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Restarting (not) - Printable Version

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Restarting (not) - Pinty - 12-17-2011

To put it short, after more then a year of absence from Freelancer and this fine server I got the "munchies" to play again. So I look up the disk where I saved my old account info, transfer it, start the game and not a moment later I recieve the disconection message and another one, and another one. After reinstalling the game a couple of times and trying again I noticed that my account is banned. Since I know that most of the times accounts get banned due to data modification I figured that my old folder got corrupt or whatnot and as such is lying on the floor in a million lil pieces. The problem now is that my account is banned and since I can't go online I can't PM anyone to get the information on my old pilots.

Any suggestions ?

Restarting (not) - darkxy - 12-17-2011

If you cannot acces nor remember your char names, copy-paste the acc codes/signatures to one of the admins who would be willing to help. (Gheis, perhaps?)

Restarting (not) - aerelm - 12-17-2011

' Wrote:after more then a year of absence...
All the chars on that acc are already gone due to inactivity, which means even if you manage to get it unbanned you'll be sittin and starin at a nice little empty acc. So why bother? Download Discovery Launchpad and make yourself a new account to start playing again.

Restarting (not) - Tachyon - 12-17-2011

If you still cant access the server after making a new account and all post in this thread about your problem.