big hole where every shot passes through : ))))))

srsly though, I think you d better pm aterneo doleos or summik.

Need a comparison - Veygaar - 12-17-2011

le bump

Need a comparison - AeternusDoleo - 12-17-2011

For 4.86: Hitbox = model skin.

Present time: Oversized image

Hydra has an issue with the crosshair being too far aft. Tridente has a smaller surface area on many profiles.

Need a comparison - Veygaar - 12-17-2011

Mucho thanks, rather large shield bubble for the CR/IMG GB huh....

If I'm seeing this correct, the hitbox is the bubble looking things?

Also: Where to send credits?

Need a comparison - AeternusDoleo - 12-17-2011

No, the bubble is the shield perimiter - but I'm not sure if that shield bubble actually works. The actual hitbox is the shape inside the bubble. However, the crosshair that autotargeting uses does use the center of the bubble instead - for the Hydra, that means anyone targeting by crosshair will shoot a bit to the rear of it. This will be fixed come 4.86.

Tridente's top profile has some gaps in it - so yea, a lot of shots actually pass through the model. I've always wondered about how a ship held together with a few supports has the same amount of hitpoints as a flying brick. Not to mention two extra gun hardpoints...

Credits are unneccesary. Keep em - buy one of the new ships during beta and give it a thorough testing instead.